FASoS News, events and stories
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Latest news
New Central and Eastern Europe Hub at Maastricht University
We are excited to announce the launch of the Central and Eastern Europe hub (CEEhub) at Maastricht University, bringing together research, outreach, and education on the region. The CEEhub focuses on key issues shaping Central and Eastern Europe, including democratic resilience, connectivity...

New Scholarship Opportunity: Rachel and Alan Wyatt STS Scholarship
The Rachel and Alan Wyatt STS Scholarship has been established to support students wishing to pursue a master’s degree in Science and Technology Studies (STS). In memory of her parents, the scholarship has been established by Sally Wyatt, Professor of Digital Cultures in our Faculty of Arts and...

YERUN Research Mobility Award for Manling Yang
Manling Yang, PhD candidate at Maastricht University's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, has been awarded with a 2025 YERUN Research Mobility Award.

Mariëlle Wijermars new member KNAW Young Academy
Members not only have a demonstrated quality in science and scholarship, but also have a broad interest in the practise and communication thereof.

Monika Barget awarded OpenUP Grant
€5,000 for the project “Data scraping and analysis for the arts and social sciences”.

Other news
Dissertation prize 2022 for Marie Labussière
During the 47th Dies Natalis in January 2023 Marie Labussière received the 2022 Dissertation prize for her thesis called 'Native-born but not yet citizen: Citizenship and educational outcomes of children of immigrants in the Netherlands’.

Eliza Steinbock awarded JPI Cultural Heritage & Global Change grant
Eliza Steinbock has, together with a transnational group of colleagues, been awarded a competitive European Joint Programming Initiative Cultural Heritage grant for the project _Perverse Collections: Building Europe’s Queer and Trans Archives_ (PERCOL). The project will run for 24 months between June 2023-2025.

Adam Dixon wins Journal of Contemporary Asia Prize 2023
The editor and co-editors of the Journal of Contemporary Asia have awarded Adam Dixon the prize for the best paper published in 2022

Tullio Viola awarded YERUN mobility grant
Tullio Viola has been granted a Research Mobility Award 2022 by the Young European Universities Research Network (YERUN). The award will be used to finance a one-week stay at the Centre for Culture and Evolution at Brunel University London in January 2023, where Viola will build interdisciplinary collaboration around his project on cultural transmission in digital media.

Imogen Liu awarded YERUN mobility grant
Imogen Liu has been granted a Research Mobility Award 2022 by the Young European Universities Research Network (YERUN). The funding will support a one-week stay in the Department of Political Science at the University of Antwerp next year where she will develop her next research project on Chinese financial infrastructures in Europe.

EUI fellowship for Giuseppe Zaccaria
Giuseppe Zaccaria has received an offer for a fellowship at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy. From 1 September 2022 until 23 December 2022, Giuseppe will be a PhD research fellow at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the EUI.

CORE fellowship for Mariëlle Wijermars
Mariëlle Wijermars has been awarded a CORE Fellowship from the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies for the 2022/2023 academic year. As a fellow at the Collegium, Mariëlle will conduct a research project on ‘The Platformisation of Authoritarian Control in Russia’.

EU Horizon grant for Giselle Bosse
The EU has awarded a Horizon grant to 14 research institutions, including Maastricht University. Associate professor Giselle Bosse will lead a work-package on “Democratisation and Economic Modernisation in Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes”.

Eliza Steinbock wins NWO grant
Together with The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, associate professor Eliza Steinbock has won an NWO ‘Museum Grant’, which facilitates scientific research in the museum sector and is awarded to museum employees who carry out research related to the collection.

Nantke Pecht nominated for AVT/Anéla Dissertation prize
Nantke Pecht has been nominated for the AVT/Anéla Dissertation prize. This prize is awarded each year to the best dissertation in the field of linguistics. In cooperation with the UM video team, Nantke Pecht has made a video about her dissertation.

Costas Papadopoulos and Katleen Gabriels appointed members of the Maastricht Young Academy
Assistant professors Costas Papadopoulos (Literature & Art) and Katleen Gabriels (Philosophy) have been appointed at the Maastricht Young Academy (MYA). Their membership will begin on the day of the Dies Natalis on 28 January 2022 and will run until the Dies Natalis in 2026.

