Received grants since 2002

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NWO Gravitation Programme

  • Jansen A.T.M. (2018-2019). New Science of Mental Disorders. Joint program of UM (coordinator), EURotterdam, Leiden, RUGroningen, UMCGroningen, UUtrecht, UvAmasterdam, and UvTilburg. Execution in 2020-2029 (€ 19.393.000).

European Research Council (ERC)

  • Ten Oever S. (2023). ERC Starting Grant. Back to the Future: Anticipatory synchronisation as a core mechanism for interarea brain communication. € 1.499.750
  • Meijer E. (2022, partner). ERC Advanced Grant. VCOMP: Generating Voluntary Compliance Across Doctrines and Nations: Interlocking the Behavioral and Regulatory Aspects of Governments’ Ability to Trust Public' Cooperation, Ethicality and Compliance € 75.000
  • Martino F. de (2020). ERC Consolidator Grant PrAud: Mesoscopic computational imaging of the predictive listening human brain € 1.900.000
  • De Gelder B. (2019), (ERC Synergy Grant; KU Leuven coordinator): RELEVANCE - How body relevance drives brain organization. € 2.777.250
  • Roebroeck, A. (2014), (ERC Starting Grant): Imaging Brain Circuits to Decode Brain Computations: Multimodal Multiscale Imaging of Cortical Microcircuits to Model Predictive Coding in Human Vision (Multiconnect). € 1.500.000
  • Gelder de, B (2012), (ERC Advanced Grant): Bodies express emotions and actions in sociocultural context. € 2.499.541
  • Goebel, R. (2011), (ERC Advanced Grant): Cracking the columnar-level code in the visual hierarchy: Ultra high-field functional MRI, neuro-cognitive modelling and high-resolution brain-computer interfaces. € 2.473.381
  • Sack A. (2011), (ERC Consolidator Grant): Rebalancing the brain: Guiding brain recovery after stroke. € 1.334.853

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NWO Vici (€ 1.500.000)

  • Bonte M. (2023). The reading curve: Predicting children’s reading skills from their neurobehavioral learning trajectories.
  • Roefs A. (2022). Understanding overweight and obesity. The end of average.
  • Nederkoorn S. (2020). Cognitive processes in learning to like vegetables.
  • Sack A. (2015). The rhythms of cognition: Using simultaneous TMS-fMRI-EEG to integrate brain-wide network and oscillatory communication mechanisms for enhancing human cognition
  • Formisano E. (2013). Unravelling the brain code for listening to natural auditory scenes: A computational neuroimaging approach.
  • Jansen A.T.M. (2011). When losing is winning: beating obese genes through extinction training.
  • Peters M.L. (2007). Optimism as a resiliency for chronic pain: pathways and intervention.
  • Kemner C. (2007). I see what you mean: the basics of social processing
  • Vlaeyen J.W.S. (2005). Mood, stop-rules, and task performance in chronic pain.
  • Weerd P.H.M. de (2004). From genes to cognition: The molecular and neural underpinnings of perceptual learning.
  • Schiller N.O. (2003). Verbal monitors during lexical conflict in the language production.

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NWO Vidi (€ 800.000)

  • Sorger B. (2020). Out of the brain, into control - Towards brainbased means of social and environmental interaction for children with severe cerebral palsy.
  • Meulders A. (2017). When the good gets bad…and sticks! Understanding and challenging (the spreading of) pain-related avoidance behavior.
  • Poser B. (2017). Rapid mapping of brain structure and function with MRI: non-Cartesian acquisitions with transmit field homogenisation from 3 to 9.4 Tesla.
  • Bonte M. (2016). Learning to read the listening brain: Imaging auditory corticval plasticity during typical and dyslectic reading development.
  • Roefs A. (2016). Mindset matters: How mindset, body weight, and dietary restraint influence neural representations of food.
  • Smeets T. (2015). Understanding Why Old Habits Die Hard Under Stress: Dopaminergic Modulation And Neural Substrates Of Stress-Induced Habitual Behaviour.
  • Roebroeck A. (2015). Wire-mining the visual brain: Unravelling human neuronal connections at higher resolutions.
  • Martino F. de (2013). Mapping the circuitry of the human auditory pathway at the sub-millimetre level.
  • Uludag K. (2012). Understanding the functional micro-architecture of the human brain using ultra high-field magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Sack A.T. (2006). Visualizing virtual lesions and plasticity in the working human brain: Simultaneously combining fMRI and TMS.
  • Bögels S.M. (2005). De rol van de vader bij de ontwikkeling van sociale fobieën: Zijn vaders met sociale fobie minder speels en uitdagend en lopen hun kinderen daarom een verhoogde kans om zelf een sociale fobie te ontwikkelen? (The role of the father in the development of social Phobias).
  • Formisano E. (2004). Processing of 'What' and 'Where' auditory information in the human brain: parallel streams of modules or interacting cortical networks?
  • Wessel I. (2003). Intrusions and defective inhibition: Exploration of a new model for the mechanisms underlying intrusive memory.
  • Jelicic M. (2002). Determinants of false recollections.
  • Wiers R.W.H.J. (2002). The role of implicit and explicit cognitions in the aetiology of addictive behaviours.

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NWO Veni (€250.000, €280.000 since 2020)

  • Schueth A. (2020). llluminating the microstructure of the human brain in health and disease: 3D histology by tissue clearing and light-sheet microscopy.
  • Bogaard G. (2020). Outsmarting liars: Towards an interviewing protocol that allows for single-case lie-detection.
  • Quaedflieg C.W.E.M. (2019). Forget about it: Understanding and preventing stress-induced impairments in intentional mnemonic control.
  • Huber L. (2018). Understanding how the connections between our brain’s cortical layers make us who we are.
  • Lemmens L. (2017). Beating the Binge: A network approach to understand and reduce binge eating behaviour in daily life.
  • Hausfeld L. (2017). Not only background noise: Multimodal investigations on the neural processing of unattended sounds in natural environments.
  • Moerel M. (2015). Whose phone is that? An ultra-high field fMRI investigation of attentive listening and auditory cortical plasticity.
  • Cima R. (2015). Facing Tinnitus: A fear-conditioning approach to chronic tinnitus suffering.
  • Graaf de T. (2013). Brain mechanisms of conscious perception during binocular rivalry.
  • Otgaar H. (2012). Shifting Memories: Reversing Development Trends in Memory Illusions in (non) Maltreated Populations.
  • Meijer E.H. (2011). Extracting Concealed Information from Groups.
  • Riecke L. (2011). Don't mind the gap: Brain mechanisms for the tracking of sounds in noisy scenes.
  • Karsdorp P. (2010). Reduced inhibitory control and excessive avoidance behaviour in chronic pain.
  • Lobbestael J. (2010). Anger in patients with antisocial personality disorder: Hot in the mind, cold in the body.
  • Voncken M. (2010). Social bonding: a new dimension in Social Anxiety Disorder.
  • Roberts M. (2009). Time to change: How timely changes in neuronal interactions lead to skill learning.
  • Vancleef L. (2009). Pain of pane?? The role of pain-directed interpretations in chronic pain.
  • Smeets T. (2008). Thriving in the face of adversity: Psychophysiological markers of resilience and their association with attachment.
  • Atteveldt van N. (2007). The Multisensory Human Brain – Solving the debate on direct and indirect pathways.
  • Bonte M.L. (2007). The development of the listening brain: A combined EEG and fMRI investigation of voice and speech processing in children, adolescents and adults.
  • Geraerts E.G. (2007). From fictitious memory to Aha-Erlebnis: Two types of recovered memories.
  • Havermans R.C. (2007). The nature of activity-induced taste aversion learning.
  • Sambeth A. (2007). Mixed memories: On the role of different neurotransmitters in memory processing.
  • Ven V.G. van de (2007). Perceptually reactivating is believing?: Primary sensory cortical processing during memory retrieval and its role in self-generated perceptions.
  • Christoffels I. (2006). How do we switch from hersenen to brain? The neural correlates of bilingual language control in speaking and translating.
  • Cima M. (2005). Impulsive and predatory dimensions within psychopathy: towards a new model of psychopathic subtypes.
  • Roelofs J. (2005). The role of rumination in predicting the development of depressive symptoms in children and adolescents.
  • Candel I.E.L. (2004). The effect of perceptual schema activation on errors in scene memory.
  • Engelhard I. (2004). Experimental research of mechanisms involved in the onset and persistence of post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Sack A.T. (2004). Top-down feedback signals in visuospatial attention and visuospatial imagery: Combining studies with fMRI and TMS.

