BSC Lab Publications and received grants
Publications of the Brain Stimulation and Cognition group
Research Funding and Grants
Grants awarded to Prof. Dr. Alexander T. Sack
ZonMW (2021-2028) Promising Care: Co applicant of promising care grant “Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for exposure treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - TETRO, a multi-center randomized clinical trial (Budget: 2,8 Million Euro)
H2020-MSCA-IF-2017 (2019-2021): Principal Investigator of research grant “Fine-tuning the brain’s brakes – modulating inhibitory control with transcranial alternating current stimulation” granted by the European Union; financing a two-year PostDoc position (Budget: 165,598.80 Euro).
NWO Research Talent (2018-2022): Applicant of research grant “Can our brain undergo a sex-change? Studying brain changes and sexual wellbeing in transgenders” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three-year PhD position (Budget: 200.000 Euro).
NWO Research Talent (2017-2021): Applicant of research grant “In control of attention: teasing apart the brain’s top-down mechanisms of attention allocation” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three-year PhD position (Budget: 200.000 Euro).
- NWO VICI (2016-2021): Principal Investigator of research grant “The rhythms of Cognition: Using simultaneous TMS-fMRI-EEG to integrate brain-wide network and oscillatory communication mechanisms for enhancing human cognition”, granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a research group of several PostDocs and PhD students, and the equipment required for simultaneous fMRI & TMS & EEG measurements (Budget: 1.500.000 Euro; Grant number # 453-15-008).
- KNAW Project Grant (2015): Applicant of an initiative to establish the Dutch-Flemish Society for Brain Stimulation; granted by the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences, KNAW (Budget: 16.000 Euro)
- NWO Research Talent (2013-2016): Applicant of research grant “’Modulating anti-correlated networks in early Alzheimer’s disease ‘a simultaneous TMS-fMRI approach” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three-year PhD position (Budget: 171.363 Euro).
- NWO Research Talent (2014-2017): Applicant of research grant “Modulating anticorrelated networks in early alzheimer’s disease ‘a simultaneous TMS –FMRI approache” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three-year PhD position (Budget: 171.363 Euro; Grant number # 406-13-018).
- KNAW Project Grant (2012): Co-applicant of an initiative to stimulate scientific integration and communication, entitled “Wie Goed ontmoet – Wetenschappers, leken en pubers in gesprek over de moraal’; granted by the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences, KNAW (Budget: 15.852 Euro)
- NWO Research Talent (2012-2015): Applicant of research grant “Brain rhythms and multisensory perception: Unraveling the basis of fundamental brain oscillations” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three-year PhD position (Budget: 168.576 Euro).
- NWO Brain and Cognition 2011 (2011-2016): Co-applicant of research grant “Will he aggress again and if so, can we change his mind? A new cognitive experimental and brain-system-based approach of reliably predicting future violent behaviour of antisocial offenders” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing two four-year PhD positions (Budget: 500.000 Euro).
- ERC-2010-StG Consolidator (2011-2016): Principal Investigator of research grant “Rebalancing the brain: Guiding brain recovery after stroke” granted by the European Research Council (ERC); financing a research group of several PostDocs and the equipment required for simultaneous fMRI & TMS & EEG measurements (Budget: 1.344.853 Euro; Grant number # 263472).
- NWO Free Competition 2008 (2010-2013): Principal Investigator of research grant “The functional role of the brain’s default mode network: a simultaneous TMS-fMRI study” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three year PostDoc position (Budget: 206.135 Euro; Grant number # 400-09-195).
- NWO Free Competition 2008 (2009-2013): Principal Investigator of research grant “The neurocomputational basis of forming visual mental images from auditory descriptions: Investigations with simultaneous TMS and fMRI” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a four year Ph.D position (Budget: 186.995 Euro; Grant number # 400-07-230).
- NWO Open Competition 2007 (2008-2012): Principal Investigator of research grant “The neurobiology of visual awareness and behavioral priming: Simultaneously measuring and manipulating the neural correlates underlying conscious visual perception and behavioral priming” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a four year Ph.D position (Budget: 186.995 Euro; Grant number # 400-07-048).
- NWO VIDI 2006 (2007-2012): Principal Investigator of research grant “Visualizing virtual lesions and plasticity in the working human brain: simultaneously combining fMRI and TMS“, granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three year PostDoc position, a four year Ph.D position and the equipment required for simultaneous fMRI & TMS measurements (Budget: 600.000 Euro; Grant number #452-06-003).
- NWO Open Competition 2005 (2006-2009): Co-investigator of research grant “Verifying the time course of cerebral activations during speaking” granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a four year Ph.D position (Budget: 170.000 Euro; Grant number # 400-04-215).
- NWO VENI 2003 (2004-2007): Principal Investigator of research grant “Top-down feedback signals in visuospatial attention and visuospatial imagery: combining studies with fMRI and TMS”, granted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); financing a three year PostDoc position and the establishment of a TMS research laboratory (Budget: 200.000 Euro; Grant number #451–03–038).
Grant awarded to Dr. Nina Bien
- AFR Postdoc grant (2011-2014): Applicant of research grant “Space oddities: Exploring the impact of number-space associations using TMS and EEG” granted by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR); funding a two-year PostDoc position (Budget: 115.000 Euro).