PhD Graduate School CAPHRI

CAPHRI is known for its comprehensive PhD programme for talented scientists. As a PhD candidate you will carry out a unique and significant individual research project which culminates in the writing of a thesis. Our committed researchers offer high-quality supervision. We have partnerships with a wide range of organisations and institutions in our region and beyond to ensure that the work you do really contributes to the improvement of care and public health.

Events for PhD candidates and PhD conferrals

PhD representatives year report 2023

The CAPHRI PhD representatives represent the interests of all PhD candidates in our institutes. In addition, they also organize formal and informal events for all CAPHRI PhD candidates to join and they communicate important information to our PhD community. In their year report they provide an overview of all of their efforts. 

You can find the report here

PhD representatives year report 2023 - representatives

Pitch your PhD!

"Pitch your PhD!" session is organized by and for our PhD candidates to provide them with the opportunity to present their work to the CAPHRI community.

All CAPHRI PhD candidates will be invited to submit a pre-recorded 3-minute video pitch of their research project. This can include research results, work in progress, or even a research proposal. After a careful pre-selection, some candidates will be chosen to present their work at the CAPHRI online Research Meeting and will have the chance to win €500 for their own professional development.

Watch submitted pitches here

Pitch your phd


Get an idea of the variety of CAPHRI research and education. In “We are CAPHRI” PhD candidates tell you more about the people, research, meetings and other interesting facts of the Department they are working in.