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NWO Rubicon

  • Kloft L. (2023). Effects of benzodiazepines on eye movements and memory for a virtual reality crime.
  • Wu M. (2023).  Investigating the effects of beta event-related synchronization modulation on motor function recovery and GABA inhibition: towards an individualized neuromodulation-based treatment for stroke patients
  • Verbaarschot C. (2020). Exploring the world through artificial touch: Determining the quality of tactile sensations for prosthetic control.
  • Alleva J. (2015). Handsome is as handsome does: Investigating body functionality and novel mechanisms of body image improvement
  • Quaedflieg C. (2015). Reverting to old habits under stress: The role of timing and interindividual differences.
  • Zilverstand A. (2015). Neurofeedback training for enhancing self-control in drug addiction.
  • Werthmann J. (2013). Attention please! Modifying visual attention towards food to overcome food avoidance and self-starvation in Anorexia Nervosa patients.
  • Kloet D. van der (2013). Dissociative symptoms and sleep: Sleep normalization to alleviate dissociative symptoms.
  • Moerel M. (2013). Singing birds and human voices: Processing of natural sounds by the human brain.
  • Killian-Hütten N. (2011). Neuronal processes in the construction of conscious auditory perception: patterns and entrained oscillations.
  • Mur M. (2010). Beyond the sum of the parts: how does the brain combine face features into a holistic representation?
  • Blau V. (2009). “Unify my world!” - The Development of Multisensory Perception in the Infant Brain.
  • Ruitenbeek P. van (2009). The role of histamine dysfunction in cognitive deficits in schizophrenia.
  • Sorger B. (2009). When the brain speaks for itself developing novel communication devices for “locked-in” patients using brain signals.
  • Peters, M.J.V. (2008). When there is more that meets the eye: An exploration of false memories in schizophrenia.
  • Bles M. (2007). Have you been here before?” Detecting episodic memory traces from brain activity.
  • Smeets T. (2007). Social cognition under stress: Towards a better understanding of the neuroendocrine mechanisms modulating social interactions.
  • Coelho J.S. (2006). Eating behaviour in overweight children: Triggers for episodes of overeating.
  • Dijk K.R.A. van (2006). Brain aging: Is increased neuronal recruitment a composational mechanism?
  • Geraerts E.G. (2006). Cognitive mechanisms of false and genuine recovered abuse memories.
  • Giesbrecht T.M. (2006). Emotional memory in depersonalization disorder.

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NWO Research Talent

  • Kaas A. & Goebel R. (2018-2019). Testing somatosensory deficits in stroke patients with MRI: the key to increasing motor rehabilitation success. PhD student: Till Steinbach MSc.
  • Sack A. & Dewitte M. (2018). Can our brain undergo a sex-change? Studying brain changes and sexual wellbeing in transgenders. PhD student: Mathilde Kennis MSc.
  • Formisano E. & de Weerd P. (2017). Effects of attention on (multi-)sensory entrainment in auditory cortical columns. PhD student: Miriam Heynckes MSc
  • Sack A. & de Graaf T. (2017). In control of attention: teasing apart the brain’s top-down mechanisms of attention allocation. PhD student: Shanice Janssens MSc
  • Otgaar H. & Ramaekers J. (2016). Telling true from false: Agonism of false memories in drug users. PhD student: Lilian Kloft MSc.
  • Goebel R. & Sorger B. (2015). Ahead of the game: Improving executive functioning in children with cerebral palsy using game-based cognitive training and neurofeedback. PhD student: Hannah Boeijkens MSc -> Cynthia van de Wauw MSc.
  • Sorger B. & Goebel R. (2015). ‘Locked-in’ yet not ‘locked-out’: developing individualized brain-based communication means for the paralyzed suitable for daily use. PhD student: Laurien Nagels-Coune MSc.
  • Goebel R. (2014). Studying the constructive nature of visual motion perception at columnar and laminar resolution in the human brain. PhD student: Marian Schneider MSc.
  • Uludag K. (2014). Cognition shapes visual perception: Functional neuroanatomy of early visual processing using ultra-high field MRI. PhD student: Ingo Marquardt MSc.
  • Gerven P. van (2014). Successful aging in the information society: sensory modality as a key to understanding and improving selective attention in aging and dementia. PhD student: Franziska Dieckmann MSc.
  • Sack A. (2013). Modulating anticorrelated networks in early Alzheimer's disease a simultaneous TMS-fMRI approach. PhD student: Helen Lückmann MSc.
  • Formisano E. (2013). Neural mechanisms for auditory streaming revealed by music compositions and multimodal functional neuroimaging. PhD student: Niels Disbergen MSc.
  • Stapert S.Z. (2013). Unraveling the biopsychosocial factors of fatigue and sleep complaints after traumatic brain injury. PhD student: not started.
  • Merckelbach H. (2012). Bogus Symptoms, Hysterics, and Mother Teresa: a cognitive dissonance analysis of feigning. PhD student: Elly Niesten MSc.
  • Muris P. (2012). Cognitive bias in action: the role of confirmation bias in the development and maintenance of childhood anxiety. PhD student: Stina Römer MSc -> Lorraine Fliek MSc.
  • Sack A.T. (2012). Brain rhytms and multisensory perception: unravelling the basis of fundamental brain oscillations. PhD student: Sanne ten Oever MSc.
  • Weerd P.H.M. de (2012). The rhytms of aging: exploring neural communication in the aging brain using MEG. PhD student: Maarten Leenders MSc.

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NWO Toptalent (4-year PhD position)

  • Peeters P. (2008). Social threat hurts! The influence of the social context on pain.
  • Graaf de T. (2008). Brain systems of visual consciousness: functional relevance and connectivity.
  • Moerel M. (2008). Discovering new dimensions in the human auditory cortex with real-life stimuli.
  • Kilian-Hütten N. (2007). Cognitive neuroimaging of real-life and social audition.

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NWO Aspasia

  • Lobbestael J. (2019). VIDI Grant competition. € 150.000
  • Bonte M.L. (2017). in addition to Vidi Grant. € 100.000
  • Roefs A. (2017). in addition to Vidi Grant. € 100.000
  • Peters M.L. (2002). Vulnerability factors and protective personality traits in the etiology of chronic non-specific pain and disability.
  • Schmitt B. (2002). The neural selection of word investigated by event-related brain potentials (ERP), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and source analysis.

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NWO Comenius Programme

  • Nübold A. (2021). Improv(e) your study start! € 100.000
  • Fonteijn H.T.H. (2019). Global Citizenship (Leadership Fellow). € 250.000
  • Capalbo M. (2019). Personalized Assessment. Promoting self-directed learning in large-cohort multiple-choice exams (Senior Fellow). € 100.000
  • Hurks P.P.M. (2018). (Beter) Leren te leren en te voelen: De introductie van een "wellbeing" module binnen het hoger onderwijs ((Improving) Learning to learn and feel: introduction of a ‘wellbeing’ model in higher education). (Teaching Fellow) € 50.000

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  • Resch C. (2019, Kempenhaeghe). Time flies or doesn’t it?: Time-perception of adolescents and the relation to school-functioning.
  • Hurks P.P.M. (2018). Onderwijs op maat: Wat is er bekend over hulpmiddelen die ingezet worden op school ter bevordering van de sensorische prikkelverwerking, executieve functies en schoolprestaties? (Tailor-made Education: What is known of tools to improve sensory stimulus processing, executive functioning, and school performance). €48.437
  • Loosbroek E. van (2009). The brain behavior relations of numerical representations during the transition to number symbols in early mathematics education.
  • Stiers P. (2009). Neural mechanisms underlying self-monitoring and self-regulation in adolescence.

