Participation & representation

Participation and representation at Maastricht University are organised through the University Council (UC) and the Faculty Councils. These bodies have a say in the direction of the university and the faculties and represent the interests of students and staff.

University Council

The UM University Council is a representative body in accordance with the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act. The UC is authorised to advise and to give or withhold consent. The UM Administration and Management Regulations outline the issues on which the UC is consulted for advice and/or consent. 
The UC; 

  • serves as a sounding board for the Executive Board,  
  • contributes to assessment and monitoring processes,
  • can propose new initiatives. 


The UC is composed of 20 members, equally divided between students and staff. The ten staff delegates are elected every two years, with six representing the academic staff and four representing the support staff. The student members are elected annually. 

More information? 

Please visit University Council and VSNU. 
Or send an email to the Staff Representation Office. 

Faculty Council

Each UM faculty has its own Faculty Council. These councils keep the UC informed about faculty matters, serve as consultation bodies for the Faculty Boards and the dean. 

Faculty Councils consist of representatives from the academic staff, support staff and students, each elected by their respective groups at UM. Staff delegates serve two-year terms, while students serve for one year. 

The Faculty Councils have; 

  • the right to give or withhold consent on faculty regulations, sections of the Education and Examination Regulations, guidelines related to education, research and internationalisation;  
  • the right to advise on matters such as the appointment of professors and the faculty budget. 

Service Council

The Maastricht University Office (MUO) and every other service centre has its own Service Council, with a similar status to a Faculty Council. The Service Council is composed of employees from the respective units, elected by their fellow employees. 

The Service Council regularly meets with the director of the service centre or MUO to discuss all issues concerning the unit. The director receives advice from the council and may require the council’s consent before taking action. 

How to participate? (Video, only in Dutch)

How are members of the representative bodies elected? Read more here.