Maastricht Foundations of Law Colloquia

Programme 2024/2025

12 February 2025
Eva Bernet Kempers (University of Antwerp) 
Title: Do rights of nature include animal rights? 
Click here for more information and registration

26 February 2025
Alejandro Calzetta (Alberto Hurtado University) 
Title: Eugenio Bulygin and the Evolution of the Theory of Competence Norms

19 March 2025
Inge van Hulle (KU Leuven) 
Title: The Opium Wars, International Drug Control and the Fragemntation of International Law

9 April 2025
Kostia Gorobets (University of Groningen) 
Title: Alternative Legalities and Russio-Ukrainian War

30 April 2025
Dimitrios Kyritsis (University of Essex) 
Title: Law in the Service of Legitimacy

21 May 2025
Anna Beckers (Maastricht University) 
Title: An institutional (re)turn in legal scholarship

11 June 2025
Sanne Taekema (Erasmus University Rotterdam) 
Title: (Un)Civil activism and the rule of law 

Past colloquia

15 January 2025
Stefano Cattelan (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) 
Title: Mare Clausum: The Formation of the Law of the Sea in Pre-modern State Practice and Legal Doctrine (c. 1350-1650)

18 December 2024
Mila Versteeg (University of Virginia, School of Law) 
Title: How Constitutions Fail (co-authored with Adam Chilton from the University of Chicago)

27 November 2024
Don Loeb (University of Vermont) 
Title: The Guidance Problem for Natural Law

6 November 2024
Henrique Marcos (Maastricht University, Foundations of Law) 
Title: Decoding Discretion in International Environmental Law: A Study of the ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Climate Change

30 October 2024
Monica Garcia Salmones (Maastricht University, Foundations of Law) 
Title: Now and Yet Not New: Principles of Global Law-Making in UNCITRAL Working Group III 

9 October 2024
Hafsteinn Dan Kristjánsson (University of Iceland) 
Title: The Boundary of a Legal System: The Significance of Norms of Legal Method for Answering the Membership Question

18 September 2024
Marc de Wilde (University of Amsterdam) 
Title: Protecting Non-Christian Allies: 
Hugo Grotius’s Justification of Dutch Overseas Expansion in the East Indies

19 June 2024 
Lukasz Dziedzic (Maastricht University, Foundations of Law)
Title: Legal Personhood and Agency in the Age of the Rights of Nature

22 May 2024
Ulf Linderfalk (Lund University)
Title: The International Legal System as a System of Knowledge
This event was co-organized with the Globalization & Law Network

15 May 2024
Sebastian Reyes Molina (Maastricht University, Foundations of Law)
Title: A Matter of Pedigree: Judicial Review & Legal Interpretation

10 April 2024
David Duarte (University of Lisbon)
Title: Discretion: An Analytical Approach

20 March 2024
Hylkje de Jong (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Title: Disinheritance and passing over of heirs in late Byzantine law

13 March 2024
Giovanni Tuzet (Bocconi University)
Title: Can Machines Make Statements? On AI and Testimony 

28 February 2024 
Manon Moerman (Maastricht University, Foundations of Law)
Title: Normative hybridity in private partnerships: an exploration into the rules of conduct for business partners in early modern Amsterdam (1601-1791)

21 February 2024 
Martti Koskenniemi (University of Helsinki)
Title: The Law of an International Society - A Road Not Taken

7 February 2024
Hans Lindahl (Tilburg University, Queen Mary University of London)
Title: Political Reflexivity and Authoritative Lawmaking in the Anthropocene

31 January 2024
Andrej Kristan (Tarello Institute for Legal Philosophy, University of Genoa)
Title: Algorithmic Modelling of Norms Efficacy

13 December 2023
Michele Ubertone (Maastricht University, Department of Foundations of Law)
Title: Questions of Application

22 November 2023
Eline Couperus (Maastricht University, Department of Foundations of Law)
Title: The Freedom to conduct a business: searching for “Openness"

1 November 2023
Dirk Heirbaut (University of Ghent)
Title: Redefining Codification

11 October 2023
Aileen Kavanagh (Trinity College Dublin's School of Law)
Title: The Collaborative Constitution

20 September 2023
Kenneth Ehrenberg (The Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy)
Title: Moral Facts cannot Ground Legal Facts if Law is an Institution

21 June 2023
Tamar de Waal (University of Amsterdam)
Title: Unconditional Belonging: the case for welcoming refugees as if they will stay

31 May 2023
Stijn Smet (Hasselt University) In collaboration with the Montesquieu Institute
Title: How to Build Constitutional Resilience Against Democratic Erosion (by Populists)?

10 May 2023
Daniel Augenstein (Tilburg University)
Title: As Beyond So Below: European Sovereignty and Economic Globalisation

19 April 2023
Donald Bello Hutt (Universidad de Valladolid)
Title: The State and the Rule of Law

29 March 2023
Antonia Waltermann (Maastricht University)
Title: Can zombies make law?

15 March 2023
Prof. J. J. Moreso (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
Title: On the scope of the exclusion of "Razian" reasons