Innovating education
Global developments such as emerging technologies, internationalisation and changing dynamics in the labour market alter the way students think and learn. In collaboration with the EDLAB Advisory Board and UM faculties, EDLAB initiates university-wide pilots on cutting-edge themes.
What is innovation?
At EDLAB, we define innovation as the intentional process of creating new ideas and practices to address educational needs and create new opportunities in Teaching & Learning. Innovation can be about educational methods and practices, technology, learning environments and human interactions.
To be innovative is to explore and experiment, to have an open mind and to learn from successes and failures. Innovation is driven by curiosity and the desire to do things even better than they are done now. At EDLAB, we see innovation as a process that is ongoing and happens at various levels.
- Innovation is ongoing because it is a mindset rather than a single accomplishment. We reflect on what we do, we look for new perspectives and opportunities, and we learn from the new ideas and practices we explore and try out.
- Innovation happens at various levels: what is new for one person may not be new to others. From the perspective of those who teach at UM, innovation may range from:
- I have never done this before, to
- no one at my faculty has ever done this before, to
- no one at UM has ever done this before, to
- no one in the field of education has ever done this before.
- no one at UM has ever done this before, to
- no one at my faculty has ever done this before, to
- I have never done this before, to
At EDLAB, we see innovation as an expression of curiosity and a source of inspiration, a way of maintaining a high quality of education for our students by actively engaging educators.
EDLAB why and how: enhancing knowledge and practice
EDLAB provides a set of conditions necessary to facilitate education innovation at all levels and ensure continuity. Through our activities, we connect people and their expertise, develop new knowledge, and support practical implementation. These core conditions for innovation are at the heart of everything we do at EDLAB.
- Expertise: We provide a solid foundation for innovation by nurturing the scholarly perspective, connecting research with practice and researchers with practitioners. We offer grants and support research aimed at deepening our shared understanding and broadening our scope.
- Support: We safeguard sustainability by providing support in the process of adopting and implementing new ideas and practices, generating backing for innovative projects across UM, offering continuing professional development and providing expertise and connecting experts across the UM Teaching & Learning community.
- Community: We offer a creative space that is accessible to all those who want to explore new possibilities in education, where we share successes and where failure is perceived as a form of feedback and a firm basis for learning.
The flowchart below outlines EDLAB's approach to enhancing the quality of education at Maastricht University. It highlights how we enable teaching staff to become better teachers, able to provide optimal learning experiences for students. (flowchart)
The EDLAB way of working
The EDLAB way of working focuses on fostering the continuous development of Maastricht University's educational model through flexible and evolving approaches. While there is no strict system or format, certain phases can be identified. A key element is engaging in dialogue with stakeholders, which is vital to ensure their early and consistent involvement. This open communication adapts to the decentralised structure and culture of the university, supporting the collaborative nature of teaching and learning initiatives.