
From 22 April up to 25 April 2024, students and UM employees voted for Faculty Councils and University Councils and Service Councils.

All votes are cast and counted: click on the green button to see the results. 
You can view more detailed results in this document.

A day in the life of the University Council

What does the University Council do exactly? In this video, we take you to a meeting between the staff and students that represent you. Watch the video and learn more about the importance of representation and participation.

Observant Elections Edition

Read all about the UM Elections in the Observant Elections Edition
You can also find the paper at all faculty entrances. 


Central Elections Office

The Central Electoral Committee is appointed by the Executive Board. It is responsible for organizing the elections for the university's participation councils. The Central Electoral Committee organizes the elections on the basis of the  Electoral Regulations. In addition, a Code of Conduct has been drawn up in consultation with the University Council to ensure that the elections are conducted as respectfully and fairly as possible. 

The Central Elections Office consists of: 

Em. prof. dr. H. Kingma

Maïté Janssen
Serge Mordang

Secretariat Central Elections Office
  Niels Harteman 
  Arnold Verhoeven

Contact Centraal Stembureau
  Niels Harteman - 0031 43-3883286
  Official Secretary
  Arnold Verhoeven - 0031 43-3882350
  Official Secretary

0031 43-3883147
  Minderbroedersberg 4-6

Representative bodies

There are three representative bodies at Maastricht University; the University Council, the Faculty Councils and Service Councils. In April 2024 elections will take place for the University Council, Faculty Councils and Service Councils. In the following sections you will find a short summary of the representative bodies. For more background and detailed information please see the section Representative bodies on this website.

The University Council
The central representative body at the UM, the University Council, consists of 6 representatives from academic staff section (WP), 4 from the administrative and support staff (OBP) and 10 from the student section. Employees are elected as Council members for a term of two years; students serve a term of one year. More about the University Council.

Faculty Councils
In addition, each faculty has its own Faculty Council, which also consists of the three sections, WP, OBP and students. The size of the councils varies from faculty to faculty. Here too, staff members are elected for a term of two years and student members serve a term of one year.

Service Councils
There are separate representative bodies for administrative and support staff working in the Maastricht University Office and the service centers, the so-called Service Councils (six altogether). The members are elected for a term of 2 years.


 Watch the video about the elections of the Representative bodies below