PhD training programmes at FHML/MUMC+
The aim of the PhD education programme at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) / Maastricht UMC+ is to promote development of a high level of competence in the specific research field, but also in more generic, transferable skills that are important for high-level professional careers in research, education, and clinical practice.
An important part of the PhD training occurs in the context of conducting the research project, under expert supervision. In addition, all PhD candidates are expected to engage in broader educational activities. PhD candidates formulate and regularly update their personal education plan in consultation with their supervisors, based on an assessment of previously acquired competencies, skills specifically needed for the PhD research, more general knowledge and skills, and future career plans.
Acknowledging the diversity of academic backgrounds as well as the high time demands of ongoing research projects, the FHML education programme allows PhD candidates to choose from a wide range of courses, which are given by FHML staff and UM organisations and make use of various (face to face and online) educational formats.
Methodology and Statistics*
- Statistics part 1: Introduction
- Statistics part 2: Regression Analysis and SPSS
- Measuring error without error: Reliability, agreement and validity studies
- Multilevel Analysis of Longitudinal Data (MALD)
- Survival Analysis
- Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
- Introduction to R
- Your First Steps into Statistics (Online course)
Research integrity
Qualitative research
FHML PhD course offer - free of charge*
No-show or late cancelling will mean charging of costs to your supervisor's budget.

Biomedical and clinical research skills and Modules FHML Master's Programmes
FHML/MUMC+ course offer (fees required):
- Modules of the FHML Master Programmes
- Biomedical and clinical research skills
- Lab Animal Science
- Radiation Protection Course 5b
- Basiscursus Regelgeving en Organisatie voor Klinisch onderzoekers (eBROK). Another option is to follow the e-learning course on this same topic at GCP Central.

English Academic Skills programme
As a PhD candidate, you are expected to follow certain courses and training programmes in the context of your training as a researcher. The English Academic Skills programme of the Language Centre will help you conduct your research and write your dissertation.
- PhD-1&2 Academic writing (beginner/advanced, preferred for PhDs based at UM/MUMC+)
- PhD-1&2 Critical writing online (beginner/advanced, preferred for external PhDs)
- PhD-4 Presentations.
A maximum of 3 courses of the Language Center are free of charge in case you are employed or registered as FHML PhD candidate. No-show or late cancelling will mean charging of costs to your supervisor's budget.

Information Skills
Save time and improve your research efficiency with short courses & workshops by the Maastricht University Library, such as introduction to research data management, introductory and advanced courses EndNote, a workshop ‘increasing and measuring your research impact’ etc.
UM general PhD trainings
The UM general PhD trainings consists of three courses: Research Ethics and Integrity, Open Science and Science Communication. These courses are obligatory for new PhD Students.
The information skills courses and the UM general PhD trainings are free of charge.
Career and development
The Staff Career Centre offers a range of courses that are particularly aimed at PhD candidates, on topics such as time management, self-management and career management, as well as individual career guidance and coaching on work-related problems. Olga Reneerkens, learning & development and career advisor and Hanneke Wessels, career advisor and coach are there to help. For more information check the SCC website and/or contact Olga at
Only for FHML PhD candidates who are employed at UM. Your faculty or service centre will be charged half of the total costs.
University Teaching Skills
The Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) offers MUMC+ staff a variety of activities to help them fulfil their educational and teaching responsibilities in the best possible way. The programme is designed to meet the requirements of educational practice at FHML, but individual needs will also be attended to.
Overview of University Teaching Skills courses
- Courses A-level teaching roles
- Courses B- and C- level
Today, young scientists operate in an academic environment that expects them to consider the potential impact of their research and to make an effort to valorise what is of societal, ecological, and/or economic value. At Maastricht University, PhD candidates are required to include a paragraph in their doctoral thesis that outlines the valorisation potential of the research findings presented in the thesis.
- Crafting the Valorisation Paragraph for your Doctoral Thesis (summary workshop)
- Valorisation guideline of Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus
Research Institute-specific courses
Within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences / Maastricht UMC+ the following Research Institutes offer PhD opportunities. For more information about programmes and courses, please have a look at the websites of the Research Institutes.
CAPHRI - Care and Public Health Research Institute
CARIM - Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht
GROW - Research Institute for Oncology and Reproduction
MHeNs - Mental Health and Neuroscience Research Institute
NUTRIM - Institute for Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism
SHE - School of Health Professions Education