Supervision Team

Each PhD candidate is embedded in a Research Line or Division of one of the Schools or Institutes.  During all steps of the PhD trajectory, supervision and guidance is provided by expert researchers, either on the content and/or on methodology.

A supervision team consists of 2 to 3 (co-)supervisors, of which one is a promoter of FHML/MUMC+ and one is the daily supervisor. A (co-)supervisor has to have a PhD degree. In case of external PhD candidates performing their research abroad, communication mainly takes place by long-distance means and a local supervisor is generally also part of the supervision team.

The quality of the supervision is discussed in the annual appraisal and assessment meeting of each supervisor with their head of department, or in case of professors, with the Dean. Also, it is monitored through the PhD TRACK system; each PhD candidate is requested to fill out an annual questionnaire in which the performance of each individual supervisor as well as the team performance is assessed.