Purchasing equipment

When searching for new equipment, you undoubtedly want to know what each manufacturer can offer. A Decision Making Unit (DMU) is formed by the researcher, members of Instrument Services and the purchase department in order to find the best option for you. The DMU supports you during negotiations with the suppliers as well. Instrument Services also supports the installation of the equipment and ensures the safety of both subjects and environment by performing safety measurements before use. All laboratory and research equipment owned by or located within the faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences is registered centrally at Instrument Services. As all equipment details are centrally stored, Instrument Services can guarantee a fast and reliable service afterwards.

Purchasing Equipment
  • Form B – Request/ registration form for equipment. The document can be downloaded below.
  • Form C – Safety and preventive maintenance. This form will be filled in together with Instrument Services. The document can be downloaded below.

Documents to download

Download the overview