Maud Oostindie nominated for ISO Teacher of the Year Award
Maud Oostindie has been nominated by Maastricht University for the Interstedelijke Studenten Overleg (ISO) Teacher of the Year Award.

Harro van Lente reappointed member Health Council
Harro van Lente has been reappointed as member of the Health Council of the Netherlands (Gezondheidsraad) for another 4 years (2022-2025). The Health Council of the Netherlands is an independent scientific advisory body whose legal task it is to advise the Dutch ministers and Parliament in the field of public health and health/healthcare research. Harro van Lente works for the Committee on the Identification of Environmental and Health Issues.

Félix Streicher awarded German-French History prize
Félix Streicher has been awarded the Annual History Prize of the German Historical Institute Paris for the best master’s thesis submitted to a French or a German university in 2020. The thesis examined German-Luxembourgish encounters and social interactions in the city of Bitburg under Luxembourgish occupation rule (1945–1955).

Camilo Erlichman launches Occupation Studies Research Network
Camilo Erlichman, together with Christopher Knowles (King’s College London), has launched a new interdisciplinary research network which aims to promote the exchange of ideas and act as a hub for the global community of scholars who are working on military occupation as a form of rule.

Anna Harris elected to Executive Committee of the Global Young Academy
The members of the Executive Committee (EC) will represent the GYA worldwide engaging, for example, with presidents of universities and science academies, government ministers as well as with funding bodies and foundations like the Global Research Council, the Wellcome Trust or the Volkswagen Foundation.

Emilie Sitzia awarded Comenius Leadership Fellowship
Emilie Sitzia has been awarded the Fellowship for her project ‘Senses-based learning’. The aim of the Comenius programme is to stimulate educational innovation in higher education.

Bernike Pasveer invited for a fellowshop at NIAS
Bernike Pasveer has been invited by the director of The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) for a fellowship at NIAS in Amsterdam. She will be part of a theme-group on the topic of Refuge & Belonging.

Bilisuma Dito wins WOTRO Impact and Innovation Grant
Bilisuma Dito has received a grant of €50,000 from the NWO WOTRO Impact and Innovation grant scheme for the project ‘Only Time will Tell: How the Well-being of Stay-behind Migrants’ Children Develops Over time’.

Angélique Janssens appointed Officer in the Order of Oranje-Nassau
Angélique Janssens, endowed professor in Historical Demography at FASoS, has been awarded a royal honour: she has been appointed Officer in the Order of Oranje-Nassau!

Alarm Day for Science
In order to draw attention to the structural underfunding of universities in the Netherlands, students, teachers and other stakeholders have sounded the alarm on 6 April. Lies Wesseling and Harro van Lente were the organisers.

Stories and Interviews
FASoS Anthology: The stories we tell
Over the past year, 19 researchers have worked hard to put together the first FASoS anthology of creative nonfiction. The anthology uses the techniques of creative writing to bring research to life for a non-specialist readership. Titled The stories we tell: creative nonfiction accounts of our research, it features work from all four faculty research groups and all five departments. Travel with FASoS researchers into the offices of bored EU bureaucrats, the hideouts of crypto-currency criminals, the sewers of Maastricht, the streets of 20th century colonial Kolkata, a shoe factory in Addis Ababa, the harbour of bustling post-war Rijeka, and much more – and find out what it’s really like to be there.
Clara Weinhardt featured in Trade Finance Podcast
The Trade Finance Talks podcast interviewed Clara Weinhardt to hear more about her online gallery ‘Faces of Trade‘. Clara discusses why and how she created the online gallery, how an art gallery may help to shed new light on WTO politics, and why a new narrative on trade multilateralism is needed.

Aline Sierp interviewed for Elm magazine
Aline Sierp was interviewed for the European Lifelong Learning Magazine Elm) about the ‘Power of Memories’ and their role for education.

Joris Roosen interviewed in ‘Conan O’Brien needs a friend’ podcast
Joris Roosen was interviewed by Conan O’Brien as part of the ‘Conan O’Brien needs a Friend’ podcast. Despite being a comedy podcast, Roosen did manage to talk about his research on the late Medieval Black Death.

