Open Science

Universities and research institutes worldwide are working on the realisation of "Open Science"; Maastricht University (UM) is one of them. 

UM endorses the principles of Open Science, offering its academics support to put these principles into practice and make science "as open as possible, as closed as necessary".

In this way, we strengthen ties with our communities and improve our relationships on many levels, from regional to international and from citizens to professionals. 

Open Science can contribute to making science more visible, in the broadest sense of the word.

What exactly is Open Science?

Open Science is a new approach to scientific research. Its aim is to strengthen collaboration, both between individual researchers and between other parties and scientists. Open Science makes research more transparent, controllable, faster, more efficient, reproducible and more sustainable. The idea is that civil society organisations, patient organisations, companies and other organisations can all benefit from easy access to scientific research.

The following themes are important spearheads in UM's Open Science policy:

  • Recognising and rewarding scientists in a different way
    Currently, scientists are usually judged by the number of scientific papers they have published and the research grants they have acquired. Open Science also stands for recognition and appreciation of other issues such as educational activities, leadership qualities and social impact (more information on this topic can be found here). 

    Changing our system for recognising and rewarding is crucial for bringing about the transition to Open Science.

  • Open Access
    This refers to a broad international academic movement promoting free online access to scientific information, such as scientific articles, books and book chapters. In this model, the author or university pays, not the reader, thereby enabling full access to everyone. UM has steadily been increasing its Open Access (OA) percentage and we are aiming for 100% of our published material to become OA (preferably Gold or Diamond OA, with Green OA as a backup, for example through Taverne).
  • FAIR data use
    Research data (both quantitative and qualitative) must be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) to maximize the value of our work. The FAIR principles should therefore form the basis of our research data management strategy.
  • FAIR software
    It is an umbrella term that includes any piece of code, script, package, tool, library, or programme written or used for research. It therefore applies to research tools, research analyses and virtual research environments. We consider FAIR data and FAIR software as complementary to each other.
  • Public engagement
    Often used synonymously with citizen science, it involves engaging the public (both individuals and organisations) in drawing up research questions, conducting research and communicating the results. Specific examples include crowdsourcing, in which citizens are involved in processing of research data, and participatory science, in which participants are involved in steering the direction of the research from problem definition to data collection.
  • Open Educational Resources (OER)
    Teaching, learning and research materials in any medium (digital or otherwise) that are released under the terms of an open license, which allows it to be freely used for educational purposes. OER can be any type of educational material and they include Open Access publications. Their scale varies from something as small as a class handout or image to something as large as a textbook or online course.
  • Preregistration
    This is the idea that research designs are published before the actual research is carried out. The design is as specific as possible and addresses at least the research questions and analysis plan and, if applicable, the hypotheses and the data or data collection method that will be used for testing. The ultimate goal of preregistration is transparency by enabling a distinction between confirmatory and exploratory analyses.

Open if possible, closed if necessary
Drawn up at the request of the Netherlands deputy minister of Education, Culture and Science, the National Plan Open Science has the support of Dutch universities and other parties. The plan aims to help implement the country’s ambitious Open Science policy.

 Also download the UM Open Science policy   

The Research Data Management Code of Conduct
Proper research data management (RDM) is an essential part of the research process and is an intrinsic part of the UM Open Science policy. The FAIR principles form a guideline for RDM, but RDM also deals with other aspects of the research process, such as data security, data retention, data privacy, etc. The Research Data Management Code of Conduct, provides guidance to UM’s academics on how to do RDM in a responsible and productive way.

Open Science tree
Open Science in Maastricht

The National Open Science Festival 2024 at UM!

On Tuesday 22 October 2024, the fourth edition of the Netherlands National Open Science Festival will take place at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) faculty of Maastricht University. This Dutch festival is for the entire open science community and beyond. Professional research support staff and researchers across all disciplines are invited. The day will be full of interactive sessions, an information market, and plenty of opportunities to mingle and meet. Read more on the National Open Science website.

National Open Science Festival Maastricht 2024

What can researchers do?

Open Science – it’s basically a matter of doing it. It can be applied in all research phases (e.g. open pre-registration in the preparatory phase, applying citizen science in data collection, publishing open access after the research is completed). 

Researchers who want some help on how to apply open science practices can contact advisers within their faculty via the following portals.

  • Research Data Management portal
    The Research Data Management portal supports UM researchers making their data FAIR.
  • Open Access portal
    You can find all UM information on Open Access publishing and sharing of research output through this portal provided by the University Library
  • Open Educational Resources pagina
    UM overview page on Open Educational Resources (OER), educational, learning, and research materials that can be used, created, and reused.


For general questions or comments about Open Science, please contact our Chief Open Science Mariëlle Prevoo or Open Science Officer Dennie Hebels.


With Open Science we want to provide more transparency because transparency is the foundation of the public’s trust in science and science’s ability to question and correct itself. 

Prof. dr. Pamela Habibović
Rector Magnificus Maastricht University


What exactly is Open Science?

Open Science proposes openness about data, sources and methodology to make research more efficient and sustainable as well as bringing science into the public. UM has a thriving Open Science community. Dennie Hebels and Rianne Fijten talk about progress, the Open Science Festival and what...

Open Science boom

Cyrus Mody: Open Science’s critical figurehead

Cyrus Mody on being UM’s Open Science figurehead, an inevitable cultural shift and nanobubbles.

Cyrus Mody

The importance of Open Science at UM

Maastricht University (UM) is a leading advocate for Open Science, promoting transparency, accessibility and collaboration in research and education. Dennie Hebels, UM's Open Science Officer, sheds light on the significance of this movement and its impact on academia and society.

Open Science boom

Shaping a Trustworthy and Accessible future in Science | UM Open Science Festival


The Maastricht University Open Science Festival highlighted the transformative potential of Open Science, promoting transparency and reproducibility in research. The event, organized by the Open Science Community Maastricht, brought together researchers, students, and the public to explore...

Open Science Festival @SBE

Publication of national Recognition & Rewards road map

Dutch knowledge institutions and research funders are taking a new step forward in the Recognition & Rewards programme. This involves publishing a road map in all Dutch universities of concrete plans for the immediate future, including new career and development paths for academics.

Routekaart E&W