Department of Cognitive Neuroscience
The Cognitive Neuroscience (CN) department in Maastricht combines research and education in human perception and cognition with the development of advanced methods in neuroscience.
The research is organised within the Maastricht Brain Imaging Center (M-BIC). We collaborate with experts in medicine, engineering, and psychology at UM, in EU, and world-wide.
Our toolbox contains different brain imaging techniques such as single cell recording, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electro- and magneto-encephalography (EEG and MEG). The techniques are excellent to describe and predict behaviour. We apply non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) and neurofeedback (fMRI, fNIRS) to change behaviour.
Our experts contribute to projects in the interdisciplinary centers CIN (Center for Integrative Neuroscience) and MaCSBio (Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology), and BISS (Brightlands Institute for Smart Society).
We contribute to education in the bachelor's programme in Psychology, Brain Science, and of the liberal arts and sciences colleges (UCM, MSP), the one-year master’s programme in Psychology, and the two-year research master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience. For PhD students we offer training within the M-BIC graduate school.
Knowledge transfer
Knowledge is transferred via books, journal papers, and lectures. Team members developed relevant software tools for brain research, such as Brainvoyager, AI machine learning algorithms, treatment of mental disorders using NIBS (Dutch-Flemish Brain Stimulation Foundation), and help understanding dyslexia together with parents and schools (leeswinst).