Disclaimer and Privacy Statement

Studium Generale


Welcome on the website of Studium Generale Maastricht. The goal of this website is to inform you about the Studium Generale (SG) of Maastricht University (UM).

The information on this website has been compiled with the utmost care. We try to keep all information as up to date as possible. Nevertheless no rights can be derived from any information published here. Studium Generale does not guarantee the correctness, completeness, currentness or quality of this information. If you doubt the information on our website please contact us: sg-mail@maastrichtuniversity.nl.

If you would like to use (parts of) the content of our website, please ask permission first by sending an e-mail to sg-mail@maastrichtuniversity.nl.

The SG-website contains external links. They are being published on our site as an extra service for our visitors. The SG cannot be held responsible for the content of these external sites of third parties. The same applies to the protection of your privacy on these website, to the services that are being offered there or any damage or loss caused by the use of the external links.

The Studium Generale respects the rights of third parties. If you think your rights have been violated in any way, please contact us at sg-mail@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Privacy Statement Studium Generale Maastricht University

In this privacy statement, you will find out how Studium Generale of the Maastricht University handles your personal details, how, what data is collected, and what your data is used for.

General Data Protection Regulation
Studium Generale of the Maastricht University considers it important to handle your personal details with care. This also applies to the data collected with the use of our registration service for certain activities (such as lecture series). Studium Generale stores the following personal data:

  • Email address
  • ​Name
  • Address - residence (Only if you register for paid activities)
  • Place of birth and date of birth (only if you wish to receive a certificate after have completed a lecture series)
  • ​Telephone number when registering for the stand by list and in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

Use personal data

  • Email-address: for communicating information about the activities and for direct marketing purposes (see below)
  • Name: for generating participant lists and attendance lists
  • Address - residence: legal obligation with the use of online payments  
  • Place of birth and date of birth: for drawing up participation certificates
  • Telephone number: to inform you if there are places available on the stand by list and for the purpose of contact tracing in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

Your details are accessible to employees of the Studium Generale Office.
Your data will be stored for several years and stored on the Maastricht University server.

Use of data for Direct Marketing
The Studium Generale newsletter is sent to interested parties who have explicitly signed up for this, of which only the email address is known (i.e. no name).

(Former) participants of the Studium Generale lecture series at Maastricht University are informed by email by Studium Generale of future lecture series and possibly - as the occasion arises - other relevant activities organized by Studium Generale.

Your information will not be shared with third parties.

View data / Unsubscribe / Delete Data
If you wish to view your data, you can contact the Studium Generale Office: 043-3885307 / sg-mail@maastrichtuniversity.nl.
Unsubscribing to newsletters and / or mailings about lecture series can be passed on by clicking the ’unsubscribe button’ below each newsletter and / or mail.
To delete your data, you can contact the Studium Generale Office: 043-3885307 / sg-mail@maastrichtuniversity.nl.

Registration system and payments
Studium Generale of the Maastricht University uses the online tool of Aanmelder.nl in the organization of activities where participant registration is necessary. The privacy policy of Aanmelder.nl can be found under the following link: https://www.aanmelder.nl/nl/privacy.

Payments are made via Online Payment Platform, a payment service provider with a license at De Nederlandsche Bank. The Online Payment Platform Privacy Policy can be found under the following link:  https://onlinebetaalplatform.nl/nl/public/privacy