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NWO Food, Cognition & Behaviour

  • Markus R. (2016). TKI Agri & Food: Suikerfrisdrank, honger en bloedglucose concentraties.
  • Jansen A. (2016). TKI Agri & Food: Once you pop, you just can’t stop: how mindset rules biology and makes you eat.
  • Markus R. (2013). Food, Cognition & Behaviour: Gene by cognition influences on emotional eating; a moderating role for ruminative thinking?
  • Jansen A. (2013). Food, Cognition & Behaviour: Once you pop, you just can't stop. The effects of manipulated control cognitions on brain activation, gut hormones, desire to eat and consumption.

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NWO Smart Mix

  • Goebel R.W. (2007, as partner). BrainGain, brain-computer and computer-brain interfaces.

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NWO Open Competition

  • Otto T. (2023, SGW). Achieving silence: Neurofeedback augmentation of Mental Silence Meditation training using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. € 50.000
  • Hilton M. (2023, SGW). The shy brain: Measuring neural correlates of shyness during social interaction. € 50.000
  • Hülsheger U. (2023, SGW). Recovering from the daily demands of work. € 349.910
  • Sauerland M. (2023, SGW). Stressed eyewitnesses: good or bad for memory? € 399.894
  • Meulders A. (2023, SGW). To avoid or not to avoid: Social support as a unique safety signal in pain-related avoidance learning. € 399.633
  • Boonstra T. (2023, SGW). Why is walking so difficult for people living with Parkinson's disease and why do cues help? € 398.992
  • Quaedflieg C. (2023, SGW). Fear amnesia: intentional suppression to boost fear extinction. € 50.000
  • Moerel, M. (2023, SGW). Uncharted territory: The human TRN. € 32.670
  • Hausfeld L. (2023, SGW). Direct and fast measurement of neural activation – Towards new frontiers of human neuroimaging. € 49.946
  • Stapel J. (2023, SGW). Tracking motor development, where and when it happens. € 49.983
  • Weerd P. de (2022, SGW/SSH). How humans see surfaces: Filling-in gaps of knowledge using ultra-high field fMRI and TMS. € 750.000
  • Sack A. (2021, SGW). Towards Personalised Neuromodulation in Mental Health: a non-invasive avenue of network research into dynamic brain circuits and their dysfunction. € 750.000
  • Formisano E. (2021, SGW). Aud2Sem: Acoustic to Semantic Transformations in Human Auditory Cortex. € 750.000
  • Vlaeyen J. (2021). What drives avoiding pain? Cue-controlled modulation and extinction of pain avoidance behavior € 410.602
  • Jansen A.T.M. (2019, SGW/SSH). Fear and Avoidance in Anorexia Nervosa. € 300.000
  • Kotz S.A. (2019, SGW/SSH). Motor-auditory oscillatory coupling in human beat- and rhythm perception. € 766.437
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2019, SGW/SSH). A targeted imaging-metabolomics approach to classify harms of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS). € 766.437
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2011). Come closer: unravelling the neurobiological mechanisms underlying Ecstasy-induced prosocial effects. € 205.206
  • Arntz A.R. (2010). Emotional Dysregulation and Threat Bias in Borderline Personality Disorder: Changes in Brain Activation and Information Processing During the Course of Psychological Treatment.
  • Martijn C. (2010). Give us a smile and lighten us up: Novel strategies for enhancing body satisfaction.
  • Breukelen G. van (2010). Efficient two-stage and multi-stage multilevel designs: more power for the same price.
  • Di Salle F. (2009). The functional role of the brain’s default mode network: a simultaneous TMS-fMRI study.
  • Formisano E. (2009). The neurocomputational basis of forming visual mental images from auditory descriptions: Investigations with simultaneous TMS and fRMI.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2008). In search for the missing link between acute and long-term effects of MDMA-use on cognition: Cortisol levels and MDMA-induced memory impairment.
  • Sack AT (2008). The neurobiology of visual awareness and behavioral priming: Simultaneously measuring and manipulating the neural correlates underlying conscious visual perception and behavioral priming.
  • Jansen A.T.M. (2007). Experimental studies into the maintenance and recovery of eating disorders and obesity.
  • Merckelbach H.L.G.J. (2007). The cognitive psychology of recovered memories.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2007). Cannabis and MDMA: The neuropharmacology of memory impairment.
  • Candel I.E.L. (2006). Children’s false memories: the role of plausibility and valence.
  • Jonkman L.M. (2006). Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, can inhibition problems be explained by a shortage in working memory capacity?
  • Sack A.T. (2006). TMS and speech production.
  • Formisano E. (2005). Role of parietal cortex in spatial imagery investigated by functional imaging and transient lesion studies.
  • Formisano E. (2005). Speech perception in a noisy environment: Combining fMRI and MEG.
  • Jansen A.T.M. (2005). Selective visual attention for ugly body parts as a causal mechanism of body dissatisfaction.
  • Jelicic M. (2005). Memory distrust as a determinant of pseudo-memories.
  • Weerd P.H.M. de (2005). fMRI and MEG studies in humans.
  • Wiers R.W.H.J. (2005). Developing web-based implicit cognition measures and applying them in E-health projects.
  • Huibers M.J.H. (2004). The treatment of depression in primary care: the efficiency of computerised cognitive behaviour therapy.
  • Peters M.L. (2004). Somatic and psychological predictors of chronic pain and disability after surgery.
  • Wiers R.W.H.J. (2004). Implicit cognition and prevention in high risk youth.
  • Engelhard I. (2003). Predictors and prevention of posttraumatic stress disorder after road accidents in children and adolescents.
  • Bögels S. (2002). Prevention of childhood anxiety disorder: a comparison of the effects of child cognitive behavior intervention.
  • Goebel R.G. (2002). Investigating top-down and bottom-up control of visual selection with functional MRI.
  • Martijn C. (2002). Het falen van zelfcontrole.
  • Merckelbach H.L.G.J. (2002). The defensive function of dissociation.
  • Vlaeyen J.W.S. (2002). Back-X: Exposure in vivo for back pain.
  • Wiers R.W.H.J. (2002). Effects of naltrexone on abstinence and alcohol-related expectancies in French and Dutch alcohol dependent patients with and without a family history of alcoholism: a randomized clinical trial.

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NWO Graduate school

  • Arntz A.R. (2011). Research school Experimental Psychopathology (EPP).
  • Jansma B. (2009). Graduate school Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience.

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NWO Investment Subsidy Medium (MaGW)

  • Poser, B.A. (2017). Improving reliability of high-field MRI in application to neuroscience and patients.
  • Goebel R.G. (2012). Advanced multi-channel RF-coils for sub-millimetre functional brain imaging on ultrahigh field MR scanners.
  • Formisano E. & Peters M.L. (2010). A "Virtual Reality" laboratory for psychological and neuroscientific investigations of normal and deviant human behaviour.

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NWO Westerdijk Talent Impulse

  • Bonte M. (2018). Professor on a Chair with Specialised Remit in ‘Cognitive Neuroscience of Language and Literacy Development’. € 50.000
  • Hülsheger U. (2018). Professor on a Chair with Specialised Remit in ‘Occupational Health Psychology, with a special focus on work stress and individual resources’. € 50.000

NWO Replication Studies

  • Meijer, E. & Verschuere B., UvA (2017). Replication Study on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely, 2008. € 44.000

