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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

In our teaching and research we highlight major developments in societies and cultures as they have unfolded during the modern and contemporary eras. We seek to gain understanding of the interrelationships of Europeanisation, globalisation, scientific and technological development, political change and cultural innovation. We are interested in how today’s societies cope with these challenges through, amongst others, practices of remembrance, governance techniques, strategies for managing knowledge, technologies and risks and ways of dealing with diversity and inequality. Yet, understanding our present world is impossible without insight into its past. This is why historical research serves as a key element of our scholarly and educational identity.




New Central and Eastern Europe Hub at Maastricht University

We are excited to announce the launch of the Central and Eastern Europe hub (CEEhub) at Maastricht University, bringing together research, outreach, and education on the region. The CEEhub focuses on key issues shaping Central and Eastern Europe, including democratic resilience, connectivity...


New Scholarship Opportunity: Rachel and Alan Wyatt STS Scholarship

The Rachel and Alan Wyatt STS Scholarship has been established to support students wishing to pursue a master’s degree in Science and Technology Studies (STS). In memory of her parents, the scholarship has been established by Sally Wyatt, Professor of Digital Cultures in our Faculty of Arts and...

Scholarship Wyatt

YERUN Research Mobility Award for Manling Yang

Manling Yang, PhD candidate at Maastricht University's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, has been awarded with a 2025 YERUN Research Mobility Award. 

Manling Yang

Mariëlle Wijermars new member KNAW Young Academy

Members not only have a demonstrated quality in science and scholarship, but also have a broad interest in the practise and communication thereof.

Marielle Wijermars

Monika Barget awarded OpenUP Grant

€5,000 for the project “Data scraping and analysis for the arts and social sciences”. 

Monika Barget