PhD trajectories at Maastricht UMC+ are aimed at the development of PhD candidates into well-equipped, well-prepared and capable independent researchers. At the end of their PhD, candidates will be able to defend their PhD thesis successfully during the graduation ceremony and function well in an international academic context.

Typical about FHML/MUMC+ research is that it covers the entire continuum from health to disease. The multidisciplinary research is embedded in research lines or divisions within several FHML/MUMC+ research institutes and research departments

All research institutes have their own PhD coordinator and PhD representatives. They are there to inform and support PhD candidates as much as possible and help them to make the best of their time as a PhD candidate. The PhD coordinators and PhD representatives regularly meet in the Faculty PhD Committee. 

Most research institutes have their own webpage(s) explaining their PhD programme. Please check here the PhD programmes of CAPHRI, CARIM, GROW, MHeNs, NUTRIM, and SHE

If PhD candidates experience problems of any kind, they can turn to confidential contact persons within their research institute, or they can contact the independent Confidential Advisor for PhD candidates at Maastricht UMC+. It is also possible to contact a confidential advisor of the Concerns & Complaints Point of Maastricht University.