ICT Facilities
UM offers a range of ICT facilities to students, staff and guests. Examples are wireless internet, advanced possibilities to print, UM accounts and an own desktop environment.
All services by ICTS
You can find an overview of all services that ICTS offers on our ICTS Self-Service Portal.
ICTS Servicedesk
IT support for students and staff
ICTS Self-Service Portal
+31 43 38 85555
Mondays to Fridays 8.00 - 17.00
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday we close at 16:00
Manuals and ICT Services
ICTS Service Desk provides manuals for various situations. You can find them below, and in the future also on the ICTS Self-Service Portal.
Visit the ICTS Self-Service Portal for a complete overview of our Services (login required).
Maintenance, Outages and IT projects
Consult our Outages page for current outages. There you can also find the ICTS maintenance calendar for scheduled maintenance.
Account and MFA
Visit our ICTS Self-Service Portal for everything about your account. If you want to change your password because you have forgotten it or it's due for a renewal, you can do so here.
Change your password and manage your account
Multi Factor Authentication -
E-mail and Calendar
Visit our ICTS Self-Service Portal for everything about setting up your mail programme and default UM web settings.
FAQ - E-mail
Ecosia search engine -
Internet and WiFi
Visit our ICTS Self-Service Portal for everything about setting up your online connection.
Create a WiFi connection
Create a VPN connection
Quick start Eduroam
WiFi for guests (eVA)
Print, Copy and Scan
Please also visit our ICTS Self-Service Portal for even more about setting up the printing opportunities.
Manuals Printing
Upgrade print credit
Help Center print, copy, scan and send -
Software and Applications
Visit our ICTS Self-Service Portal for everything about working on UM computers.
Athena Desktop
Connect to VDI/Studentdesktop
Software for personal use
Add drive mappings on your home computer -
Data storage
Visit our ICTS Self-Service Portal for everything about data storage possibilities.
Data Storage possibilities
Rules and advice about the use of ICT services. Read more