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Law Blogs Maastricht

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Public Procurement: A key tool to reach sustainability in Europe and beyond

On 3 July Sarah Schoenmaekers and Tongle Si organized the conference ‘Public Procurement: A key tool to reach sustainability in Europe and beyond’. The conference was a great success and led to engaging discussions and lively debates among presenters and participants, fulfilling its purpose of being...

Public Procurement conference july 2024

Heroes and Exemplary Actions in Legal Academia

Academic life entails walking a path in which we can learn and help others learn. It is a two way road, where awareness of roles and of the impact of our actions is fundamental. A question tends to emerge in that academic path: to what extent is it possible to speak of the existence of academic...

students and professor

Text- and data mining beyond borders

AI needs to have access to huge amounts of data in order to be trained. In this article, I discuss the need for suitable text- and data mining exceptions in copyright law that stimulate AI development as well as enable human authors and creators to still earn a revenue. 


Introduction - Between narratives and reality: The EU at the gates of a new mandate

The conference “Between narratives and reality: The EU at the gates of a new mandatewhich took place at the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University on the 20 and 21 of June 2024, was the closing event of a series of initiatives that revolved around the European elections.


The (False) Promises of AI and On Demand Manufacturing towards Sustainability?

Mark Kawakami examines the complexities of the EU's Consumer Rights Directive (CRD) and its unintended environmental impacts 

clothes on hangers

Our editorial mission

With Law Blogs Maastricht we aim to share our legal expertise, by making our research findings and contributions to topical debates available to a general readership of lawyers and law students, non-lawyers, the press and civil society.

Our Law Blogs Maastricht contributors​
All of our contributors are staff members of Maastricht University Faculty of Law, and they blog in a personal capacity. Would you like to write for us? Email us!