Supportive UM services for student organisations

Maastricht University (UM) offers supportive services to student organisations.

Personal guidance

The Student Initiative Helpdesk (SIH) offers support to all student organisations in Maastricht. Do you have a question? Have you run into a problem? Or would you like to realise new ideas? Get in touch with the SIH. They are the first point of contact for new and longstanding student organisations linked to Maastricht University.

Grants for student organisations

Student organisations at Maastricht University (UM) are able to obtain a grant from the 'UM-stimuleringsfonds' under specific conditions:

  • Students who organise an activity that fits in with UM's strategy and vision may be eligible for a stimulation grant for student activities.
  • A student organisation with 50 members or more, of whom at least 35 study at UM, are eligible for the standard budget grant under specified conditions. This is a structural annual grant for the student organisation.

The Limburg University Fund also has resources available to support student initiatives.

Training for Board Members

Regular training offerings

The Student Initiative Helpdesk and the project team Student Wellbeing offer various trainings and info sessions annually for the board members of student organisations. These trainings cover diverse topics such as social safety, board transitions, event organisation, and much more. If your board is interested in this offer, you can contact the Student Initiative Helpdesk to be added to the guest list.

Training for confidential advisors

Does your student organisation have a confidential contact person? Maastricht University offers free trainings for the confidential contact persons of associations to help your organisation strive for a socially safe environment for all members. Would you like your confidential advisor to participate in these trainings? Contact the project team Student Wellbeing.

Teambuilding for boards

Managing a student organisation requires teamwork, organisation, collaboration, communication and more. In order to support student organisations, UM Career Services offers a free Team Building workshop every academic year. It consists of three hours of team exercises, guided by a career counsellor. The workshop aims to improve the collaboration within your team in order to determine and pursue your team’s goals.

Interested? Contact UM Career Services (at least 6 weeks beforehand) to organise the teambuilding.

Free training offer for your members

The Personal & Professional Development department of the Student Services Centre offers UM students support in the form of workshops, lectures, coaching, and online information. These services focus on developing professional and personal skills, enhancing employability, and providing guidance in pursuing a suitable career. Each academic year, student organisations can choose from the standard lecture offerings and provide them as free events to their members.

Interested in organising this event for your members?
Contact UM Career Services (at least six weeks in advance).