Research services and facilities

The Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) works towards innovative and high quality research facilities. Research infrastructure is a precondition for the realisation of the FHML research programme.

Central research facilities and infrastructure

Within the FHML, there are several Central Research Facilities (COVs) to provide optimal support to researchers and ensure a safe working environment. The COVs are accessible to all FHML staff and play a crucial role in strengthening the faculty’s research activities.

Microscopy Core Lab (MCL)
Enabling Technologies

Central services

Staff members can also make use of the central services offered by the service centres of Maastricht University. The activities of the Contract Research Centre, i.e. funding advice, operational management, legal advice, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), spin-off advice, financial, tax and administrative advice, training and coaching are largely taken care of within FHML.