Globalisation & Law Network


The Globalisation & Law Network is composed by a group of researchers of Maastricht University, coming from different backgrounds, who study the role that law plays in a globalizing society from a holistic perspective. We are interested in understanding how globalization is challenging legal systems, the societal consequences of these changes, and how legal actors and instruments should be adapted to respond to these challenges. 

Globalisation & Law Network brings together scholars working in different fields of law - administrative, constitutional, criminal, private, tax - and focusing on different levels of governance - international, EU, national - in order to tackle a number of overarching research questions from several angles.

Meet the Globalisation & Law Network


Globalisation & Law Network aims at studying the changing role of law in a globalising society, and, in particular, how globalisation is challenging the potential of the law to regulate, protect and solve disputes.

Our Research focuses on two main themes: 
1. Legitimacy issues created by Globalisation and
2. Judicial Protection and Conflict Resolution.

 Read more about Globalisation & Law Network's research
 View Globalisation & Law Network’s publications

Globalisation & Law Network’s research is part of the Law Faculty​ research programme and
its members belong to various research institutes.

Globalisation & Law Network news

  • Valentina Golunova was awarded the Special Distinction for her PhD thesis “Silenced by Default: Algorithmic Content Moderation and Freedom of Expression in the European Union” by the European Group of Public Law (EGPL)

  • In July 2024, the Common Market Law Review published Matteo Bonelli’s case note ‘Growing pains: Direct effect, primacy and fundamental rights after Lin’. The note discusses the decision of the CJEU in the 2023 Lin case, and analyses how the Court dealt with questions of direct effect and primacy...

  • On 12 June 2024, Dr Domenico Carolei, Lecturer in Public International Law and Public Law at the University of Stirling, gave a talk entitled 'Charting NGO Accountability: Identifying alternative accountability routes'.

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Globalisation & Law Network Seminar Series

Globalisation & Law Network Events

  • 23 Sep 23 Sep
    16:00 - 18:30

    Law and Popular Culture Lecture series

    Underlining the value that non-conventional approaches to law offer to a better understanding of social sciences, this Lecture Series aims at sparking continuous debate and dialogue.

  • 30 Oct 01 Nov
    09:00 - 17:00

    Narratives, Frontier Technologies & the Law

    The conference will feature high-quality scholarly perspectives and theoretical investigations into the relationship or correlation between Narratives, Frontier Technologies, and the Law, with the objective of providing valuable insights for international legal scholars to analyse and conceptualise...