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NWO various

  • Goebel R./Formisano E. (2023). Roadmap: The Dutch National 14Tesla MRI Initiative in Medical Science (DYNAMIC). €0, matching 9.4T scanning
  • Otgaar H. (2021). FWO: The Fate of False Memory € 40.000
  • Ryckeghem D. van (2021). FWO: “Their pain is not our pain": Unravelling how caregiver attention to pain and perspective taking contribute to racial disparities in child pain care. € 15.500
  • Jonas K.J. (2020). Improving health behavior interventions in Indonesia (SDF). € 20.000
  • Jonas K.J. (2019). Wellbeing, Woman and Work in Ethiopia (WOTRO). € 38.637
  • Jansen A. (2012). Gamma Meerwaarde Plus: Leren om niet te eten.
  • Blomert L. (2011). FES Hersenen & cognitie: Fluent reading acquisition neurocognitively decomposed: the case of dyslexia.
  • Lobbestael J. & Sack A.T. (2011). FES Hersenen & cognitie: Will he aggress again and if so, can we change his mind? A new experimental and brain-system-based approach of reliably predicting future violent behaviour of antisocial offenders.
  • Evers L. (2010). FES Hersenen & Cognitie, deelproject “depressie”. (FES Brain & Cognition, subproject “depression”).
  • Hurks P. (2010). FES Hersenen & Cognitie, individuele patronen in cognitie talentontwikkeling en expressie binnen PO en VO. (FES Brain & cognition, Individual patterns in cognitive talent development and expression in primary and secondary education).
  • Smeets T. (2010). FES Hersenen & Cognitie, “Effectiviteit van neuropsychologische interventies”. (FES Brain & Cognition, “effectiveness of neuropsychological interventions”).
  • Rubio E. (MUMC+) & Jansma B. (2009) Brain and Cognition symposia: “Neurochemistry modulation of Cognitive functions in galactosemia”.
  • Jansen A.T.M (2007). Replacement grant NWO.
  • Schaalma H.P. (2007). Development, implementation and evaluation of a theory- and evidence-based ART-adherence enhancing intervention in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. NWO PRIOR.
  • Formisano E. (2004). Role of primate auditory cortex in the formation of auditory objects. NWO Cognition.
  • Blomert L. (2002). Cross-linguistic comparison of spoken language development in normal readers and in developmental dyslexics. NWO International cooperation with partner Hungarian OTKA.

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  • Merckelbach H.L.G.J. (2009). TOP: Dissociation and sleep.

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ZonMw Efficiency Research

  • Arntz A.R. (2011). Group schema therapy for borderline personality disorder.
  • Vlaeyen J.W.S. (2006). The cost-effectiveness of multidisciplinary management of Tinnitus at a specialized Tinnitus Center.
  • Arntz A.R. (2005). Psychological treatment of personality disorders: A multi-centered randomised controlled trial on the (cost-) effectiveness of Schema-Focused Therapy.
  • Huibers M. (2004). Gecomputeriseerde cognitieve gedragstherapie voor depressie in de eerste lijn (Computerised cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression in primary care).

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ZonMw various

  • Quaedflieg C. (2022). Offroad: EIPTIS: Esketamine Intake for the Prevention of Trauma Induced Symptomatology € 97.820
  • Peters M. (2022). Open Competition: Genito-pelvic pain: towards a biopsychosocial, ecologically valid research and treatment model € 773.009
  • Zijlstra F. (2022). Re-integratie zonder grenzen. € 400.000
  • Zijlstra F. (2022). Re-integratie 2e spoor. € 50.000
  • Zijlstra F. (2022). VIMP programma: Uitproberen, Aanpassen, Opleiden. € 50.000
  • Roelofs J. (2021). Clinical and cost-effectiveness of group schema therapy for complex eating disorders: the GST-EAT study € 600.000
  • Sack A. (2021). Veelbelovende zorg samen met MUMC.
  • Zijlstra F. (2020). Improve, adapt, overwork? Understanding and learning from hospitals' adaptations to COVID 19 and their effects on professional functioning and recovery. Hoofdaanvrager FHML.

  • Bronswijk S. van & Peeters F. (2020). Personalized treatment selection and adaptation for depression – the T-SAD study.

  • Ruiter R. (2018). Exploring infection prevention practices and its determinants in home-based care: a behavioural approach to develop future interventions. € 177.907
  • Ten Hoor G. (2018). Kracht van Kracht – een extra impuls! € 10.000
  • De Ruiter C. (2017). Verbetering feitenonderzoek kindermishandeling bij Veilig Thuis: Implementatie en evaluatie van het NICHD protocol vergeleken met de huidige praktijk. € 50.000
  • Massar K. (2017). Future Positive: Increasing health behaviors of low-SES employees by focusing on hope, optimism, resilience and efficacy. € 190.630
  • Kok G. (2017). Kennisynthese FASD. € 40.107
  • Kok G.J. (2012). Participatory research into quality of life of adults (via Nivel).
  • Zijlstra F. (2012). Development of an assessment tool for Substainable Employability.
  • Kok G.J. (2012). Boys’ Contact: doorontwikkeling en effectmeting van een interventie voor preventie van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag (via Rutgers WPF).
  • Kok G.J. (2010). Implementatie “Lang Leve de Liefde 4” (Implementation “Hurray for Love 4”).
  • Ramaekers J. (2009). Impulsive brain: genetic moderation of tonic dopamine and vulnerability to cannabis and cocaine abuse.
  • Lankveld J. van (2008). Research into the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of short term, cost free and anonymous sex counselling.
  • Schaalma H.P. (2008). Planmatige ontwikkeling van een internet-based en probleem-gestuurd voorlichtingsprogramma ter bevordering van de seksuele gezondheid van havo/vwo scholieren (development of an internet and problem based sex education programme).
  • Kok G.J. (2007). Adverse effects of health messages; Preventing the communication of unintended social norms stimulating unhealthy behaviors.
  • Kok G.J. (2007). Fear is a bad counselor; a study on determinants of ritual use of fear appeals in prevention practice.
  • Verbunt A.M.C.F. (2005). Experienced disability of the activity level of chronic low back pain patients: the role of self-discrepancies.
  • ok G.J. (2004). Bevordering van HIV/SOA testen (Promotion of testing for HIV/SOA).
  • Mulkens A.A.N. (2004). Preventie van overgewicht bij kinderen en jeugdigen: training van ouders (Parent training for obese children).
  • Huibers M. (2003). Prognose en beloop van chronische vermoeidheid en burnout onder werknemers (Prognosis and course of chronic fatigue and burnout in employees).
  • Kok G.J. (2003). How to change environmental conditions for health.
  • Kok G.J. (2003). Behavioral journalism: Effects of HIV education with drug users.
  • Jolles J. (2002). Cognitive flexibility and prefrontal cortex: an fMRI study.

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  • Goebel R. (2017). Mapping of human visual cortex. € 197.564
  • Formisano, E (2012). STW Perspective project: ImaGene; High-field MR Imaging genetics for early prediction of neurocognitive impairment in diabetes. € 638.386
  • Roefs A. (2011). Train your brain, think slim! € 214.992

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EU Marie (Skłodowska) Curie Actions

  • Moia S. (2023). MSCA PF: Graph Signal Processing Models for Neurovascular Decoupling – GraspingNerve € 187.624
  • Coppieters I. (2022). MSCA PF: Imaging fear of painful touch: unraveling relationships between neural correlates of pain-related fear, somatosensory neuroplasticity, and sensory impairments in the context of chronic pain – FABrIC € 187.624
  • Boonstra T. (2020). MSCA: Postural networks: linking cognitive and motor control across the lifespan - POSTURENET € 187.572
  • Sack A. & Leunissen, I. (2018). MSCA IF: Tuning-brakes: Fine-tuning the brain’s brakes – modulating inhibitory control with transcranial alternating current stimulation
  • Kotz S. & Kandilaki K. (2018). MSCA NERHYMUS: The Neurobiology of Rhythm: effects of Musical expertise on natural speech comprehension
  • Cima R. & Pereira Da Cruz Gomes L. (2017). MSCA-ITN European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research — ESIT.
  • Sack A. (2018). MSCA IF: Tuning brakes.
  • Kotz S. (2018). MSCA NERHYMUS
  • Cima R. (2017). MSCA-ITN European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research — ESIT.
  • Gelder, B. de & Kätsyri, J (2016). MSCA incoming: Affective neurocognitive model for the ‘Uncanny Valley’ – NEUROBUKIMI.
  • Kotz, S. & Truijllo-Burreto, N (2016). MSCA incoming: Monitoring changes in brain states using dynamical causal networks – DynamicBrainStates.
  • Kotz, S. & Brown, R (2016). MSCA incoming: Enhancing expectancy formation in healthy aging through statistical and sensorimotor learning – Expectancy learning.
  • Kotz, S. & Biau, E (2016). MSCA incoming: Audiovisual Speech Segmentation and Oscillations – AVISSO.
  • Kotz, S. & Belyk M. (2016) H2020 Erasmus Mundus ACN Mobility Award
  • Duecker, F (2016). MSCA outgoing: Revealing the functional organization of attention networks using TMS and neuroimaging
  • Merckelbach H. & Sauerland M. (2012). EMJD: Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programme Legal Psychology.
  • Evers L. (2010), (Marie Curie Action – International Outgoing Fellowship): The interplay between the appetitive dopaminergic and the aversive.
  • Jansma B., Goebel R., De Weerd, P. (2009). NeuroPhysics: Support for training and career development of researchers (Marie Curie).
  • Van Ruitenbeek P. (2009). (Marie Curie Action – Intra European Fellowship outgoing): The role of histamine dysfunction in sensory and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia.
  • Atteveldt N. van (2008). (Marie-Curie Action – International Outgoing Fellowship) The multisensory human brain – Solving the debate on direct and indirect pathways.
  • Blomert L. (2005). (Marie-Curie; partner) Training grapheme-phoneme correlations with a child friendly computer game in preschool children with familial risk of dyslexia”.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2003). (Marie Curie) A comparative study of the effects of tryptophane and tyrosine depletion on cognitive function.

