Organisational structure

The Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) has two main tasks: to organise and carry out education and research. Ultimate responsibility rests with the Dean, who sits on the Faculty Board together with the three members for research and valorisation, education, and innovation and internationalisation. The board is advised by a democratically elected representation body, the Faculty Council.

All staff at FPN belong to one of the faculty’s five departments or the Faculty Office. Read on about the:

Faculty Board

The main administrative body of FPN is the Faculty Board. The board consists of four members: the Dean (who is also the chair) and three Vice-Deans responsible for research and valorisation, education, and recognition and reward respectively. The Board is assisted by the Managing Director who serves as secretary to the Board. The board meetings are attended by a student in advisory capacities, who is appointed by the board after being nominated by the Faculty Council’s student members. The Dean and Vice-Deans are appointed by Maastricht University’s Executive Board, usually for four and three years respectively. The student adviser is usually appointed for one year.

The board is responsible for the faculty’s general management, administration, organisation and structure of its education and research.

DeanProf. Dr. André Aleman
Vice-Dean: Responsible for Research and ValorisationDr. Jill Lobbestael
Vice-Dean: Responsible for EducationDr. Anke Sambeth
Vice-dean: Responsible for Recognition and RewardDr. Teresa Schuhman
Managing DirectorDr. Cerien Streefland
Student AdviserEmma Kourilova
M&C AdviserClaudia Spierings
Executive SecretaryLindy Dullens
Secretary Office+31 43 388 40 08

Faculty Council

The Faculty Board is advised by and consults regularly with a democratically elected representation body: the Faculty Council. The council advises the board upon request or of its own accord. It consists of ten members: four elected from the academic staff, one from the support staff , and five from the FPN students.

Academic staffMichael Capalbo
Natasha Mason
Anna Sagana (chair)
Alicia Walkowiak
Support staffCaroline van Loo
Student membersDominik Eberle Martinez
Iris Joon
Patina Sinitsa
Linde Vermeulen
Julia Viskaal
SecretaryMarléon Vijgen

FPN Faculty Council meetings 2023/2024 | 15.30-17.30hrs

  • 14-11-2024
  • 12-12-2024
  • 16-01-2025
  • 13-02-2025
  • 13-03-2025
  • 17-04-2025
  • 15-05-2025
  • 12-06-2025
  • 03-07-2025

Minutes of passed meetings can be found on the UMployee.

It’s possible to attend the public part of the Faculty Council meetings, in this case you’ll be present as observer. If you want to join, please send an email to no later than 2 days before the meeting. After approval you’ll receive an invitation with the time and location.

Programme Directors

The Programme Director coordinates and organises the preparation and execution of the study and examination programme of the corresponding programme(s). In this, he or she advises the Faculty Board on the content of programme and examination regulations, and, as board executive and advisor, is closely involved in the quality assurance of the programme.

Educational Programme Committee

The Educational Programme Committee provides advice on the amelioration and safe-guarding of the quality of the programme, including the OER. The committee consists of ten members: five staff members and five student members. See also:


Pauline Dibbets
Bram Fleuren
Katrijn Houben
Arie van der Lugt (voorzitter)
Wladimir van Mansum (ambtelijk secretaris)
Maarten Peters


Gabriela Krasnowska
Lara Stevens
Ella Rumohr
Antonia Raissle
Fabienne Behrendt
Guste Michelevičiūtė (notulist)

Research Council

The Research Council is an advisory council to the Faculty Board on research related matters. 


  • Prof. dr. Sonja Kotz (Chair | NP&PP)
  • Prof. dr. Anne Roefs (CPS)
  • Prof. dr. Bernadette Jansma (CN)
  • Prof. dr. Ute Hülsheger (W&SP)
  • Prof. dr. Melanie Sauerland (Graduate School FPN)

Secretaris and contact person


FPN Student Council

At FPN, students play a crucial role in shaping policies and advancing academic initiatives. They participate in various committees and hold seats on the Faculty Council. Collectively, these student representatives are known as the Student Council.

The Student Council meets weekly to discuss matters impacting the student body of our faculty. The topics for discussion are typically sourced from the different committees.

Do you have an idea, a complaint, or simply want to provide feedback? Feel free to contact the FPN Student Council on Facebook or via email at

Complaints Committee

A Complaints Committee is active at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN). Employees, students and third parties may direct their complaints to the committee concerning affairs the faculty is responsible for.

It concerns individual complaints about employee or student behaviour, and about the faculty, accommodation and the like. Complaints about matters that are included in other Faculty and UM regulations will not be dealt with by the Complaints Committee. Such matters include programme complaints or complaints by staff and students about unwanted behaviour  (My UM > Human Resources Management > Confidential Advisor's Office).

The Complaints Committee may take up to ten weeks to deal with complaints. At the end of that period, the complaint will be declared founded or unfounded by the dean. The process of submitting a complaint differs for students, and employees and third parties. Students should direct their complaint to the UM Complaints Service Point (CSP). Employees and third parties should direct their complaint to the chairman of the commission (verbal) and the dean (written).

FPN library committee

The FPN library committee serves as an advisory committee to the faculty board and the university library. This committee meets five times a year and gives advice on the faculty library collection, the (learning) resources needed, the expenditure of the allocated budget and provides comments on how the UM library can best be run according to FPN policies.

  • Academic staff members: Philippe Verduyn (chair), Fren Smulders, Cor Meesters, Kim Kuypers
  • Library members: Fons van den Eeckhout
  • Student members: Melanie Smekal, Sayantani Modak

Public documents

Select a committee

Faculty Board

Faculty Council