News and activities
A strong, vibrant and rewarding academic environment is essential for excellent Data Science research. Through a wide variety of community activities UM aims to foster an interfaculty environment for collaborative innovation in the development and application of data science technologies. The community activities will take place both online and offline. The online community platform will be a place to ask questions and to share events, news and success stories. Offline activities will entail seminars, workshops and symposiums.
Data Science Expert Series
The aim of the bi-monthly Data Science Expert Series is to bring together data science experts from across the world to discuss breakthroughs and research topics that are related to data science, to extend the network and to start collaborations.

The UM Data Science Research Seminar Series brings together data scientists from across Maastricht University to discuss breakthroughs and research topics that are related to Data Science.

TeenzCollege puts major current themes in historical perspective, drawing parallels between primarily the Second World War and today’s day and age. Five faculties of Maastricht University provide lectures and assignments on various topics including populism, refugees, racism, alliances, money, power and evil.

Maastricht University is offering lectures to children in their final year of primary school. In these lectures children get acquainted with science in a fun and understandable way.