Diversity & inclusivity

Diversity & Inclusivity

Maastricht University, the European university in The Netherlands, is committed to nurturing an inclusive culture. As a European university with a global outlook we are aware and proud that our strength lies in diversity. We strive to go well beyond quotas and compliance: we are determined to foster an environment in which everyone feels welcome and valued.


Being a sustainable and caring university is therefore also the foundation of UM's Strategic Programme 2022-2026 .


We strive to include staff and students from all walks of life to participate in the wonderful community at UM. From guest speaker events to long term projects funded by the D&I Grants, there is always something you can get involved with and join in. As a family-friendly university we aim to facilitate study and career for students and staff with caring responsibilties.


Check out our website and get in touch if you want to be involved, have questions or suggestions.

The video below gives an insight into what Diversity and Inclusivity stands for at Maastricht University and how you can get involved to support, listen and make a difference.

Who are we as a UM Community?


QueerCon – the 1st edition

QueerCon Maastricht brings together an interdisciplinary, intergenerational, and international group of scholars on 1 and 2 July in order to advance LGBTQIA+ knowledge.  It is also an artistic, musical and social celebration of Limburg’s queer community and culture. 

CGD Announcement QueerCon

Advisory Council Diversity & Inclusivity is looking for a new Student member from FHML!

Are you interested in thinking about accessibility facilities in our university? In how to address anti-racism in the classroom? How we could or should promote equality and, when necessary, equity at our institution?Are you interested in national and international developments in higher education...

call D&I AC members

Queer history PERCOLating through time and institutions

With the NWO-funded Perverse Collections, Eliza Steinbock researches the evolution of Europe’s LGBTQ+ archives. What is preserved by whom and why? How have these marginalised and often persecuted communities managed to preserve their own history? What can we learn about how to preserve history...

Eliza Steinbock

Rainbows and brains

Professor Kai Jonas is the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience’s first chair of “Applied Social Psychology with special focus on LGBTQI+ Diversity and Health”. In the run-up to his inaugural lecture, he reflects on difficult conversations, progress, and how he uses psychology to tackle the still...


Feeling 'different'

With the project 'About not being an Einstein', made possible by a grant from the Diversity & Inclusivity Office, Anke Smeenk wants to ensure that being gifted is more widely recognised at Maastricht University.

Anka Smeenk

Map of facilities at UM locations

Click on the green button to open the map to see at which UM location you will find the following facilities:

  • all gender toilets
  • accessible toilets
  • lactation- and resting rooms
  • baby-changing facilities

Statement of D&I Office

Hate at UM is never tolerated!

At the D&I Office we stand together against any (cyber-)hate in our community. Read our letter!