Nico Randeraad interviewed by Swiss magazine 'Republik'
Nico Randeraad was interviewed for the Swiss magazine ‘Republik’ about his work on the history of statistics.

Anna Harris interviewed in Creative Language Technology podcast
Anna Harris was interviewed by Roxana Girju for her podcast Creative Language Technologies recently. They spoke about health humanities, diagnostic technologies, artificial intelligence and collaborative ethnography.

Christin Hoene interviewed by BBC World Service
The BBC World Service interviewed Dr. Christin Hoene on the life and work of Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose for their programme The Forum.

Interview with Ferenc Laczo in various media outlets
Dr. Ferenc Laczo has been interviewed and cited in a number of news outlets about the 2022 Hungarian elections.

Valentina Mazzucato interviewed for The Migration podcast
Prof Valentina Mazzucato was interviewed by Milena Belloni for The Migration Podcast, an initiative of the IMISCOE network, which is the largest network of migration scholars in Europe.

Harro van Lente interviewed by Observant
In a new series on Leadership at Maastricht University, Prof Harro van Lente was interviewed by Observant to discuss his style of leading the Department of Society Studies at FASoS.

Klaartje Peters interviewed by Observant
In the run-up to the local elections on Wednesday 16 March 2022, Professor in Local and Regional Governance Klaartje Peters was interviewed by Observant to discuss the power of the municipal council.

Joris Roosen interviewed by The New York Times
Joris Roosen, head of research at the Centre for the Social History of Limburg (SHCL), was interviewed by The New York Times for a commentary piece on a research article that analyses the impact of the Black Death using a novel method that looks at ancient pollen deposits. Roosen was interviewed as part of a group of historians working in plague studies.

Amanda Kluveld interviewed by The Forward
Amanda Kluveld was interviewed by The Forward‘s culture editor PJ Grisar about her unique discovery of a 1941 letter from Harpo Marx to the Embassy of Portugal. With the letter, Harpo Marx tried to rescue a Jewish widow from Italy.

Hylke Dijkstra interviewed by Studio Europa
Hylke Dijkstra, associate professor of Political science, has been interviewed by Studio Europa about European safety and defence.

Karin van Leeuwen interviewed by Studio Europa
Karin van Leeuwen, assistant professor in European political history, has been interviewed by Studio Europa about the tension between national law and EU rules.

Interviews in Dutch Media
Michiel Bron in Voorkennis
Michiel Bron appeared in an episode of Voorkennis (programme produced bij Universiteit van Nederland). In the episode Michiel discussed Nuclear fusion (in Dutch).

Katleen Gabriels interviewed on ChatGPT
Katleen Gabriels has been interviewed by two media outlets on the use of ChatGPT in education. Both interviews are in Dutch.

Karin Bijsterveld interviewed by Radio 1, Radio 5 and Podcast Atlas
Karin Bijsterveld has been interviewed by Radio 1 and Radio 5 about the ‘Weg van lawaai’ app and by Podcast Atlas on her Stasi research (both in Dutch).

Maarten Doorman about canon of philosophy in Dutch newspapers
On 15 September, the Dutch newspaper NRC published a conversation with Maarten Doorman about changes in the canon of philosophy. Previously, Doorman wrote an opinion piece in the Dutch newspaper Trouw against the abolition of a philosophy canon.
Article in NRC (in Dutch)
Article in Trouw (in Dutch)

Rene Gabriels interviewed by Filosofie Magazine
Rene Gabriëls has been interviewed by Filosofie Magazine about Habermas’ ideas on the war in Ukraine.

Mariëlle Wijermars
Mariëlle Wijermars was featured on the Dutch TV show EenVandaag to discuss the ongoing tensions in Ukraine, the role of disinformation, and the risk of provocations leading to a further escalations of the conflict.

Leonie Cornips featured in Trouw
In an interview by Dutch newspaper Trouw, Leonie Cornips challenges the assumption that raising children in a dialect is bad for their language development.

Mariëlle Wijermars featured on NPO Radio1
Mariëlle Wijermars has been featured on Nieuws en co (NPO Radio 1) to discuss the possibility of ‘cyberwar’ in Ukraine and the offer of the Dutch government to send cyber experts to Ukraine, which was extended during the visit of prime minister Rutte and minister of foreign affairs Hoekstra to Kyiv.

