D&I Research
UM's D&I Office supports larger-scale policy-research projects into the UM Community.
Currently, there are two projects running:
- The International Classroom at Maastricht University - The impact of nationalities
- ‘Helpers’ and ‘Doers’: The role of service work for success in Dutch academia
The Student Retention Study: understanding mechanisms underlying student dropout (contemplation)
Read more about our projects by following the link.
Research Centers
The Centre of Expertise for Inclusive Organisations (CIAO
CIAO) is a Maastricht University based institute that was founded in close collaboration with the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency, UWV (Uitvoeringsinstituut WerknemersVerzekeringen).
CIAO offers a platform of knowledge to all parties working professionally towards promoting sustainable participation in the labour market, both for those working and those searching for jobs, and especially those who are not able to participate in the current labour market independently. To further this, CIAO does scientific and practice oriented research. It also develops various practical tools.
Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE)
MACIMIDE is the interdisciplinary research platform of Maastricht University that brings together scholars working in the fields of migration, mobility, citizenship, development and family life. MACIMIDE combines various research lines across different Faculties of Maastricht University in order to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics and consequences of transnational migration and mobility in a European and global context.