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EU Programs (e.g. FP5, FP6, FP7, Horizon2020, Erasmus Mundus)

  • Gelder B. de (2022). RIA: ReSilence, Liane Retune the Soundscape of future cities through art and science collaboration. € 368.813
  • Sack A. (2022). Twinning: BRAINN, Brain Research and Integrative Neuroscience Network for COVID-19. € 417.250
  • Hülsheger U. (2021). EIT Health: PsyHealth worXs. € 27.844
  • Gelder B. de (2021). FETPROACT GuestXR, A Machine Learning Agent for Social Harmony in eXtended Reality. € 785.149
  • Poser B. (2020). FETOPEN Aroma: Accurate, Reliable and Optimized functional MAgnetic resonance imaging at unprecedented field strength for unique exploration of the human brain. € 540.150
  • Goebel Rl. (2020). Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3 € 3.048.729,34
  • Gelder B. (2020). ICT-55 Socrates: Self Conversation in Virtual Reality Embodiment to Enhance Healthier Lifestyles Among Obese People – SOCRATES € 454.708
  • Roefs A. (2019) EIT Health: Think Slim for Kids. € 167.279
  • Hülsheger U.R. (2019). EIT Health: PsyHealth worXs. € 96.292
  • Goebel, R. (2018). Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 2 € 533.773
  • Gelder B. (2018). ICT MindSpaces: Art-driven adaptive outdoors and indoors design € 416.250
  • Gelder B. (2018). FETPROACT EnTimeMent: ENtrainment and synchronization at multiple TIME scales in the MENTal foundations of expressive gesture € 505.000
  • Goebel R. (2017). POC MindsEyeBCI: Readin the mind’s eye at 7 Tesla – a fMRI based communication braincomputer for serverely motor-impaired patients. € 150.000
  • Fonteijn H. (2017). Erasmus+: Linkyou – cooperation between Latin America and Europe to employability. € 45.591
  • Kok G. (2017). Interreg: Accelerating Condominium Energy Retrofitting. € 66.420
  • Goebel, R. (2016). Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1. € 596.620
  • Ramaekers J. (2015). Predicting Risk of Emerging Drugs with In silico and Clinical Toxicology (PREDICT). € 219.380
  • Gelder de, B (2014), ICT Dancing in the Dark. € 400.000
  • Formisano E. (2014). FET Flagship Human Brain Project: Multiscale data analysis and multiscale transfer modelling. € 233.625
  • Weerd de P. (2014). FET Flagship Human Brain Project: Revealing the activity and function of cortical layers. € 143.317
  • Kok G.J. (2011). Grundvig Aachen. € 17.000
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2011). ALICE RAP: Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project. € 247.200
  • Goebel R.W. (2010). DECODER: Deployment of Brain-Computer Interfaces for the Detection of Consciousness in Non-Responsive Patients.
  • Blokland A. (2009). TANTEN: Trans-Atlanctic Neuroscience Teaching Network.
  • Hospers H. / Kok G.J. (2009). (DG Sanco) European MSM Internet survey on knowledge, attitudes and behaviour as to HIV and STI (EMIS).
  • Lankveld J. van (2009). (DG Sanco) EUROSUPPORT 6: Developing a training and resource package for improving the sexual and reproductive health of people living with HIV/AIDS.
  • Blomert L. (2007). (Socrates) Explaining low literacy levels by profiling poor readers and their support.
  • Blomert L. & Goebel R. (2006). (Strep) Dyslexia genes and neurobiological pathways.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2006). (Druid) The effects of amphetamines and sleep disorders on neurocognitive function and actual driving performance.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2002). (Immortal) The effects of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) or “Ecstasy” on cognition, psychomotor function and actual driving performance in recreational users.

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NIH funds

  • Martino F. de (2020). The Neuronal underpinnings of non-invasive laminar fMRI. $ 138,220 (supplementary funding)
  • Jonas K.J. (2019). HIV prevention among Asian MSM attending circuit parties. € 15.043
  • Martino F. de (2018). The Neuronal underpinnings of non-invasive laminar fMRI. $ 610,967
  • Poser B. (2017). Foundations of MRI Corticography for mesoscale organization and neuronal circuitry $ 313,858
  • Jonas K. (2017). Understanding secondary prevention along the HIV care continuum among HIV + Thai YMSM $ 16,200
  • Ruiter, R. (2016). Communicating Multiple Disease Risks: A Translation of Risk Prediction Science $ 105,780


  • Ruiter R./Jonas K. (2022). Training in Intervention Mapping to improve the effectiveness of SRHR programmes. Tailor-Made Group Training, Amodefa, Mozambique
  • Mevissen F. (2017) PhD Student grant for Martha A. Abdulai.
  • Ruiter R. (2015). PhD Student grant for Cherkos Ashenafi Shumey: Impact of Husband Involvement in House-to-House Health Education on Ameliorating Maternal and Child Health Practices Utilization: a Three-Arm Cluster Randomized trial, Ethiopia.
  • Kok G. (2015).NFP-TMT grant for Sylvia Roozen.
  • Ruiter R. (2013). PhD Student grant for Cephas Sialubanje: Psychosocial, environmental and economic determinants of maternal healthcare service utilization in Kalomo, Zambia.
  • Ruiter R. (2012). PhD Student grant for John Krugu: Beyond love: Unintended Pregnancies and the Sexual Reproductive Health of Adolescents in Ghana.

