All Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) staff belong to the Department of Clinical Psychological Science (CPS), the Department of Cognitive Neuroscience (CN), the Department of Work and Social Psychology (WSP), the Department of Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology (NP&PP), the Department of Methodology and Statistics (M&S) or the Faculty Office. Most departmental appointments are for academic staff, who conduct research and/or teach. They are supported by secretarial staff, who also belong to one of the four departments.
Clinical Psychological Science
The department Clinical Psychological Science (CPS) is involved in research and academic education in the area of experimental clinical psychology. Although the themes of CPS are quite diverse, their common ground is the experimental approach to the study of psychopathology. The research arm of this department is called Experimental Psychopathology (EPP). Visit the CPS page.
Cognitive Neuroscience
The Cognitive Neuroscience (CN) department in Maastricht combines research in human perception and cognition with the development of advanced methods in neuroscience. Various brain imaging methods are employed to describe and predict behaviour, such as single cell recording, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electro- and magneto-encephalography (EEG and MEG). Furthermore, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and neurofeedback are being used to manipulate behaviour. The research is embedded in the Maastricht Brain Imaging Center (M-BIC).
Work and Social Psychology
The Work and Social Psychology department (W&SP) combines expertise in work and organisational psychology with applied social psychology. It offers a master’s programme in Work and Organisational Psychology, with a strong focus on the cognitive aspects of work. The Applied Social Psychology group contributes to the master’s programme in Health and Social Psychology.
The department’s research fits excellently with the profile of the faculty, which emphasises ‘cognitive’ and ‘experimental’ research. Visit the W&SP page.
Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology
The department of Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology (NP&PP) consists of two sections: Neuropsychology (NP) and Psychopharmacology (PP). Research and education in these sections is dedicated to the scientific investigation of brain-behaviour relationships. NP focuses on neurocognitive development, ageing and brain injury in a lifespan perspective as well as the underlying contributions of biological and psychosocial factors. PP assesses biological mechanisms that underlie cognitive, affective and behavioural functions by means of controlled pharmacological interventions. Visit the NP&PP page.
Methodology and Statistics
The Department of Methodology and Statistics of FPN works in close collaboration with the Department of Methodology and Statistics of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) under common leadership. M&S is a group of around 20 staff members from PhD student to Professor. The department provides the statistics education in five different Bachelor programmes and various master and PhD courses at FPN and FHML. M&S also gives statistical advice and support in data analyses to researchers from both faculties. Initially the statistical research focused on study design and methods of analysis for nested and longitudinal data, in particular on sample size calculations and mixed (multilevel) regression analysis. In the last years our scope has broadened to include methods for multilevel interrater agreement and reliability, multiple imputation methods for missing data, Bayesian statistics for high-dimensional data, and innovative methods for growth curve analysis and for detecting person-situation interactions. Visit the M&S page.