UnliMited Network
UnliMited is a network dedicated to, for and by students and staff with visible and/or invisible disabilities, under the umbrella of the taskforce "Obstacle-free studying and working at UM". By signing the declaration of intent of Dutch institution for higher education concerning the UN convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the university shows the importance of this topic. Working in close collaboration with a.o. Disability Support and the SSC, the D&I Office is developing policy and organising activities to improve accessibility, visibility and inclusivity for members of the UM community who have a disability.
Your experience in this process is crucial! We would like to ensure that everyone feels valued and included at UM, and to do so we need your input!
It is paramount that we don’t discuss anything about you without you.
UnliMited-Students | Join us!
Visit the UnliMited-Students webpage and get to know the students involved and the upcoming events.
UnliMited-Staff and PhD researchers find our group on UMployee!
The UnliMited-Staff UMployee page is open to all UM staff and PhD candidates with a disability, chronic illness or neurodivergence (whether disclosed, not disclosed, diagnosed, self-identified) interested in information on joining our community. Please note that you will never have to share any personal information unless you want to yourself.
The page is also for those colleagues that are interested to learn more about topics related to disability, and those who would like to take an active role in promoting disability inclusion at UM.
Now @ UnliMited:
Presentation of Honorary Doctorate to Professor Lisa Waddington - 16 May 2023
Esteemed UnliMited Network member and driving force from the beginning Lisa Waddington, Professor of European Disability Law at UM, received the honorary doctorate from the Université Saint-Louis/University of Louvain, Belgium, on 16 May.
We are very proud and honoured to have someone of her stature in our working group. Obviously we are happy to share the English recordings of her speech (from 0:30) and her presentation which is filled with many valuable insights about how universities can become accessible, inclusive and welcoming of staff and students with disabilities.

Why a network for people with disabilities?
There has not yet been a network specifically focusing on disability and the needs of students and employees with disabilities. The results from the survey about studying with a disability at UM (March 2020) and from the UM community staff members that have been reaching out to us we can conclude that there is a need at UM for a network taking into account the wishes of the members of the disabled community. These needs may vary from getting in contact with other UM students or staff members with (similar) disabilities, and just a listining ear to getting your voice heard and being actively involved in the process of improving accessibility, visibility and inlusivity.
One network, two branches:
We aim to respond to the needs of everyone to the best extent possible. The purpose of the network is also to give its members a chance to take control of how these can be met. Members could lead discussions and implementation of projects within the community. Besides the common denominator of having to study or work with a disability, we identify there are different needs and challenges for students and staff and therefore have two separate branches, but one common goal.
One of the aims is to be more involved in UM life in general. To define more specific objectives of the UnliMited network we really want to listen to you and in concept these could be:
- Creating a community of peers support where students and staff can share experiences and connect in a respectful environment #YouDoNotHaveToExplainThisToUs
- Generating more visibility and awareness within the UM community
- Amplifying voices at an institutional level and increasing participation and inclusion of disabled students and staff within the wider UM community
- Being a sounding board for UM policies
- Organising events and activities that meet the wishes of the network's members and building a community
- Raising awareness for the entire UM community about studying and working with a disability
- Being flexible to respond to the needs of the network's members and stakeholders
What do we understand as a disability?
Disability is a broad concept, and entails the following or more:
- Chronic health conditions
- Physical or sensory impairments
- Neurodivergence
- Mental heath conditions
- Psychological distress and/or impairment
One network, two branches:
Establishing the network
In spring 2021 we created the foundation for the UnliMited Network with two branches: a branch for students, by students and a branch for staff members (PhD students, non-academic/support staff and academic staff).
Parallel to the set-up of the student branch, we will begin to form the staff branch by first surveying disabled members of staff for their experiences and needs.
Discussion groups were held in March 2021 where disabled members of staff shared their experiences, worries, challenges and ideas for the network.
Next, we will discuss and select topics to focus on in the first phase and what shape the network should take to be sustainable.
If you would like to get involved in establishing the staff branch of the UnliMited Network, please email unlimited-staff@maastrichtuniversity.nl.
Background & Task force
The taskforce "Obstacle-free studying and working at UM" was established in June 2020 and consists of members from the UM departments: Disability Support, Student Deans, Library, HR/Arbo, Facility Services, and the D&I Office.
The main objectives are:
- Writing UM vision and Policy
- Improving Digital and Physical Accessibility
- Establishing UnliMited Network
- Applying the Participatie Wet/Law for people with a distance to the labour market
Working group UnliMited:
- Sigrid Péters (Disability Officer)
Lisa Waddington (Professor at Law)
- Netty Bekkers (D&I Office)
- UnliMited-Students representatives
To get in touch with the workgroup, network members or our offices, please send an email to:
Network branch for students: unlimited-students@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Disability Support (students): disability@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Network branch for staff: unlimited-staff@maastrichtuniversity.nl
- D&I Office: diversity@maastrichtuniversity.nl