Local Consultative Body

The Local Consultative Body (LO) consists of trade union representatives and members of the university's Executive Board. They meet regularly to discuss employment-related subjects.

Subjects that are not covered by the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities (caoNU) are determined at local university level. Examples include terms of employment, the social plan for reorganisations and the legal position of employees. About ten times a year, the unions and the Executive Board meet to discuss these subjects and any other employment issues that have arisen.

On behalf of the unions, the following staff members take part in the LO:

 Wilma Klinkhamer (FNV Overheid)

 Roy van Kessel (FNV Overheid)

 Huub Hamers (CNV Overheid)

 Ankie Hochstenbach (CNV Overheid)

 Raoul Rongen (plaatsvervangend lid namens CNV Overheid)

 Alice Voncken (plaatsvervangend lid namens CNV Overheid)

 Carijn Beumer (AOb)

 Ceren Pekdemir (AOb)

 Christoph Rausch (plaatsvervangend lid namens AOb)

 Jonathan van Tilburg (plaatsvervangend lid namens AOb)

 Mark Govers (AC/FBZ)


For more information and contact information, please visit the intranet page of the Local Consultative Body.