Research Quality

Internal Planning and Control procedures

The Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) Planning and Control procedures are a good example of internal validation. Twice a year, all FHML Research Institutes are evaluated by the FHML Board in so-called ‘planning and control’ sessions. The main evaluation criteria for the Planning and Control meetings are: information management indicators, scientific quality and societal impact.

The Research Office coordinates the planning and control procedures within the FHML by:

  • Collecting the Planning and Control data
  • Supporting the FHML Board in executing the FHML Planning and Control Cycles


Contact person
Els Swennen

Research Quality according to the SEP protocol

In accordance with the Standard Evaluation protocol 2015-2021 concerning the quality of scientific research in the Netherlands, the university is obliged to compile a self-evaluation over six year periods. Moreover, the institute has to be evaluated by an External Review Committee, which involves a visitation. Halfway through the six year period progress is monitored during an obligatory midterm review. This allows sharpening objectives and adjusting policy when required.

The Research Office coordinates the research quality assurance process by:

  • Monitoring and coordinating the quality assurance process
  • Supporting the Schools/Institutes in setting up the self-evaluation and midterm report
  • Qualitative monitoring of the self-evaluation and midterm report against the objectives set by the latest SEP-protocol


Contact persons
Els Swennen
Ingrid Leijs