Research departments
The Faculty of Science and Engineering has multiple research departments and institutes that span the field of STEM research.
Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials
The Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) in the Netherlands is a cross-border research institute focused on developing advanced biobased materials. AMIBM is located on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus.
Gravitational Waves and Fundamental Physics
The recent discoveries of gravitational waves by LIGO/Virgo interferometers and of Higgs boson by LHC taught us about the internal workings of the universe more than any other scientific discovery in the preceding decades. Yet more questions arose than we got answers to. Research at the Department of Gravitational Waves and Fundamental Physics is targeted at finding answers to those fundamental questions.
Sensor Engineering
The Sensor Engineering department focuses on the development of innovative sensing applications. The research facilities of the department are located on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus.
Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology
Launched in 2015, the Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology (MaCSBio) aims to develop a set of computational and mathematical models, applicable in science and clinic, that will advance our understanding of biological systems, and predict progression and progression and treatment of complex diseases over time.
Circular Chemical Engineering
In its transition to a circular economy, society seeks new solutions to reduce its consumption of primary (fossil) feedstock. These are limited, their products damage the environment when being disposed of as waste, and their utilisation for energy production causes global warming. CCE’s main research lines address such feedstock reduction: circular plastics by mechanical recycling and plasma chemistry for electrification of industrial processes
Maastricht Science Programme
The Maastricht Science Programme is a bachelor’s programme with a dedicated academic staff. Besides teaching, many of our staff are involved in scholarly pursuits. Staff research is incorporated into our project period, providing our students with an opportunity to gain essential research skills and the ability to examine a diversity of topics at the forefront of knowledge
Food Claims Centre Venlo
The Food Claims Centre Venlo (FCCV) is the knowledge centre for all questions related to nutrition and food law. FCCV focuses on all questions related to the legal demonstration of whether food is safe or healthy.
Brightlands Institute for Smart Society
The Brightlands Institute for Smart Society (BISS) carries out excellent, fundamental and applied research in the field of 'responsible and effective data-driven decision-making for the digital society'.
Mathematics Centre Maastricht
The Mathematics Centre Maastricht (MCM) unites research, education and outreach in mathematics across Maastricht University.
University College Maastricht
UCM's main research topics evolve around liberal arts and sciences and politics.
Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage
The Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH) is an interdisciplinary research centre that brings together economic, legal, (art) historical, philosophical, sociological and practical expertise to the context of arts and heritage.
Maastricht Experimental Research In and through the Arts Network
MERIAN invites established artists and academics to engage in collaborative research in between making and thinking.
System Earth Science
System Earth Science (SES) is the transdisciplinary study aimed at understanding the structure and functioning of the Earth as a complex, adaptive system.
Campus Venlo
Health, nutrition and business are the three main focuspoints at Campus Venlo. Research topics range from food innovation and the psychology of eating to logistics optimisation. Research at Campus Venlo is done in an interdisciplinary fashion within three research lines:
- Food Claims Centre Venlo (FCCV)
- Center for Healthy Eating and Food Innovation (HEFI)
- Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (BISCI)
Brightlands Future Farming Institute
The Brightlands Future Farming Institute (BFFI) contributes to technological innovations needed to find answers to the major challenges in the agrifood sector. Aim of the institute is to study sustainable vegetable production systems in interaction with plant genetics, in order to deliver vegetables with optimal consumer traits such as taste and health.
AMIBMAachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials
GWFPGravitational Waves and Fundamental Physics
MaCSBioMaastricht Centre for Systems Biology
CCECircular Chemical Engineering
MSPMaastricht Science Programme
FCCVFood Claims Centre Venlo
BISSBrightlands Institute for Smart Society
MCMMathematics Centre Maastricht
UCMUniversity College Maastricht
MACCHMaastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage
MERIANMaastricht Experimental Research In and through the Arts Network
BFFIBrightlands Future Farming Institute