Maastricht University gives out awards to people from both within and outside of the organisation, who have directly or indirectly contributed to either the university or society-at-large. UM's awards include honorary doctorates, the Dr. J.G.H. Tans Medal, the UM medallion of honour, the Wynand Wijnen Education Prize, the UM Award and the UM Student Award.

Honorary doctorates
UM bestows honorary doctorates upon people who have made an extraordinary contribution to science or society. The following people have received an honorary doctorate:
Year | Honorary doctor | Honorary supervisor |
2023 | Prof. Robert S. Langer | Prof.dr. Clemens van Blitterswijk / Prof.dr. Thomas Cleij |
2021 | Prof. dr. Jaap van Dissel | Prof. dr. Christian Hoebe |
2020 | Prof. dr. Kathryn Shaw | Prof. dr. Gerard Pfann |
Prof. dr. José M. Peiró | Prof. dr. Fred Zijlstra | |
2019 | Prof. dr. Michael Ignatieff | Prof. dr. Monica Claes |
Dr. Amitav Ghosh | Prof. dr. Valentina Mazzucato | |
2018 | Prof. dr. Carole Goble | Prof. dr. Michel Dumontier |
Prof. dr. Lucy Suchman | Prof. dr. Sally Wyatt | |
2017 | Joachim Gauck | Prof. dr. Martin Paul |
2016 | Prof. dr. med. Detlev Ganten | Prof. dr. Martin Paul / Prof. dr. Thomas Unger |
Prof. dr. Susan-Rose Ackerman | Prof. dr. Michael Faure | |
Prof. dr. Paul de Grauwe | Prof. dr. J. Muysken | |
2015 | Jimmy Wales | Prof. dr. Luc Soete |
Drs. Frans Timmermans | Prof. dr. A.W. Heringa / Prof. dr. Sophie Vanhoonacker | |
Prof. dr. Wolfgang Wahlster | Prof. dr. Gerhard Weiss | |
Prof. dr. Michelle Craske | Prof. dr. Peter Muris | |
2014 | Prof. dr. Peter J. Barnes | Prof. dr. E. Wouters |
Prof. dr. P. Levitt | Prof. dr. Valentina Mazzucato | |
Prof. dr. Amy Edmondson | Prof. dr. W. Gijselaers | |
Prof. dr.Jürgen Hennig | Prof. dr. R. Goebel | |
Prof. dr. Paul Craig | Prof. dr. B. de Witte | |
2013 | Prof. dr. Fred H. Gage | Prof. dr. Harry Steinbusch |
Prof. dr. Mohammad Hashem Pesaran | Prof. dr. Franz Palm | |
Prof. dr. Trevor Pinch | Prof. dr. Wiebe Bijker | |
Prof. dr. Paul Crutzen | Prof. dr. Pim Martens | |
Dr. Feike Sijbesma | Prof. dr. Martin Paul | |
Prof. dr. Christine van den Wyngaert | Prof. dr. A. Klip | |
2012 | Prof. dr. A.L. Goldberg | Prof. dr. A. Schols |
2011 | Prof. dr. P. Alston | Prof. mr. M. Kamminga |
Prof. dr. Parsu Parasuraman PhD | Prof. dr. J. Lemmink | |
Prof. em. dr. dr. H.C. B. Kohler | Prof. dr. T. Blom | |
Prof. dr. Kamil Urgurbil | Prof. dr. R. Goebel | |
Prof. dr. H.M. Levin | Prof. dr. H. Maassen van den Brink | |
2009 | Prof. dr. J. Campbell | Prof. dr. P. Eicholz |
2006 | Prof. dr. J. Friedman | Prof. dr. W. Saris |
Prof. dr. M. McKee | Prof. dr. H. Maarse | |
Prof. dr. R. Zimmerman | Prof. mr. J. Smits | |
2005 | Prof. dr. J. Drèze | Prof. dr. J. Herings |
2001 | Prof. dr. H.S. Barrows, MD PhD | Prof. dr. C.P.M. van der Vleuten |
Prof. dr. W.J.M. Levelt | Prof. dr. G. Kok | |
H.J.A. Hofland | Prof. dr. J.H.W. Kusters | |
1996 | H. Kotz | |
W.J. Baumol | Prof. dr. H. Maks | |
P.A. J. Janssen | Prof. dr. R.S. Reneman | |
1993 | Marc Lalonde P.C., O.C., Q.C. | |
1991 | Prof. dr. F.J.A. Huygen | Prof. dr. A. Knottnerus |
T. Koopmans | Prof. mr. C.F. Flinterman | |
Prof. dr. R.R. Nelson | ||
1989 | Dr. C.F. Beyers Naude | Prof. mr. Th. van Boven |
1986 | Prof. dr. A. Fleckenstein | |
Prof. dr. J.D. Caen | ||
Prof. dr. M.E. Josephson MD | ||
Prof. dr. P.C. Johnson | ||
1981 | Dr. J.G.H. Tans | |
Prof. dr. B.A. Smith | ||
Prof. dr. J.R. Evans | ||
Prof. dr. J.J. van Rood |
Dr. J.G.H. Tans Medal
The Dr. J.G.H. Tans Medal is the highest distinction at Maastricht University. It is given to people who have made a significant contribution towards the development of the university. Previous recipients of this medal include former Govenor Kremers and former Rector Magnificus Cohen.
