This FAQ includes the most frequently asked questions PhD canidates may have. We try to answer these as best as possible.
Before the defence
How long does the approval procedure of my defence request take?
Upon submission of Model Letter 2 to the graduate school, along with a copy of your master's diploma and the declaration of scientific integrity, the subsequent step involves awaiting a model letter 3 to be approved by the dean of your faculty. Once approved, the assessment committee will be formally established.
Following this, a letter will be sent to you, your supervisors, and the assessment committee members, formally announcing the establishment of the assessment committee and confirming the approval of Letters 2 and 3. The candidate is then required to finalize the approved version of the thesis and provide it to the assessment committee members in electronic format. Generally, the assessment committee has a maximum of 4 weeks to evaluate the thesis, and the chairperson will directly communicate the results to the supervisory team and the PhD Office.
How many supervisors can be appointed?
Under the regulations for obtaining the doctoral degree , a supervisory team consists of at least two supervisors and no more than three. If there is a desire to extend the team to include four members, the first supervisor must submit a letter of motivation to the dean of the faculty, providing reasons for the necessity of four supervisors. Approval from the dean is required before a supervisory team of four members can be officially appointed.
How does an online defence work?
Our PhD team including our technical support team will provide clear instructions on how an online defence must proceed. Generally, the same format is applicable for both online and in-person defences. This involves the pro-rector initiating the session, followed by a 15-minute presentation from the candidate, and subsequently, a 45-minute period for questioning by the opponents.
Is it possible to have a hybrid defence?
Yes, a hybrid defence is possible.
When do I receive a link to the livestream of my online or hybrid defence?
You will receive a link to the livestream together with the order of opposition no later than two days before your defence date.
How should I address assessment committee members during my defence?
- Professors (with gown): Highly esteemed opponent
- Dr. (no gown): Esteemed opponent
Who needs to provide the mobile phone numbers of the opposition?
In principle, the supervisors or their secretary will provide these phone numbers.
How and to whom must the phone numbers of the opposition be sent?
The phone numbers must be added to the 'order of opposition' form. The filled-out form must be sent via e-mail to: phd-office@maastrichtuniversity.nl.
Where can I download the example form with the order of opposition?
This form will be sent to the candidate as well as the supervisory team upon confirmation of the title page from the Office of Academic Ceremonies.
Which documents can be sent offline and which can be sent online?
The documents can be sent to phd-office@maastrichtuniversity.nl.
How many copies of my thesis do I need to deliver for my defence?
You must submit six copies of your thesis to the PhD Office.
Where can I submit these copies?
Please hand in six copies of your thesis at the:
PhD Office
Maastricht University
Room 0.010
Minderbroedersberg 4-6
6211 LK Maastricht.
When do my books need to be available at the PhD Office?
No later than ten working days before your defence ceremony date.
How will they be distributed?
The candidate has to distribute the books to all the members of the assessment committee and the supervisors. The PhD Office will supply one book to the pro-rector of the ceremony.
How many members does the opposition have?
A minimum of four or five opponents, including the majority of the assessment committee. The distribution should adhere to the following criteria: half or more of the opponents should hold the rank of full professors, and half or more should have affiliations with Maastricht University, which includes your supervisory team.
How many opposition members need to be employed by Maastricht University?
At least half or more.
How many days in advance do I need to request my defence?
You can ask for defence date options once your thesis has been approved by the assessment committee. Please allow for sufficient time to print the copies of your thesis after your title page has been approved and the date and time for your defence has been set.
How many people can I invite to attend my defence?
Please call the PhD Office (+31 43 388 3096) for more information.
Is the venue accessible for wheelchair users?
Does the venue offer parking space for guests?
Parking is exclusively reserved for candidates, subject to availability, and limited to a maximum of two hours. Guests are advised to use the nearest paid parking facility: Q-Park Vrijthof.
Is it possible to bring babies or infants to my defence?
To minimise disruptions for the candidate, we recommend that children under the age of six or infants not attend. If you choose to bring a young child or baby, kindly choose a seat on the balcony.
What to wear during my defence at the university?
Your clothes should be appropriate for the occasion. Dress code examples:
- Men: suit or tail suit
- Women: festive dress or suit.
During the defence
What format does my PhD presentation need to have?
Whether conducted online or in person, ensure your presentation is formatted in the 16:9 aspect ratio, not the 4:3 ratio. A resolution of 1280 x 720 is suitable for both Zoom sessions and hybrid defences.
Can I bring my own device (iPad or laptop) to my defence?
Yes, but remember to bring your own adaptor, especially if you use Apple devices. It's more convenient if you have your presentation stored on a USB stick.
How should I confirm my preferred PhD defence date?
You can confirm the date with the PhD Office by phone: +31 43 388 3096. Following confirmation, please reconfirm by submitting model letters 5a and 5b via e-mail to phd-office@maastrichtuniversity.nl.
After the defence
How can I claim reimbursement for the printing and reception costs?
Please fill out the reimbursement form and send it to the contact person of your graduate school. The contact details will be provided in the email sent to you at the beginning of the month preceding your defence date. Please ensure you attach the original invoices to the claim form. The maximum reimbursement for reception costs is €750, and the combined reimbursement for printing and reception costs should not exceed €2000.
Regeling Druk- en Receptiekosten Promovendi
Promotievergoeding Promovendi
How and by which postal service are PhD certificates sent to other countries?
We use the DHL courier service. Mandatory requirements include providing complete address details and your mobile phone number.
How long does the shipment take?
That is hard to say as each country has different services. We will provide a track and trace number upon request. The degree will only be dispatched after signature by the supervisor.
How do I request a reception after the defence ceremony?
You will be contacted by Eurest or you can contact them yourself by sending an e-mail to eurest-office-fs@maastrichtuniversity.nl or by phone: +31 43 3882002. The reception room (Refter) will automatically be reserved for a reception after your defence.
How do I deal with special dietary restrictions of guests?
Please contact eurest-office-fs@maastrichtuniversity.nl directly. The PhD Office is not responsible for PhD defence receptions.
When can I pick up my certificate?
- Online defences: the degree will be sent to you by DHL if you provide your full address details and mobile phone number.
- Hybrid defences: the degree and certificate will be handed over by your supervisor at the defence ceremony.