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Private/Charity Funds

  • Ruiter C. de/Otgaar H. (2023). SWOL: Truyen Fonds: Promotieonderzoek naar het ontwikkelen van een methode voor hulp aan (alleenstaande) ouders die worden mishandeld door hun kinderen. € 222.228
  • Resch C. (2022). ABBAS fonds € 25.740
  • Fitzgerald B. (2022). Mondriaan Innovatiefonds: Pilot groepsschematherapie voor volwassenen met ASS en persoonlijkheidsproblematiek € 19.208
  • Heugten D. van (2022). SWOL: Application of Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) € 7.500
  • Houben S. (2022). SWOL: The effect of Imagery Rescripting on false memory formation € 7.155
  • Sauerland M. (2022). SWOL: Remain Silent, Deny or Confess? The Impact of Legal Assistance on Defendants’ Strategies and Their Understanding of Risks and Benefits During Criminal Investigations € 6.504
  • Jonas K. (2022). ViiV Healthcare: Grant Ukraine € 20.000
  • Jonas K. (2022). ViiV Healthcare: Long acting PrEP € 48.200
  • Hausfeld L. (2022). William Demant Foundation:  Non-target hearing during high and low perceptual demand € 11.055
  • Schüth A. (2021). SWOL: Novel diagnostics and improved detection of tumours in prostate cancer biopsies and identification of pathological key features of Alzheimer`s disease and Vascular dementia in human brain samples. € 7.500
  • Heugten C. van (2020). Hersenstichting: Facing fears: exposure therapy to break through chronic postconcussive symptoms € 392.500
  • Ruiter C. de (2020). Stichting Achmea Slachtoffer en Samenleving: Onderzoek Revisie CARE-NL € 27.500
  • Heugten C. van (2020). Hersenstichting: Moe-i-teloos: effectiviteit van een blended care interventie voor vermoeidheid bij hersenletsel € 383.181
  • Blokland A. (2020). Hersenstichting: Cognitief herstel na een CVA door behandeling met roflumilast € 400.000
  • Peters M.L. (2019). KWF Pink Ribbon Projects: PREPARE Preventing of persisting pain after breast cancer treatment by internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. € 515.174
  • Stutterheim S. (2019). AIDSFonds: Ensuring meaningful involvement and stigma reduction in HIV cure research. € 274.938
  • Jonas K.J. (2019). AIDSFonds: The EuRegio project; reducing HIV in the border region. € 274.695
  • Stutterheim S. (2019). ViiV Healthcare: Transgender and HIV. € 60.000
  • Stutterheim S. (2019). AIDSFonds: HIV-related stigma in the Netherlands € 10.000
  • Jansma B.M. (2019). Galactosemia Foundation. € 12.500.
  • Jonas K.J. (2018). Aidsfonds: We are prepared, PrEP zorg in Nederland! € 13.260
  • Sambeth A. (2018). SWOL: Dopen of niet? Onderzoek naar het gebruik van stimulerende middelen door studenten ten behoeve van prestatie verbetering € 3.150
  • Heugten C. van (2018). Johanna Kinder Fonds: Keuzewijzer kinderen en jongeren met hersenletsel € 9.986
  • Heugten C. van & Resch C. (2018). CZ fonds: Keuzewijzer kinderen en jongeren met hersenletsel in Zuid-Limburg € 3.000
  • Keulers E. (2017). ABBAS fonds: ADHD Screeningsvragenlijst: Signalering van het Kernprobleem achter de gedragskenmerken (ASSK) €13.200
  • Zijlstra F. (2017). A&O fonds rijk: De Maastricht Workability Monitor € 2.210
  • Zijlstra F. (2017). Stichting Kenniscentrum Phrenos: Project competentie-ontwikkeling ter versterking van organisaties bij werving, selectie en behoud van mensen met ernstige psychische aandoeningen € 25.000
  • Stutterheim S. (2017). Aidsfonds: Transgender individuals and HIV prevention: Duth advances and International challenges € 10.000
  • Bonte M. (2017). Stichting OnderwijsSteunfonds: Alle kinderen met dyslexie zijn uniek: op zoek naar optimale ondersteuning voor ieder kind met dyslexie € 19.600
  • Massar K. (2017). SWOL Research fund € 1.500
  • Stutterheim S. & Jonas K. (2017). SWOL Research fund € 3.000
  • Jonas K. (2016). AidsFonds: PrEP Among MSM in the Netherlands: Attitudes, Intentions, Modes of Acquisition and Sexual Riks Taking € 188.355
  • Sagana, A. (2016) SWOL Research fund
  • Hortensius, R. (2016) SWOL Research fund
  • Ruiter, R. (2016). NIH grant: Communicating Multiple Disease Risks: A Translation of Risk Prediction Science
  • ens, I. (2016). Revalidatiefonds: Non-confrontational feedback tijdens de klinische revalidatie.
  • Hülsheger, U. (2016). SIOP foundation
  • Gard T. (2015). Mind&Life Institute, Assessing resilience of brain functional networks and fluid intelligence in aging meditators: A combined TMS-FMRi study.
  • Heugten C. van (2015). Johanna Kinder Fonds, Brain Support.
  • Heugten C. van (2015). Revalidatiefonds, Brain Support.
  • Heugten C. van (2015). Cornelia-stichting, Effectiviteit digitale cognitieve trainingen bij NAH.
  • Heugten C. van (2015). Johanna Kinder Fonds, Effectiviteit digitale cognitieve trainingen bij NAH.
  • Heugten C. van (2015). Stichting Rotterdams Kinderrevalidatie Fonds Adriaanstichting, Effectiviteit digitale cognitieve trainingen bij NAH.
  • Kaas A. (2013). Adelante, Plasticity, motor learning and functional recovery induced by client-centered task-oriented training of the upper extremity In tetraplegia.
  • Heugten C. van (2013). Johanna KinderFonds, The (cost-) effectiveness of the integrated care pathway “Brain support” for mild traumatic brain injury in children: a comparative study.
  • Ruiter R.A.C. (2011). Aidsfonds, Brain Control: Overcoming adolescents’ impulsive negative reactions to condom use in the prevention of HIV/AIDS.
  • Bos A. (2010). Aidsfonds, HIV stigma en FRMI: Het begrijpen van neurale mechanismen en het meten van de neurale effecten van stigma-reductie strategieën (HIV and stigma: Understanding neural mechanisms and measurement of the neural effects of stigma reducing strategies).
  • Bos A. (2010). Aidsfonds, Care4Care: Reducing HIV-related stigma in the healthcare sector.
  • Bos A. (2009) Aidsfonds, Het reduceren van HIV stigma tijdens sociale interactie: Het testen van interactiestrategiën met behulp van virtual reality (Reducing HIV related stigma during social interaction: testing of interaction strategies with virtual reality).
  • Sambeth A. (2007). GSK.
  • Schaalma H.P. (2007). Aidsfonds, HIV Stigma.
  • Hospers H. (2006). Aidsfonds, HOJOCO: Coming-out, coming-in en HIV-risico.
  • Ruiter R.A.C. (2005). KWF Kankerbestrijding, Message framing for cancer prevention.
  • Jolles J. (2004). Hersenstichting, Prefrontal lobe function in adult ADHD: anfMRI study.
  • Jonkman L. (2004). Hersenstichting, The influence of an executive function training on inhibition processes in the brain of ADHD children.
  • Goebel R.W. (2003). Alzheimer stichting, Cognitive training in AD.
  • Blokland A. (2002). Alzheimer stichting, Estrogen protection against cognitive decline.
  • Goebel R.W. (2002). Alzheimer stichting.

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MUMC+ Eat Well

  • Roefs A. (2012). Picky eating: Risk or protective factor for obesity?
  • Giesen J. (2012). Changing the default: how to nudge consumers in an obesogenic environment to eat well.
  • Nederkoorn C. (2012). Dance for your health.

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Various Grants & Contracts

  • Dewitte M. (2023). ESSM: A dyadic perspective on the
  • treatment of erectile dysfunction after prostate cancer: Restoring penetration versus sexual intimacy € 30.000
  • Jansen A. (2023). Nederlandse Obesitas Kliniek:  Suboptimaal gewichtsverlies en terugval na bariatrische Chirurgie € 105.200
  • Kotz S. (2022). BIAL: Identifying altered resting state connectivity dynamics as predictors of auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) €49.000
  • Massar K. (2022). FWOS: Understanding the sexuality of adolescents with a low socioeconomic position: an exploration of protective factors at the individual, intyerpersonal and community level € 332.001
  • Jonas K. (2022). Ludwig Boltzmann Instituut € 24.500
  • Ryckeghem D. van (2021). ARC University of Sydney € 52.400
  • Weerd P. de (2021). Coimbra University: NECSUS € 51.301
  • Zimmermann H. (2021). Gilead € 50.000
  • Sagana A. (2021). Politie en wetenschap: Onderzoek naar de gevolgen van herhaaldelijke blootstelling aan gezichten van verdachten in politieapps voor agenten op patrouille € 51.736
  • Ramaekers J. (2021). Politie en wetenschap: Detectie en grenswaarden van lachgas in uitgeademde lucht van bestuurders €149.820
  • Jonas K. (2021). Sanquin € 10.000
  • Yaremenko S. (2021). University of Birmingham € 16.960
  • Kuypers K. (2021). Mindmed2 € 467.560
  • Hurk J. van den (2021). KNAW: BrainMatters € 10.000
  • Kuypers K. (2020). Silopharma € 86.776,91
  • Stutterheim S. (2020). ViiV Healthcare BV: Cross border HIV prevention: The EuRegio Project € 60.000

