
Faculty Board

The Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) is managed by the Faculty Board. The FHML dean and two vice-deans, together with the azM Executive Board, also serve on the Executive Board of Maastricht UMC+, a collaboration between Maastricht University and the city’s academic medical centre.

The Faculty Board is in charge of the general direction of the faculty and the management and organisation of the faculty in terms of education and research. It reports to the Executive Board of Maastricht University. The Faculty Board acts in compliance with administrative and management regulations (BBRUM) and the faculty regulations as approved by the Faculty Council.

The Faculty Board consists of the following members:

  • Annemie Schols, Dean: Integral O&O responsibility + Integration Research & Clinics, strategic (inter)national collaborations
  • Stef Kremers, Vice-dean, Deputy dean, Prevention, HR-Recognition and Rewards
  • Mirjam Oude Egbrink, Vice-dean Education


Organisational chart FHML

Download the FHML organigram

Faculty Council

The council of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) is the representative advisory board, elected by the students and staff. The faculty council advises the board of the faculty, solicited and unsolicited. Moreover, the council has a right of assent with regards to a fixed range of faculty issues.

The council has eighteen members: six persons represent the academic staff, three represent the support staff and nine members are chosen from and by FHML students. Council meetings are public, confidential agenda items omitted. In chapter 3 of the  faculty regulations (only available in Dutch) the roles and competences of the council are elaborated upon. 

Council members

Boy Houben (Chair)           Suus Born
Iwan de JongMilo Cheng
Kaatje LenaertsPuck Knaap
Paul VoldersRaoul Mertens
Martina ParicIsabella van Pul Porturas
Patrick van GorpErsi Retounioti
Clarice SoogeleeCaspar van Ruyven
Ruth MeexBart Schrauwen
Inge van der PuttenOlga Kosjakova
faculteitsraad groepsfoto

Faculty Office

The Faculty Office of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) supports the organisation of management and administration of the faculty. The Faculty Office is managed by the director of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, and consists of four departments:

  • Board Secretariat
  • Financial control
  • Human Resources Management (HRM)
  • ICT and Information Management

Board Secretariat

Anouk Kerkhofs
Room 6.N2.011
+31 43 3871330​

(Operational) Management

Kim Luyten
+31 43 3872844​

Institute for Education (IfE)

Within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) the Institute for Education organises the educational programmes, such as the bachelor's, master's and PhD's programmes.

Organisation structure

Board of Directors
 Chair: Mariëtte Cruijssen 
 Secretariat: Nathalie Baltus (

Management team Health
 Chair: Guy Plasqui
 Secretariat: Yvonne Sinsel (

Management team Geneeskunde
 Voorzitter: Roger Rennenberg
 Secretariaat: Alexandra Janssen (

Management team Medicine
 Chair: Roger Rennenberg
 Secretariat: Alexandra Janssen (

Management team Biomedical Sciences
 Chair: Jan Theys
 Secretariat: Britta Jacobs (

Education Programme Committee Health
 Chair: Lianne Loosveld
 Secretariat: Yvonne Sinsel (

Education Programme Committee Medicine
 Chair: Tammo Delhaas
 Secretariat: Koen Veldkamp (

Education Programme Committee Biomedical Sciences
 Chair: Mieke Dentener
 Secretariat: Guy Bendermacher (

Board of Examiners Health
 Chair: Tanja Adam
 Secretariat: Nikki Frenken (

Board of Examiners Medicine
 Chair: Kitty Cleutjens
 Secretariat: Inge Veugen (

Board of Examiners Biomedical Sciences
 Chair: Herman Popeijus
 Secretariat: Inge Veugen (



Institute for Education FHML Maastricht
Universiteitsingel 60

Education desk (student questions)
 +31 43 38 85 655
Secretariat Board of Directors / Secretariat Strategy & Policy
 +31 43 38 85 601

Complaints committee

At the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) a Complaints Committee is active. Students, employees and third parties have the right to direct an individual complaint regarding the manner in which a faculty body, or an individual whose behaviour can be imputed to that faculty body, has conducted itself in a certain situation towards the plaintiff, insofar as those involved have not been able to reach a solution in joint consultation.

Complaints regarding inappropriate behaviour   (My UM > Human Resources Management > Confidential Advisor's Office), such as sexual intimidation, aggression, violence and discrimination fall within the scope of another regulation: the "Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures Regulation for Reporting and Processing Inappropriate Behaviour" provided by the Executive Board on 19 September 2000 and the amendments made since. 


The process of submitting a complaint differs for students, and employees and third parties. Students should direct their complaint to the UM Complaints Service Point. Employees and third parties should direct an oral complaint to the committee chair and a written complaint to the dean.

Download complaint regulations

Further information about the complaint procedure is outlined in the   "Regulations concerning the processing of individual complaints in the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences".

Work for third parties professors

Maastricht University, along with other Dutch Universities, has made a commitment to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science to make the non-UM professional functions and positions of our professors available to the public. The following overview shows the non-UM professional functions and positions of the professors associated with the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.

Overview work for third parties professors.

Research departments

An overview of FHML's Research departments