At FHML/Maastricht UMC+, all PhD programmes are tailormade, and aimed at the development of PhD candidates into capable independent researchers, who will have become experts in their specific research area. Typical about FHML/Maastricht UMC+ research is that it covers the entire continuum from health to disease. The multidisciplinary research is embedded in research lines or divisions within several FHML/Maastricht UMC+ research institutes and research departments.
Every PhD trajectory starts with an admission procedure. The FHML PhD Office (mail), supports supervisors and PhD candidates with some administrative procedures in the research and training phase of their PhD trajectory, using a digital monitoring system: PhD Track. Thus, all PhD candidates have to be registered in PhD Track. The PhD Track coordinator at the research institute can do this.
PLEASE NOTE: From Monday 2nd of December, FHML has introduced new functionalities to PhD-Track, in line with the UM PhD-regulations. This means that as from this date, the FHML PhD Office no longer accepts model letters (1, 2 and 2B), and only processes requests that are sent using PhD-Track.
All research institutes have their own PhD coordinator and PhD representatives. They are there to inform and support PhD candidates as much as possible and help them to make the best of their time as a PhD candidate. The PhD coordinators and PhD representatives regularly meet in the Faculty PhD Committee.
If PhD candidates experience problems of any kind, they can turn to confidential contact persons within their research institute, or they can contact the independent Confidential Advisor for PhD candidates at Maastricht UMC+. It is also possible to contact a confidential advisor of the Concerns & Complaints Point of Maastricht University.
How to become a PhD at FHML/MUMC+
Obtaining a PhD degree at Maastricht University isn't just a study. You'll work on a meaningful research project and gain knowledge. There are three ways to obtain a PhD. More information can be found here.
- Apply for a paid PhD position
- Enroll in an existing PhD training programme
Please note: at FHML there is currently one PhD training programme in the area of health professions education for which a course fee is required and prior knowledge in the area of medical education or health professions education - Obtain external funding and pitch your idea
Please note: as our Faculty has many external PhD students already we will only accept the most serious, talented and ambitious external PhD candidates, who provide their own funds. Some research institutes currently have an application stop.

Starting your PhD
Golden rules for PhD supervisors and PhD candidates
Supervision team and Quality of supervision
Meeting with HR advisor on employment conditions, internal PhDs
Registration in PhD TRACK system
Each PhD candidate, internal as well as external, should complete a Personal Research Plan (PRP) and
a Training & Supervision Plan (TSP) within the first three months in their PhD trajectory and sign a Declaration of scientific integrity at the start of their PhD project.
Scientific integrity committees and documents
UM Scientific Integrity
Research Code Maastricht UMC+
Most research institutes have their own webpage(s) explaining their PhD programme. Please check here the PhD programmes of CAPHRI, CARIM, GROW, MHeNs, NUTRIM, and SHE.

PhD Courses at FHML/MUMC+
The Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML)/MUMC+ offers an education programme for all PhD candidates, funded and not funded that can be found on FHML/MUMC+ PhD Courses.
Please include these or additional courses in your TSP and ask your supervisor(s) for approval to subscribe.
Competence Development for supervisors of PhD candidates ‘BKB’ (only by invitation).

The new PhD regulations
UM Regulation on doctoral degrees and model letters
- Slides information meeting November 2024, in Dutch
- Slides information meeting November 2024, in English
Procedures FHML PhD Office
Please note: From Monday 2 December 2024, the FHML PhD Office no longer accepts model letters (1, 2 and 2B), and only processes requests that are sent using PhD-Track.
Admission procedures and changes to supervision team
- Slides Implementation Admission using PhD Track (in Dutch)
- Slides Implementation Admission using PhD Track (in English)
- PhD Track Manual will follow soon
Composition assessment committee
Send thesis & forms for assessment

Preparation for graduation
End-terms for the PhD trajectory and thesis
Steps to take during the end-phase for admission to the PhD degree
UM Regulation on doctoral degrees and model letters
UM Regulation for publication of theses
Allowance for printing and reception costs
Staff Career Centre
Alumni information: employability/job perspectives

Support and Contact
- List of HR advisors
- Annual assessment interviews
- Guideline extension of contract for internal PhDs Knowledge Centre for International Staff (KCIS; for foreign PhDs)
- Staff Career Centre
- CRISP (Working conditions and safety)
- The Consultative Body (Lokaal Overleg)
- Additional tips on Mental well-being during PhD (CAPHRI)
- Promovendi Netwerk Netherlands
- UM Central PhD Candidates Platform
- Recognition and Rewards