Tools & workshops

D&I Education and Social Safety

Are you looking for tools and/or workshops regarding diversity and inclusivity matters? If so, this is the page for you!

Below you can find a variety of tools and workshops, from various platforms, which guide and enable you to become a better ally.

Do you have any additional resources that provide tools or organise workshops? Then please share those with us via email.

YUFE Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity online course

All UM staff and students have the opportunity to take a free online course created by Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE).

The course delves into critical topics such as harassment, bullying, and microaggressions, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to address these issues head-on. Going a step further, the course aims to empower you to be an "upstander," someone who actively stands against discrimination, and to tackle unconscious biases. 

To access the course, please follow these instructions:
✅ Register with 'Open Essex’: , the online platform this course is hosted on. Select ‘Create new account’ at the bottom of the page.
✅ Confirm your account by clicking the link in the email. If you run into issues, please email:
✅ Log into Open Essex
✅ Search for a course titled "YUFE Equity, diversity, and inclusivity (ED&I) and press ‘Enrol now’.
✅ Enrol into the course using your account details via the following link:

*The course takes approximately two hours to complete."

Logo of Young Universities for the Future of Europe

UM Pride Ally Training

A workshop on how to become a better ally for the LGBTQIA+ community

Would you like to know how to better support the LGBTQIA+ community? Are you unfamiliar and unsure about terminology? Do you want to know how to make your language gender-inclusive? Do you want to learn about the queer community, but don't know where to start? Come join our workshop on how to be an LGBTQIA+ ally!

During this training, you will learn more about gender, sex assigned at birth, and sexuality. We will also discuss pronoun usage and apply this knowledge in practice. This is the time for you to learn, and we are always happy to answer any and all questions you have. We are here to address the things that you wouldn't feel comfortable asking in other situations.

It is also possible to request a training for your team or department. If you're interested in a training specifically for your department, please email:

Check out the Ally Training Booklet
Download here


Tote bags and brochures with the text: Ally training. In rainbow text: ally training. Two colourful teddy bears hugging each other.


NL/ENInternational Campaign Stand Up Against Street Harassment
By L’Oréal; Fairspace; iHollaback

Multilingual Training Tool on Street Harassment from Bystander & Victim perspective

EN: Stand Up - Against street harassment
NL: Stand Up - Tegen straatintimidatie

WebsiteEducational Training Tool; Street Harassment
ENBystander Guide & Free Bystander Intervention Trainings
By iHollaback, 2005

Learn how to intervene when you see harassment. Distract, Delegate, Document and Direct (5D method). 

  1. Guide to Bystander Intervention
  2. Bystander Intervention Training

Separate and free online trainings provided for each theme.

GuideEducational Training; Harassment; Racism; Conflict; Covid-19; Ableism; Discrimination
ENProject Implicit
By Harvard University

Self testing tool on implicit bias regarding
(A) Social Attitudes
(B) Health topics (exercise, anxiety, alcohol, eating, etc.)

  1. Helps recognise unconscious bias at individual level and how this can drive/distort day to day decision making for people from all backgrounds in their treatment and assumptions towards others.
  2. May open room for behavioural growth and conversations tackling established bias.
ToolEducational Self-testing; Unconscious/Implicit Bias; Self Assessment/Reflection;

The Fieldwork Initiative

Background article: Sexual harassment is common in scientific fieldwork

  1. FISST Training (USA, flexible training fees): aims to step in and break apart the black box of discrimination and sexually charged research experiences; shedding light on violence in the field in a preventative approach. The initiative not only seeks to educate, but to go beyond just theory and intervene to help victims through direct action. Training outline can be found here!
  2. Handbooks & Reading Lists | The Fieldwork Initiative
ToolEducational Training Tool; Field Research Safety;
ENRacial Equity Tools
By MP Associates, Center for Assessment and Policy Development, and World Trust Educational Services, October 2021
Glossary providing useful information about a variety of terms related to racial equity.ToolGlossary; Racism
NLCan You Fix It?
By Sense; Rutgers; SOAIDS Nederland
Training videos with built in intervention modes that adapt the narrative & perspective.VideoIntervention Training tool; Educational; Self Reflective
NLToolkit "Ben je OK?"
By Rutgers

Toolkit tegen ongewenst seksueel gedrag bij studentenverenigingen:

  1. Een checklist voor het bestuur & de commissies
  2. Een video over het voorkomen en omgaan met ongewenst seksueel gedrag voor het bestuur & de commissies
  3. Een instructiekaart voor achter de bar op de vereniging
ToolEducational Self Assessment/Reflection; Sexual Harassment
NLNWO richtlijnen voor Inclusief Beoordelen
Inclusief beoordelen | NWO

Tips voor inclusieve beoordelingscriteria en –methoden i.r.t.

  1. Schriftelijke beoordeling
  2. Interactie en groepsdynamiek beoordelingscommissies

Inclusive assessment methods




Leadership and Undesirable Behavior Training for UM Formal Managers and Employees 

By Van Oss en Partners.

Multilingual Training Tool on Leadership and Undesirable Behavior Training for Social Safety through e-learning combined with a workshop. 

The e-learning consists of questions about knowledge and dilemmas provided by videos, animations, sound fragments or text. 

Trainees are provided with the essentials of what they need to know about undesirable behavior, policy, their tasks, responsibilities and instruments, as well as the role of the confidential counselor.

 Sociale Veiligheid - verplichte training voor formeel leidinggevenden (

NL: Leiderschap en ongewenste omgangsvormen

EN: Leadership and undesirable behaviour

ToolSocial Safety Training Tool; Leadership; Undesired Behavior



NL/EN Source Topic Medium Tags

In person or online workshops/trainings to build free and fair public spaces.
By Fairspace

Focuses on three areas: Education, Co-creation and Policy advice.

  1. What we do - Fairspace
    Bystander intervention training; workplace harassment training; training of trainers; co-creating solutions; local and national policy advice; rapid incident response.
  2. Bystander intervention training
    Focused on: Street Harassment; Unconscious bias; Bystander intervention; 4D methodology.

Bystander Intervention; Education; Co-creation; Policy Advice; Street Harassment; Unconscious Bias


Workshops for male participants

  1. Real Consent
  2. Bringing in the Bystander
  3. Combination of Bystander Intervention and Social Norms workshop
Workshop Consent; Male-focused; Bystander Intervention

Project #DatMeenJeNiet
By Movisie; Diversity Media; Hogeschool Inholland

Van Bystander naar Upstander


  1. Gericht op Jongeren (16-27 jaar)
  2. Tegengaan van discriminatie op sociale media

Educational Training; Social Media; Online Discrimination/Bullying


Online Training: Weet jij hoe het écht gaat met je leerlingen?
By Movisie; COC Nederland; 113 Zelfmoordpreventie

Beoogde resultaten:

  1. Signaleren suïcidale gevoelend en depressiviteit
  2. Basiskennis over de thematiek
  3. Tips en tricks om LHBTQ-inclusieve omgeving te creëren
  4. Reflectie op eigen kennis en bewustzijn
  5. Casuïstiek gebaseerd op interviews met docenten en leerlingen
  6. Informatie over instanties die hulp bieden.

Educational Training Tool for Professional Teaching Staff; Recognition; Mental Health; Suicide Prevention; Depression; LBGTQ+; Self Reflection/Assessment