Prizes and Awards
Prize overview
For talented and ambitious researchers in the domain of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences there are several nominations for prizes and awards possible. This webpage provides an overview of the most relevant internal and external prizes and awards, with a specification per career phase.
Prize alerts
Specific deadlines and procedures for application for these prizes and awards will be monthly communicated via the FHML/Maastricht UMC+ prize alert (see below).
FHML/Maastricht UMC+ prizes and award winners (as from 2019)*
- Eline Berends, FIGON Dutch Medicines Days-PhD competition
- Caroline Coeckelbergh, Unilever Research prize
- Katya Sion, UM Impact prize
- Masoud Zamani Esteki, KNAW Early Career Award
- Els de Lange, Unilever Research prize
- Kim Kampen, KNAW early career award
- Carolin Sehlbach, Marja van Dieijen award
- Alena Kamenshchikova, Niels Stensen Fellowship
- Estelle Nijssen, UM dissertation prize
- Jody van Melis, Unilever Research prize
- Aurelie Carlier and Kay Deckers, top three finalists of NewScientists' Wetenschapstalent 2021
- Ron Heeren, appointed as new member KNAW
- Dennie Hebels and Veerle Melotte, principals KNAW Science Communication Award
- Felicitas Biwer, appointed to new Faces of Science
- Laure Wynants, Edmond Hustinx prize
- Lizza Hendriks, KNAW Jonge Akademie
- Elena Sendino, Unilever Research prize
- Ron Heeren, Thomson Medaille
- Jan Hamers, nominated for Huibregtsen prize
- Veerle Melotte, Klokhuis Research prize
- Hilde Verbeek, KNAW Jonge Akademie
- Ron Heeren, NWO Physics valorisation prize
- Theresa Thoma, UM Valorisation prize
- Laura Oostenbach, Unilever Research prize
- Onno van Schayck, nominated for the Huibregtsen prize
Contact person
For more information about prizes and awards and for support with the application process, please contact Els Swennen or +31 43-3872869.
* In case this overview is not complete, please mail the details of the winners to Els Swennen.