MEMIC is the center for data and information management at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences of Maastricht University and MUMC+.
For more than 45 years, MEMIC has been a professional partner for researchers in the areas of collection of data, information management and knowledge extraction.
In this Research Data Management field, our people are skilled at maintaining your data security, data integrity and data privacy.
We help to make your data FAIR. FAIR stands for 'Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable'. The FAIR data principles act as an international guideline for high quality data and helps you to make your data reproducible.
- 45+ years of experience
- 31 professionals; 21 GCP certified employees
- Currently offering support for 30+ running research projects
- Data collection solutions
- Research workflow management tooling
- Personal guidance to setting up your Data Management Plan
MEMIC Vision
In an ideal world, data from respondents is stored safely after an informed consent is obtained. The data is stored in such a way that researchers can easily find and access the data. The data is interoperable between different organisations and the data is reusable at a later moment. Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR).
Data management is not the goal itself, rather, it is the key leading to numerous profitable topics like knowledge disclosure, knowledge innovation, data integration, knowledge integration and data reuse.
MEMIC wants to support the researchers in such a way that this process is made as easy as possible for them, to focus on their research.
- When is data safely stored?
- In what format should the data be stored?
- How long should the data be stored?
- Who is responsible for keeping the data stored?