Research Data Management
MEMIC has been around for more than 45 years. During this time MEMIC has developed an impressive set of tools and knowledge in the area of Research Data Management (RDM) and FAIR data.
Research Data Management Consultancy
We offer free advice to manage your data during your research. After you have outlined the initial ideas, MEMIC offers support in writing your DMP, handle your research logistics by using Ldot, creating data, building app’s, merge data, answer questions regarding privacy and GDPR and more
Research Data Management Practice
MEMIC employees are skilled at managing data. We can connect and clean datasets. We ask you the right questions to build and set up your research in the appropriate tools. We build custom software, data visualizations, mobile apps and mobile apps in combination with hardware wearables.
Research Data Management Tools
MEMIC offers several tools for Security, Privacy & Logistics: Ldot, AVG registry, DMP online and for Data collection MEMIC offers: Online questionnaire tools: Castor and Qualtrics