  • Jonas K. (2020). Provincie Limburg: Cross border HIV prevention: The EuRegio Project € 60.000

  • Jonas K. (2020). Gilead: Cross border HIV prevention: The EuRegio Project and the impact of the Corona Crisis € 25.669

  • Stutterheim S. (2020). Gilead. € 45.232

  • Ramaekers J.G. (2020). Bedrocan. € 124.625

  • Ramaekers J.G. (2020). J&J. € 419.024

  • Fitzgerald B. (2020). Stichting WKK. € 24.520
  • Kuypers K. (2020). Mindmed. € 412.906
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2019). GH Research. € 279.472
  • Zijlstra F.R.H. (2019). European Socal Fund (via UWV): Inclusive Labour. € 190.000
  • Sauerland M. (2019). Politie en wetenschap: Eyewitness identification. € 63.110
  • Meijer E.H. (2019). CREST. € 56.612
  • Jonas K.J. (2019). Municipality of Amsterdam. € 20.094
  • Heugten C. van (2019). Revant. € 8.861
  • Ruiter C. de (2019). Ministerie van VWS. € 24.992
  • Ramaekers J. (2018). Beckley foundation:  LSD repeated microdosing study € 109.913
  • Poser B. (2018). Stichting Life Science Health–TKI: PPS allowance, MAPscan € 752.600
  • Kok G. (2018). Stichting LIFT: Onderzoek naar Ervaringen van Deelnemers van de ‘Budgetkringen’ en ‘Lift je Leven’ Aanpak € 10.000
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2018). GH Research. € 99.636
  • Ramaekers J. (2018). Brain Solution: € 25.204
  • Hurks P. (2018). Commenius beurs: (Beter) Leren te leren en te voelen: De introductie van een "wellbeing" module binnen het hoger onderwijs € 50.000
  • Hurks P. (2018). NRO: Onderwijs op maat: Wat is er bekend over hulpmiddelen die ingezet worden op school ter bevordering van de sensorische prikkelverwerking, executieve functies en schoolprestaties? €48.437
  • Otgaar H. (2018). KNAW: Immunizing maltreated children against suggestive pressure € 36.280
  • Ramaekers J. (2018). BADS Hamburg: € 25.000
  • Ramaekers J. (2018). University of Sydney: Effects of vaporised cannabis, with and without CBD, on real world driving and cognition € 148.000
  • Ramaekers J. (2018). Dcube: Universiteit van Caen Normandië € 90.056
  • Ramaekers J. (2018). Beckley: LSD € 20.000
  • Ramaekers J. (2018). Beckley: Psilocybin € 20.000
  • Kuypers K. (2018). MAPS Europe BV: € 23.253
  • Goebel R. (2018). Politie: Neurofeedback for performance (N4P) € 240.000
  • Ruiter R. (2018). Nederlandse Brandwondenstichting: project Brandveiligheid Senioren € 55.000
  • Uitdewilligen S. (2017). US Army: ARI leadership $ 503,329
  • Zijlstra F. (2017). Phrenos € 20.661
  • Zijlstra F. (2017). Provincie Limburg: programma 4Limburg € 278.439
  • Zijlstra F. (2016) UWV Expertise Center contract
  • Ruitenbeek, G. van (2016) Phrenos
  • Ramaekers, J. (2016). Jazz Pharmaceuticals 15-005
  • Ramaekers, J. (2016). Jazz Pharmaceuticals 15-004
  • Ramaekers, J. (2016) Norwegian Institute for Public Health
  • Blokland, A. (2016). Nootrobox
  • Vermeeren, A. (2016). Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland
  • Ramaekers, J. (2016). Norwegian institute of public health
  • Vuurman E. & Vermeeren A. (2015). Eisai.
  • Dibbets P. (2014), Fonds Psychische Gezondheid: Risicofactoren voor post-traumatische stress problemen: Een nieuw paradigma.
  • Meijer E. (2014). Politie en wetenschap: Verbale Leugendetectie Wizzards. € 36.203
  • Zijlstra F. (2014), UWV: Maastrichtse Workability Monitor.
  • Smeets T. (2013). Unilever: Services agreement Unilever R&D.
  • Meijer E. (2013). Unilever: Services agreement Unilever R&D
  • Ramaekers J. (2013). ICADTS: Vaststellen van grenswaarden voor rijgeschiktheid bij langdurig gebruik van ICADTS categorie III medicijnen.
  • Zijlstra F. (2013). A&O Fonds Rijk, Duurzaam perspectief voor mensen met een arbeidsbeperking in de Rijkssector.
  • Nijhuis F. (2012). Arbeidsdeskundig Kennis Centrum (AKC), Implementatie Arbeidsanalyse en herontwerp van werkprocessen.
  • Ruiter R. (2012). TNO, HPV vaccinatie project.
  • Zijlstra F. (2012). The Leverhulme Trust (UK), Innovation at work: Psychological well-being, processes and outcomes.
  • Ruiter C. de (2012). Reclassering Nederland, Matchingsinstrument Werkgestraften.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2012). Venn Life Sciences B.V., Study for and on behalf of SPONSOR, in accordance with protocol no. BAAB 01-NE.
  • Ruiter R.A.C. (2011). ABBOTT Products Operations AG, Promoting influenza vaccination behaviour in health care workers; an intervention mapping approach.
  • M. de Sousa Guerreiro (2011). Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, Travel grant (visit University of California, San Francisco).
  • Kok G. (2011). TNO, Overeenkomst Inzake Promotieonderzoek.
  • Vermeeren A. (2011). MSD, A multiple dose study to evaluate next day effects of MK-4305 on driving performance in healthy non-elderly subjects.
  • Vermeeren A. (2011). MSD via SGS Belgium SA, A multiple dose study to evaluate next day effects of MK-4305 on driving performance in healthy elderly subjects.
  • Kok G.J. (2011). RIVM, Set-up monitoring acceptance NIP.
  • Vermeeren A. (2010). Transcept Pharmaceuticals, Service agreement (EPU building a 3rd test car).
  • Vermeeren A. (2010). Transcept Pharmaceuticals, ZI-18 Clinical Study agreement.
  • Di Salle F. (2010). University of Trieste, DEEI of the University of Trietste.
  • Houben K. (2010). ERAB, Training executive functions to reduce alcohol abuse: restoring control over automatic impulses to drink alcohol.
  • Jansen A.T.M. (2009), U-center, Impulsivity, cue reactivity and excessive behaviour.
  • Zijlstra F. (2009). Arbeidsdeskundig Kennis Centrum (AKC), Professionalisering Arbeidskundig Handelen (Professionalising the ergonomist’s practice).
  • Zijlstra F. (2009). KDC, Cognitieve flexibiliteit (Cognitive flexibility).
  • Zijlstra F. (2009). UWV, Methodiek beoordeling arbeidsvermogen voor niet-gangbare arbeid (Methods to judge work capacities for non-common labour).
  • Zijlstra F. (2009). UWV, Een passende baan in het Slotervaartziekenhuis (A suitable job in the Slotervaart Hospital).
  • Hospers H. (2009). Ministerie van VWS, ARVODI 2008.
  • Meijer E. (2009). Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koningsrelaties, Verbale analysemethoden (Verbal analysis methods).
  • Arntz A.R. (2009). Fonds Psychische Gezondheid, Groeps-schema therapie voor borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis: effectiviteit, kosten-effectiviteit en opinies van belanghebbenden (Groupwise schema therapy for Borderling Personality Disorders).
  • Sambeth (2009). Internationale Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek.
  • Vuurman E. (2009). Roche, agreement for expertise in CNS pharmacodyname (Straatsburg project).
  • Ramaekers J. (2009). Bast, contract for the use of the instrumented car of Federal Highway Research Institute.
  • Ramaekers J. (2009). Institute for Forensic Toxicogloy, Study into the comined effects of cannabis and alcohol on cognitive performance in high experienced cannabis user.
  • Markus R. (2009). DSM Food Specialties, Collaboration agreement dated 14-03-2006, amendment 1.
  • Ramaekers J. (2009). Lundbeck, The effects of Lundbeck AA21004.
  • Goossens M.J. (2008). AZM profileringsfonds, Pain related fear in complex regional pain syndrome type I.
  • Verbunt A.M.C.F (2008). FondsNutsOhra (Stichting Revalidatie Limburg), PHODA-kids; ontwikkeling van een meetinstrument (PHODA-kids: development of a measurement instrument).
  • Zijlstra F. (2008). UWV, Pilot project gericht op het creëren van werkervaringsplaatsen bij UWV voor jongeren met een Wajong-uitkering (pilot: creation of work experience positions at UWV for Young people with a Wajong benefit).