Year | Winner |
2024 | Dr. N.J.P.M. Bos |
2024 | Prof. dr. J.G.A.M. Lemmink |
2023 | Prof. dr. N. de Vries |
2023 | Mr. A. Penn-te Strake |
2023 | Prof. dr. C.P.M. van der Vleuten |
2022 | Prof. dr. H.E.G.S. Schneider |
2021 | Prof. dr. M.A. Paul |
2020 | Prof. dr. A. Scherpbier |
2019 | Prof. dr. C. Hemker |
2018 | Prof. dr. J.A. Knottnerus |
2012 | Prof. mr. G.P.M.F. Mols |
2011 | Dhr. L.J.P.M. Frissen |
2011 | Prof. dr. ir. J.M.M. Ritzen |
2009 | Mr. P.A.F.W. Elverding |
2005 | Mr. B.J.M. baron van Voorst tot Voorst |
2004 | Prof. dr. H.J. Martens |
2004 | Prof. dr. A.C. Nieuwenhuijzen Kruseman |
2002 | Dr. K.L.L.M Dittrich |
2002 | Mr. Ph. J.I.M. Houben |
1998 | Prof. dr. R.S. Reneman |
1997 | Prof. mr. M.J. Cohen |
1995 | Prof. dr. W.H.F.W. Wijnen |
1995 | Drs. L.E.H. Vredevoogd |
1990 | Dr. J. Kremers |
1989 | Drs. J.B.M. Verhey |
1987 | Mr. R.B. van den Biggelaar |
1986 | Prof. dr. J.M. Greep |
1984 | Dr. J.Ph. van Campen |
1982 | Dr. P. Thung |
1982 | Prof. dr. H. Philipsen |
1978 | Dr. J.G.H. Tans |
Dr. Sjeng Tans
See this file for more information on the Dr. J.G.H. Tans Medal (in Dutch only)

UM Medallion of Honour
The UM Medallion of Honour is presented to UM staff members who have made an exceptional contribution towards the brand awareness, reputation and development of the university. Recipients receive this medallion upon their departure.
The first UM Medallion of Honour was awarded to drs. André Postema, former Vice Chairman of the Executive Board. He received the medallion during the Dies Natalis in 2014. Postema was recognised for the extraordinary way in which he contributed towards improving operational management, sustainability and valorisation at Maastricht University.
More information:
Regulations on Awarding the Maastricht University Medallion of Honour
Year | Winner |
2024 | Winnie Bosch |
2023 | Bart van den Heuvel |
2022 | Rense Hoekstra |
2022 | Jos Kleinjans |
2022 | Ineke Wolfhagen |
2021 | Len Cuppens |
2018 | Wammes Bos |
2018 | Jacques Reiners |
2018 | Jos Kievits |
2017 | Jan Muijtjens |
2017 | Jos Smits |
2016 | Louis Boon |
2015 | Laurent Louwies |
2015 | Herman Kingma |
2014 | André Postema |
Wynand Wijnen Education Prize
The Wynand Wijnen Education Prize is an annual prize awarded to members of the UM teaching staff who have made an exceptional contribution to education at Maastricht University. This prize is awarded during the Dies Natalis.
The Wynand Wijnen Education Prize is presented as a tribute to Wynand Wijnen, a professor of didactics who passed away in 2012. In addition to considerable national achievements in the field of education reform, he helped lay the foundations of Problem-based Learning at Maastricht University.
