Welcome to the University Council

The University Council is the democratically elected body, representing the university community to the Executive Board. Consisting of students, academic staff, and support staff, it discusses new policies and current developments relating to strategy, research & education, and operations. The Council serves as a sounding board for the Executive Board, is involved in assessment and monitoring of new policies and initiatives, and can make its own proposals.

The University Council is all about letting the community’s voice be heard. We therefore welcome you to speak up and get involved. There are several ways to do that. 

 Read more about how to Get involved!

What does the University Council do?

The University Council works closely with the Executive Board on all university affairs. Consisting of students, academic staff, and support staff, we regularly discuss new policies and current developments relating to strategy, research & education, and operations.

To give our community an impression of what it is that we do, we have briefly summarised our previous main efforts on a poster for you. These past academic years, the University Council has worked on several issues regarding:

  • Sustainability
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Education
  • Research
  • Student Facilities
  • Work Pressure and Recognition & Rewards
  • Social and Sexual Safety
  • Strategic Cooperation
  • University Council Way of Working
  • Future of UM
  • UM and the world


This year, the University Council will continue to discuss and advise on the possible integration between UM and azM/MUMC+ and keep an eye on the internationalisation debate. The University Council will also play an important role in the development of the Human Rights Due Diligence tool.


 Also read our About the Council section and the University Council chair’s blog below to find out more about what we do.

Annual Reports

You can read about all accomplishments by the University Council in our annual reports.

 2019 - 2020
 2020 - 2021
 2021 - 2022


Budgets, Political Agreements, Human Rights and Fossil Free Society, and the MUMC+ Integration

Dear members of the UM Community,

With the new year in full swing, the University Council has gotten back to work. While there are undoubtedly many challenges facing us, our belief in the process of university democracy gives us faith that, together with the Executive Board, we can do what is best...

Portrait Teun Dekker

AI Policy, People Strategy, Government Cutbacks and Elections

Dear members of the UM Community,

Outside, it’s getting a little darker and a little colder, and I don’t just mean in terms of the weather. But it may help to remind ourselves that our basic mission remains the same: to use the awesome power of sciences and academics to help our students and our...

Teun Dekker

UM Council Day, MUMC+ commissie en de financiële situatie van de UM

Dear members of the UM Community,

With the new academic year in full swing, the University Council is also back in business, discussing all the major issues that affect our university in what will no doubt be a challenging time. For this year, the Council welcomed eight new students, who were elected...

Teun Dekker

Human Rights Frameworks, Budget Updates, and Some Exciting Plans for Next Year

Dear members of the UM Community,

The end of the academic year is always a busy period; on the one hand, projects that have been in the works for a long time must be completed, while, on the other hand, preparations for future years need to be made. And all of this is happening in a volatile...

Teun Dekker

Meeting the Supervisory Board, Disability Working Group, New Communication Coordinator

Dear members of the UM Community,

As we start heading for the end of the academic year, it’s time for another update on what has been going on at the University Council.

Twice a year, the University Council meets with the Supervisory Board, the body that oversees the Executive Board, to discuss...

Teun Dekker