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2008). FAES FARMA S.A., FAES Bilastine.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2008). GlaxoSmithKline, Paraxel.
  • Vuurman E. (2008). Roche Nederland B.V., Experimental medicine study agreement for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry sponsored research.
  • Ruiter C. de (2008). ZonMW, VSB fonds, Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland, Stichting RVVZ, RCT of Parental Management Training Oregon Model in Nederland.
  • Jolles J. (2008). Het Platform Bèta Techniek, Onderzoeksatelliet Talentenkracht.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2007). GlaxoSmithKline, D3 antagonists and impulsivity, part 3.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2007). N.V. Organon, Esmirtazapine.
  • Kok G.J. (2007). RIVM, Hoe gedraagt de burger zich tijdens een grieppandemie? (How citizens behave during a flu pandemic?).
  • Blokland A. (2007). Sepracor Inc. Effects of drugs on visual and auditory evoked potentials in the rat.
  • Blokland A. (2007). Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma, Effects of cognition enhancing drugs on memory performance in the rat.
  • Bernstein D.P. (2007). Ministerie van Justitie.
  • Coelho J. (2007). Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Eating behaviour in overweight children.
  • Geraerts E.G. (2007). Niels Stensen Organisation, Recovered Memories.
  • Markus C.R (2007). DSM Food Specialties, Effect of tryptophan-enriched hydrolysate on brain 5-HT and post-stress performance in stress-prone healthy volunteers.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2007). GlaxoSmithKline, D3 antagonists and impulsivity, part 2.
  • Ruiter C. de (2007). WODC, Researchsynthese gewetensvorming en binding (Research synthesis on the development of conscience and binding).
  • Ruiter C. de (2007). ZONMw, Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland, Provincie Drenthe, A screening tool for risk of child abuse by frontline workers: Development and pilot validation research of the Mini-CARE.
  • Ruiter, R.A.C. (2007). Universiteitsfonds Limburg/SWOL, Initiating a PhD training programme for future public health researchers in rural South Africa.
  • Huibers M.J.H. (2006). Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research in Philadelphia.
  • Kok G.J. (2006). Regionaal orgaan verkeersveiligheid Limburg, Verbeteren verkeersgedrag van jongeren (Improving the traffic behaviour of the youth).
  • Kok G.J. (2006). Ministerie van VROM State-of-the-Art review on Energy conservation and behavior change.
  • Markus R. (2006). DSM Food Specialties, Dose-dependent effect of different tryptophan peptides on long-term changes in plasma amino acids and continuous performance in healthy volunteers.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2006). GlaxoSmithKline, D3 antagonist and impulsivity, part 1.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2006). Institut de recherche Pierre Fabre, Single dose effects of V0114 at 2.5, 5 and 10 mg mequitazine 10 mg and placebo on actual driving performance in healthy volunteers.
  • Roefs A.J. (2006). The British Academy, Acute effects of food intake and food cue exposure on body satisfaction in normal weight and overweight women.
  • Ruiter C. de (2006). TNO, Parent management training Oregon model.
  • Sambeth A. (2006). GlaxoSmithKline, GSK consultancy.
  • Schaalma H.P. (2006). SOA Aids Nederland, Tevredenheidsonderzoek SOA Aids infolijn (Satisfactiion study of the SOA/AIDs info telephoneline).
  • Formisano E. (2005). DARPA, Experience based cognition.
  • Kok G.J. (2005). Nederlandse Diabetes Federatie, Evaluatie leefstijlcampagne hoog risico diabetes Evaluating the lifestyle campaign on high risk diabetis).
  • Markus C.R. (2005). Suikerstichting Nederland, Effects of sugar with different amounts of energy on performance under stress in healthy male and female volunteers.
  • Markus CR. (2005). Granted PhD-research proposal University Maastricht, Assessment and dietary treatment of depressive vulnerability.
  • Vermeeren A. (2005). GlaxoSmithKline, Effects of anH1-antagonist as a model of cognitive dysfunction and its reversal by a cholinesterase inhibitor.
  • Vermeeren A. (2005). Lundbeck A/S, Effects of evening and middle-of-the-night administration of gaboxadol on driving performance.
  • Blokland A. (2004). Matching FdG, Modelleren van serotonerge kwetsbaarheid in knaagdieren.
  • Blokland A. (2004). Roche, Investigating novel 5-HT6 ligands in animal models of memory.
  • Blomert L. (2004). Ministerie van VWS/College van Zorgverzekeringen, Development of protocols for dyslexia diagnosis and treatment.
  • Bonte M. (2004). Ter Meulen Fonds, KNAW, Low Temperature Laboratory/Finland, Stichting De Drie Lichten.
  • Ramaekers J. (2004). Polizei-Führungsakademie and University of Saarland, Fharmacokinetics, neurocognitive and visual performance as a function of time post THC smoking.
  • Ramaekers J. (2004). Pfizer, A comparative study of memory function and actual driving following single dose formulations of alprazolam and alprazolam XR.
  • Vermeeren A. (2004). GlaxoSmithKline, Effects of an H1-antagonist as a model of cognitive dysfunction and its reversal by a cholinesterase inhibitor.
  • Curfs L. (2003). Zonhove, Son, Financiering AIO.
  • Jansma B. (2003). DFG, The conceptualization of events investigated with functional imaging methods.
  • Kok G.J. (2003). Ministerie van VWS, Interactieve gezondheidsvoorlichting over XTC (Interactive health prevention on XTC).
  • Markus C.R. (2003). TNO Health, Does administration of alpha-lactalbumin improve the quality of sleep, cerebral attentional processes and cognitive performance in healthy volunteers with mild sleep complaints.
  • Merckelbach H.L.G.J. (2003). Ministerie van Justitie, Using the P300 in lie detection.
  • Ramaekers J. G. (2003). Cognitive Drug Research, A comparative study of the effects of tryptophan and tyrosine depletion on cognitive function.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2003). Pfizer Inc., Seretonin/dopamine interactions and cognition.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2003). Dutch Brain Foundation, Depression and change blindness.
  • Riedel W. (2003). GlaxoSmithKline, Effects of SB-223412-200 mg on contingent negative variation and reaction time in healthy volunteers as compared to placebo and haloperidol. SB-223412-096 mg.
  • Riedel W. (2003). GlaxoSmithKline, Analysis of photoparoxismal effects in the EEG of eldery volunteers after treatment with SB-737552-003.
  • Riedel W. (2003). GlaxoSmithKline, Acute effects of cannabis on speech and cognition in relation to psychosis.
  • Schaalma H.P. (2003). Sanquin, Sanquin bloeddonors (Sanquin blood donors).
  • Stauder J.E.A. (2003). Stichting SWZ-Son, Toepassing van de ERP techniek bij Ernstig Meervoudig Gehandicapte kinderen / Zonhove (Applying the ERP technique to Seriously Multiple Disabled children).
  • Vermeeren A. (2003). SGS Biopharma NV, Consultancy visual verbal learning test.
  • Blomert L. (2002). College voor zorgverzekeraars, Dyslexia, state of the art in the Netherlands.
  • Goebel R.W. (2002). HFSPO In vivo visualization of axonal connectivity and functional activity using diffusion tensor MRI.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2002) Lundbeck, A comparison of the effects of escitalopram , mirtazapine and placebo on psychomotor test performance and actual driving during 2 weeks of repeated dosing.
  • Ramaekers J.G. (2002). Dutch ministry of Health, Literature review of experimental and epidemiological studies on performance impairment.

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