
Alumni Circles

Kaart van alumni kringen wereldwijd

Alumni Circles around the world

Looking for an alumni circle near you?

View the map with all our alumni circles here.

Our alumni community consists of almost 100.000 graduates: after graduation, you fly out to all corners of the globe. To provide you the opportunity to get and stay in contact with other UM alumni and your alma mater, the concept of Alumni Circles was born.

What is an alumni circle?

An Alumni Circle is a local network of UM alumni who get together, and organise events on a time-to-time basis. An Alumni Circle consists of an Alumni Committee with a few dedicated alumni who are willing to facilitate and host events in their city. Together with the Event and Community Coordinator from the UM Alumni Office, they  develop the programme. The committee members are key in maintaining the local network and fulfil an important role as ambassadors of the UM. 

Can't find your city?

Is your city missing, would you like to join a committee, or explore the possibilities of creating an Alumni Circle yourself? Contact us via

Join an Alumni Circle Committee

Alumna Katharina Nolte

Curious what it's like to be part of an alumni circle committee? Read the interview with alumna Katharina Nolte, who's been a committee member in Berlin for more than 7 years now. 

Katharina: "In the past 7 years, there have been many highlights in the alumni circle, great events and interesting contacts. The most memorable experience was probably my very first alumni event, the UM Star Lecture 2016. I felt transported back to my student life. I got to know the fellow committee members with whom I exchanged ideas for upcoming UM alumni events. Long story short: since that evening I have been an active member of the alumni circle committee."

Theme Communities

Our Theme Communities are there to connect alumni with a shared interest in a certain topic. The themes can be established either top down (initiated by UM) or bottom up (initiated by the community itself). Currently, there is one active theme community around sustainability. Here you can read all about it.