Claartje Rasterhoff in podcast of Dutch Heritage Network
Claartje Rasterhoff was interviewed for the bi-weekly NDE-podcast ‘Paulus en De Nijs op reis’ by the Dutch Heritage Network. She spoke about the use of digital heritage collections for research and education, and about the importance of researching digitisation processes.

Raf de Bont interviewed by Trouw
Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Raf de Bont, in which he addresses some of the conclusions of his book Nature's Diplomats.

Leonie Cornips interviewed by Humanistisch Verbond
Leonie Cornips has been interviewed by Humanistisch Verbond about her research which is ‘different from other kinds of research’. In the interview she makes a plea for more freedom of thought and creativity for researchers.

Maarten Doorman on NPO Radio 1
Maarten Doorman has been featured on NPO radio 1 to discuss the aversion to art in the public space and how this aversion can fade away.

Patricia de Vries interviewed for Vrij Nederland
Patricia de Vries was interviewed by Sander Pleij for Vrij Nederland’s podcast MENS to talk about her research on anxiety and the artificial womb.

Klaartje Peters on L1 radio
At the regional television broadcaster L1, Klaartje Peters helped explain the recent integrity inquiries into the provincial government and several municipalities in Limburg.

Mariëlle Wijermars on BNR Radio
Mariëlle Wijermars appeared as a guest on the BNR Radio show Boekestijn en De Wijk to discuss the latest developments in internet freedom and political opposition in Russia ahead of the September parliamentary elections.

Veerle Spronck and Ties van de Werff interviewed by Eindhovens Dagblad
Veerle Spronck and Ties van de Werff have been interviewed by the Eindhovens Dagblad about their research into orchestras.

Klaartje Peters interviewed by Trouw
Klaartje Peters has been interviewed for an article by Dutch newspaper Trouw about integrity issues in the Province of Limburg.

Sally Wyatt interviewed by Science Guide
Sally Wyatt has been interviewed by Science Guide about the gender bias in academic citations.

Leonie Cornips interviewed by L1 Limburg
Leonie Cornips has been interviewed by the regional news outlet 1Limburg about the Limburgish dialect.

Mayra Murkens and Willibrord Rutten interviewed by De Limburger newspaper
Both have been interviewed on the Maastricht Death and Disease Database (MDDD), which contains over 70.000 records of individuals who have died in Maastricht between 1864 and 1955. This historical information forms the foundation of Murkens’ PhD research into the health transition in Maastricht. The interview draws connections between historical epidemics and the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Jolien Makkinga interviewed by NPO radio 1
Jolien Makkinga has been interviewed on Dutch NPO radio 1 about the sound box (klankkast) she created. This sound box includes many different dialects spoken in Noord-Brabant and travels to nursing homes in Brabant. When people listen to the sound box and hear someone speak in their own dialect, they feel more at home, Makkinga explains.

Maarten Doorman interviewed by Human tv
Maarten Doorman has been interviewed by Human tv for their programme ‘Medialogica’. In the interview, Maarten reflects on whether art may be offensive or not. In the current world, where spectators are increasingly online, protests to art can lead to ‘cancel culture’.

Joline Makkinga and Leonie Cornips interviewed by De Volkskrant
Jolien Makkinga and Leonie Cornips have been interviewed about the sound box (klankkast) they created. This sound box includes many different dialects spoken in Noord-Brabant and travels to nursing homes in Brabant.

Esther Versluis interviewed by Observant
Esther Versluis has been interviewed by Observant for their new section ‘the second wave’. In the interview, she talks about how she has experienced working and teaching from home during the so-called second wave of the corona pandemic.

Pomme van de Weerd interviewed by NRC Handelsblad
Pomme van de Weerd has been interviewed about her PhD dissertation “Nederlanders and buitenlanders: a sociolinguistic-ethnographic study of ethnic categorization among secondary school pupils”.

Aagje Swinnen interviewed by De Volkskrant
Aagje Swinnen has been interviewed by Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant about ageing.

Patricia de Vries interviewed by de Correspondent
Patricia de Vries has been interviewed by de Correspondent about fear and anxiety. She claims that a life without fear does not exist, and she is happy about that.

