External contacts are of utmost importance for a lively academic climate.
On this page, you will find an overview of our external partner institutes and research networks we participate in.
Networks within Maastricht University (UM)
Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE)
Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH)
Centre for European Research in Maastricht (CERIM)
The Graduate School of Science, Technology and Modern culture (WTMC)
The Institute for Globalisation and International Regulation (IGIR)
The list below contains collaborative research networks in which our researchers are involved. Clicking the links will lead you to the homepages of these research networks.
Globalisation, Transnationalism and Development |
Partners and Collaborators
The list below provides links to groups with whom we regularly collaborate in research, sometimes in funded projects, and sometimes more informally by, for example, organising workshops or preparing edited collections or writing reports. Clicking the links will lead you to the homepages of these partners / collaborators.
Globalisation, Transnationalism and Development |
Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana |
Département des sciences de la Population et du Développement, Universite Catholique Louvain,-la-Neuve, Belgium |
The Graduate School of NGO StudiesKyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea |
Institute for Statistical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana |
Institute for Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques (INED), Paris, France |
Department of Political and Social Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain |
Department of Demography, Ile-Ife University, Nigeria |
International Development Studies, Sussex University, United Kingdom |
Department of Sociology, Kalyani University, West Bengal, India |
Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies |
Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana |
Institute of Demography, , Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve |
Département des sciences de la population et du développement. Université de Kinshasa |
Department of Political and Social Sciences, Socio-Demography Research Group. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. |
International and European Forum of Migration Research. |
Sussex Centre for Migration Studies. |