Year | Winner |
2019 | Dr. Leo Köhler, FHML |
2018 | Fabienne Crombach, EDLAB |
2017 | Dr. Nynke de Jong, FHML |
2016 | Dr. Jeanette Hommes, SBE |
2015 | Dr. Anja Krumeich |
2014 | Catalina Goanta, FL |
2013 | Jaap Bos, Gwen Noteborn and Sjoke Merk, SBE |
2012 | Dr. Jan de Roder, FASoS |
2011 | Dr. B. van Diepen en dr. C. Kerckhofs, SBE |
2010 | Dr. Dirk Tempelaar, SBE |
2009 | Gwen Noteborn, Kelly Guyskens, Nina Belei en Claudia Jabmad, SBE |
2008 | Gerard Maijoor en Ton de Goeij, FHML |
2007 | Rob de Vries, FPN |
2006 | Louis Boon, Gerard Korsten, Anouk Cuijpers, Ans Netjes, Pascal Suppens, UCM |
2005 | Herco Fonteijn, FPN |
2004 | Bob Wilkinson, Language centre |
2003 | Prof.dr. Eric Heineman, FHML |
2002 | André Meijer, FHML |
2001 | Prof.dr. Anita Jansen, FPN |
2000 | Oefenrechtbank, Law |
1999 | Dr. A. Paulus, FHML |
1998 | Staf Multimedialab, FASoS |
1997 | H. Schneider, FL |
1996 | Dr S. Romme, SBE |
1995 | Mevr. H. Snellen - Balendong, FHML O&O |
UM Award
The UM Award is an annual award given to staff members who have served the university with special merit, be it on an academic, managerial or service level. The UM Award is presented at the New Year's reception.
Year | Winner |
2022 | Judith Kamalski, BISS, Chris Pawley, FSE, Antoinette Stöcker, MUO |
2020 | Anja Ronken and Tineke Beaumont |
2019 | Mieke Jansen, SSC, Pierre Schröder, HRM |
2018 | Rogier Gerardu, Venlo, Ineke Wolfhagen, FHML |
2017 | Jan Vijge, MUO |
2016 | Len Cuppens, MUO, Bakir Bulić, FHML |
2015 | Brigitte Caenen-Alblas, Birgitte Hendrickx |
2014 | Roel Spätjens, René Gabriels |
2013 | Chantal Kuijpers, FL, Ali Jahanshahianvar, FHML |
2012 | Alejandro Lavopa, Chair PhD Academy |
2011 | Erie van den Heuvel, CAPHRI, Martin Tossings, CARIM (passed away in 2012) |
2010 | Prof.dr. Corine de Ruiter, FPN, Ingrid Wijk, Denise Vilerius and Margot Krijnen, Kids College |
2009 | Ien van de Leur, FASOS, Lou Quaden, FD |
2008 | Tiny Simon, MUO, Dr Ton. de Goeij, FHML |
2007 | Ine Kuppen, Alumni Officer, Prof.dr. Arnoud Arntz, FPN |
More information
The UM Award winners with UM Vice-President Nick Bos

UM Student Award 2024
During the Opening of the Academic Year on 2 September 2024, it has been announced that the UnliMited-Students Network, and specially mentioned Carolina Bäckström and Sophia Yazdani Biuki, who are network delegates, is the winner of the UM Student Award 2024.
UnliMited-Students is a network for and by students with visible and/or invisible functional limitations, chronic conditions and neurodivergence. The network focuses on bringing students with disabilities together and on making from Maastricht University a more inclusive and accessible environment.
UnliMited-Students is committed to:
- creating a community of peers, in which students can share experiences and connect with each other;
- giving more visibility and awareness on studying with a disability;
- strengthening the participation and inclusion of students with disabilities within the broader UM community;
- acting as a sounding board for UM policy;
- organising events and activities, such as coffee corners/shared study sessions/walks/campaigns, and building a community;
- organising a disability awareness week every year and the UnliMited connects week.
Overview of UM Student Award winners:
Year | Winner |
2024 | Carolina Bäckström and Sophia Yazdani Biuki - the UnliMited-Students Network |
2023 | Maaike van Uum, Helena Sanvicente, Serena Boukelmoun and Anna-Maria Lipolit - 'Are you okay?' campaign |
2022 | Marts Ivaskis, Moritz Takacs and Friederike Leppert - Shelter Our Students Maastricht |
2021 | Vera Karagiannidou |
2020 | Arthur Bribosia |
2019 | Kyran Kuijpers, Davide Muraro, Gina van Rossum and Nina van Santvoort - UM Pride |
2018 | Julie Ann Garcia Goodfellow |
2017 | Victoria von Salmuth |
2016 | Matthijs Bosveld and Sjim Romme |
2015 | Aurelia Streit - Student and Society Initiative |
2014 | Board of the 'Gezondheidsuniversiteit' (Health University) |
2013 | Foundation BONT and Maastricht Eco-Map |
2012 | Taskforce Qualitative Resuscitation by Students |
2011 | Mpower Foundation |
2010 | |
2009 | Anna Theuvenet |
2008 | Marjolein Buss and Lennard Duijvestijn |
2007 | KALEIDOSCOPE Maastricht |
2006 | MUSTANGH Foundation |
2005 | Navtej Talwar |
2004 | Evelien van der Zon |
2003 | Werkgroep Allochtone Studenten |
2002 | Michael Hoeck |
2001 | Independent Fraternity Que Pasa |
2000 | Jasper Grosskurth and Bas de Zwaan |
UM Student Award 2025
Do you want to recommend someone for the Student Award 2025? Download the regulations (Dutch) and the recommendation form.