Maarten Doorman interviewed by several news outlets
Maarten Doorman has been interviewed by several Dutch news outlets. Het Parool interviewed him about Anna Nooshin’s instagram museum. He explains that this selfie museum fits in our experience economy but that it at the same time shows the infantalisation of society. Filosofie.nl interviewed him about Schopenhauer’s ‘The Wisdom of Life’.

Nico Baakman interviewed by Omroep Zeeland
Nico Baakman has been interviewed by Omroep Zeeland about the Spahr case. Spahr van der Hoek was mayor of Middelburg from 1997 until he had to leave after a vote of no confidence in 2000. Baakman has just completed 16 years of research, which resulted in a book ‘de rechte weg’, into Spahr’s turbulent mayor years which were ruled by unjust declarations and a trust crisis.

Joep Leerssen interviewed by de Groene Amsterdammer
Joep Leerssen, together with several other experts, has been interviewed by de Groene Amsterdammer about the vulnerabilities of the dominating West in light of the corona crisis.

Lauren Wagner interviewed by the Groene Amsterdammer
Lauren Wagner has been interviewed by de Groene Amsterdammer for an article about Morocco receiving support from diaspora. In the diaspora, generations often lose the connection to their country of origin, but they don’t lose the connection with their Moroccan community.

Karin Bijsterveld interviewed by NRC
Karin Bijsterveld has been interviewed by Dutch newspaper NRC on the sound of a pandemic.

Interview with Leonie Cornips in Trouw
Leonie Cornips has been interviewed by the Dutch newspaper Trouw on the language cows speak. She explains that in her research she refutes the premises that only humans have their own language by which they set themselves apart from animals.

Interview with Raf de Bont in NRC
Raf de Bont was interviewed by NRC on his interest for ‘moving animals’. He reflects on the historical role the Korenwolf (European hamster) played in the history of Limburg.

Joey Tang interviewed by Observant
Joey Tang, PhD candidate at FASoS, has been interviewed by Observant about his life.

Nico Baakman interviewed by Dutch radiostation L1
Nico Baakman was interviewed by L1 on a case where the mayor of Weert allegedly subsidised a foundation he himself is chairman of. Dr. Baakman says he cannot judge whether something improper took place. He does agree, however, that an administrator should abstain from all appearance of evil.

Klaartje Peters interviewed by newspaper Trouw
Many mayors support a ban on consumer fireworks. By supporting a ban, mayors ensure this topic appears on the agenda in The Hague. This, however, does not mean that there will be a national ban on fireworks.

Raf de Bont interviewed by NPO1
Raf de Bont was interviewed at GAIA Zoo by Dutch radio station NPO1 about his project "Moving animals".

Ernst Homburg interviewed regional radio station L1 on Cultural Heritage ENCI
Ernst Homburg was interviewed by the L1 ‘cultuurcafé’ on the cultural heritage of the ENCI (Eerste Nederlandse Cement Industrie; First Dutch cement industry). In December 2019, the ENCI announced its bankruptcy. Ernst Homburg sees the necessity of finding a new use for the ENCI factory. The adjacent quarry could be converted into a geological park, Homburg argues.

Mathieu Segers interviewed by several news outlets
FASoS Professor Mathieu Segers was interviewed by several news outlets (Chapeau Magazine, de Limburger and 1Limburg) about the Maastricht Europe Days that took place last weekend. Prof. Segers is deputy managing director of Studio Europa which organises the Maastricht Europe Days.
He was also interviewed by NPO Radio 1 on Hungarian EU politics.

Podcast Series "Stories from Brussels"
Did you know that Maastricht University has a large academic community living and working in Brussels? Are you curious to learn how fellow UM staff, researchers and students have been experiencing the current lockdown? Find out how your UM colleagues are managing to combine their research with digital teaching or hear from UM students living in Brussels and their stories.
The UM Campus Brussels podcast series 'Stories from Brussels' aims to connect people from different UM communities in order to share personal experiences on what it's like to live and work in Brussels. Listen to UM Campus Brussels as we chat informally with UM researchers, alumni and students about what they are working on, how they have adapted, and how they see the future.