CRISP is the Centre for Research Innovation, Support and Policy of Maastricht University Medical Center (Maastricht UMC+) and the Faculty of Health,Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) at Maastricht University. Its task is to create and safeguard optimal conditions to perform excellent research within Maastricht UMC+/FHML. Key concepts are support, infrastructure and (policy)advice. We inform, facilitate and advise both managers/directors and researchers.


CRISP has moved

In preparation for the renovation of the UNS50, the south wing of level 1 is currently being cleared. This means that several departments are currently moving, including CRISP. The biological safety officers, the occupational hygienists, accommodation & building management and the facility managers can now be found in UNS40, rooms C4.532-540 (behind the UNS40 lab rooms).
The employees of the radiation protection unit have moved to the second floor of the Van Kleeftoren (MUMC+).

CRISP cooperates closely with the Clinical Trial Center Maastricht (CTCM) in order to optimally support scientific research within the Maastricht UMC+. CRISP and CTCM together form the ‘helpdesk’ where Maastricht UMC+’s researchers can go to with all their questions. See Helpdesk.

CRISP website