The Innovator’s Legal Clinic (TILC): Think innovation, start with innovation laws

The Innovator’s Legal Clinic (TILCs) is an initiative to promote entrepreneurship and creativity in the Benelux by offering specialized pro bono legal and strategic advice in innovation laws to entrepreneurs, creators, artists and start-ups. TILC is the successor to the Indie Art Legal Clinic and offers a broader scope.

TILCs is a student-led initiative managed by a team of bachelor and master level students under the leadership of Dr. Kalpana Tyagi.

Thanks to our diverse student portfolio comprising of over 20 nationalities in our Advanced Masters Programme in Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management (IPKM) and Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Jean Monnet Bachelor Modules on Intellectual Property in the Digital Single Market), we can offer you advice on different aspects of intellectual property and competition laws across the continents, with particular focus on innovation laws in the European Union.

TILCs is a pro-bono initiative of the intellectual property group of the Maastricht University, meaning that you can benefit from our free legal advice on different areas of intellectual property laws such as patents, trademarks, copyright and related rights and competition law.

The big picture

TILCs is a part of the intellectual property group at the Faculty of Law under the leadership of Prof. Anselm Kamperman Sanders’ Creative Entrepreneurship Initiative. The Creative Entrepreneurship Initiative engages in a diverse array of activities ranging from classes on intellectual property laws (such as the IPKM programme) at our Maastricht campus, specialized programmes and training sessions for government officials at our Brussels campus and workshops for creators and entrepreneurs across the Benelux.

e-TILCs: The viral legal aid initiative

‘When the going gets tough,’……. be more entrepreneurial!

In light of the current situation, where face-to-face meeting may not be possible, we are pleased to inform you that our pro-bono legal work continues uninterrupted. With some extra efforts, and specialized advice from our official partners and TILCs legal board, we have launched an e-TILC initiative. To set-up a meeting go to the end of this page.

Our partners

The Clinic is supported by the law firms VentouxAOMB and Ab Ovo, which provide guidance to our students. Our partner Muziekgieterij provides the venue for TILCs-related events.

Clinic board

Dr. Kalpana Tyagi
Assistant Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Coordinator of TILC

Professor Anselm Kamperman Sanders
Professor of Intellectual Property law, Director of TILC

Dr. Anke Moerland
Associate Professor of Intellectual Property Law

How to reach us

Coordinator and contact person
Dr. Kalpana Tyagi

Faculty of Law
Bouillonstraat 3
6211LH Maastricht
Room 3.315

The Clinic is open every Wednesday, from September to June (by appointment only)

User agreement and terms and conditions

Download our user agreement and terms and conditions.

Are you a student and the University of Maastricht, and have pursed our module on Intellectual Property?
To know more about us, and joint the club click here.

Set up a meeting

Newsletter archive: Friday Fortnightly Intellectual Property and Competition

The Innovator’s Legal Clinic (TILC): Think innovation, start with innovation laws