NUTRIM Projects | Best Practices | Stories - Case studies overview.

NUTRIM's Scientific and Societal Impact



01. Advancing Nutrition Research with novel technologies and innovative approaches
02. COACH Childhood obesity; consequences, prevention and treatment
03. Obesity, impaired cardio metabolic health and COVID-19: a pivotal role of the renin-angiotensin system
04. Prevention in the basic health insurance: The Combined Lifestyle Intervention in the Netherlands
05. Physical Activity Matters!
06. Small lysosomes, Big problems, Great solutions: Lysosomes in control of metabolic diseases
07. Real world data to prevent flares and improve health of patients with IBD
08. Cancer Cachexia: the impact of a tumor on the body of patients
09. On the origins of species: Host-Microbiome-Diet interactions in early life
10. Enterohepatic cycle disturbances in surgical patients
11. Monitoring of disturbed gut by smelling
12. How to solve a traumatic bone defect: insights in metabolism of fracture healing and non-union
13. The application of intrinsically labeled milk protein in human nutrition research
14. Pulmonary epithelial cells as central players in chronic lung disorders


NUTRIM Case studies from Midterm rapport           Download the NUTRIM Midterm report 2020-2023                                                                                                

1. Precision intervention strategies to combat obesity and cardiometabolic diseases
2. Effects of environmental biodiversity on health and microbiome development in early childhood 
3. On the transition towards a sustainable diet: assessing the safety of novel proteins produced by cellular agriculture


01. Advancing Nutrition Research with novel technologies and innovative approaches

Research Area 1: Metabolic Health
Department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences

Who is involved?
Dr. Tanja C. M. Adam, Dr. Sabine Baumgartner, Dr. Peter J. Joris, Prof. Dr. Ronald P. Mensink, Prof. Dr. Jogchum Plat, Dr. Herman E. Popeijus, PhD students, support staff

The research is embedded with the PHuN (Physiology of Human Nutrition) group

Users and collaborations
In our research projects, we collaborate with various national and international user and research groups, and industrial partners.

We receive funding from ZonMw, NWO, TKI-LSH, TTW, several product-related foundations and the EU.

02. COACH Childhood obesity; consequences, prevention and treatment

Research Area 1: Metabolic Health
Department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences

Who is involved?
Professor dr. Anita Vreugdenhil and Department of Pediatrics research team

Users and collaborations

Scientists and healthcare professionals within MUMC+ and around the globe

European Paediatric Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (EU-PNAFLD)

Parents, schools, companies, Youth and Healthcare Divisions, hospitals, municipalities and the Province of Limburg.

Your Coach Next Door website

03. Obesity, impaired cardio metabolic health and COVID-19: a pivotal role of the renin-angiotensin system

Research Area 1: Metabolic Health
Department of Human Biology

Who is involved?
A team effort: the research on obesity and the RAS is embedded within
the Nutrition, Integrative Metabolism and Obesity NIMO lab, PI’s Prof. dr. Ellen Blaak and Prof. dr. Gijs Goossens.

Users and collaborations
In our research projects, we collaborate with various national and international user and research groups.

04. Prevention in the basic health insurance: The Combined Lifestyle Intervention in the Netherlands

Research Area 1: Metabolic Health
Department of Health Promotion and the Department of Human Biology and Movement Sciences

Who is involved?
The team involved works within the departments of Health Promotion and
the department of Human Biology and Movement Sciences. It includes researchers from various backgrounds: psychology, health promotion, movement sciences and physiotherapy. Seven NUTRIM PhD students are involved.

Users and collaborations
In our research projects, we collaborate with various national and international user and research groups.

05. Physical Activity Matters!

Research Area 1: Metabolic Health
Department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences

Who is involved?
Key personnel: Jos Adam, Brenda Berendsen, Bart Bongers, Hans Essers, Chris McCrum, Kenneth Meijer, Guy Plasqui, Hans Savelberg, Paul Willems.

Users and collaborations
The impact of our research is reflected in our broad network of clinical and research departments within the Maastricht University Medical Centre. Furthermore, we have numerous national and international collaborators, including university medical centres and other academic institutions.

Grants from industries, patient organisations and competitive research grants (ZonMW, TTW, Eurostars) have contributed highly to the success of our team. 

06. Small lysosomes, Big problems, Great solutions: Lysosomes in control of metabolic diseases

Research Area 2: Liver & Digestive Health
Department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences

Who is involved?
Our current team includes Prof. Dr. Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov (Principal investigator), Dr. Tom Houben (Assistant professor), Dr. Tim Hendrikx (Principal investigator),  Dr. Albert Bitorina (Research assistant), Dr. Dennis Meesters (Lab manager and technician) and five PhD students; Tulasi Yadati, Lingling Ding, Ines Reis, Annemarie Westheim and Mengying Li.  

The research was supported by multiple grants including NWO VENI, VIDI, TKI-LSH, CVON, VCK, KWF, CTMM, MLDS, Horizon 2020 and Novo-Nordisk Foundation. 

07. Real world data to prevent flares and improve health of patients with IBD

Research Area 2: Liver & Digestive Health
Department of Gastroenterology - Hepatology, MUMC+

Who is involved?
Maastricht IBD-research group, Division 2, NUTRIM Maastricht University and Clinical IBD-team MUMC+: PI: Dr. M.J. Pierik, Prof dr. D. Jonkers , Dr. Z. Mujagic,  Dr. J. Haans, Mrs. M. Cilissen, Mrs. I. Sour, Mr. M. Braun, Prof. dr. L. Stassen, Dr. S. Breukink, Dr. J Melenhorst,  Dr. F. Kokke, Drs. N. Bevers. DataHub Maastricht University Mr. P. Suppers. MyIBDcoach foundation, SMART-IBD network and Sananet bv.

Users and collaborations

The eHealth carepath with myIBDcoach is implemented in routine-care in 20 hospitals in the Netherlands

SMART-IBD is a learning network of health-care professionals (gastroenterologists, nurses, dieticians) of all 20 hospitals involved and the patient organisation (

08. Cancer Cachexia: the impact of a tumor on the body of patients

Research Area 2: Liver & Digestive Health
Department of Surgery, MUMC+

Who is involved?
P.I.s Steven Olde Damink, Sander Rensen.
Our research is the result of a true team effort where input from surgeons, oncologists, nurse practitioners, basic researchers, laboratory technicians, and PhD students is integrated in translational studies with a close eye on ultimate clinical benefit for patients.

Users and collaborations

  • Many world-class scientists, including Prof. Dave Tuveson (USA) and Dr. Sylvia Boj (NL), Prof. Vickie Baracos (Canada), Prof. Paola Costelli (Italy), Prof. David Chang (UK), Dr. Richard Skipworth (UK), Prof. Thorsten Cramer (Germany) 
  • Dutch Pancreatic Cancer Group
  • Groups in other NUTRIM divisions
  • Danone Nutricia
  • Cell Guidance Systems

09. On the origins of species: Host-Microbiome-Diet interactions in early life

Research Area 2: Liver & Digestive Health
Department of Medical Microbiology

Who is involved?
Dr. J. Penders (PI), Dr. Niels van Best (post-doc, joint-PhD UM-RWTH Aachen), Drs. G. Galazzo (PhD-student), Drs. David Barnett (external PhD-student at Maastricht Center for Systems Biology), Drs. Bich Ngoc (external PhD at Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Hanoi, Vietnam), Dr. Giang Le (bioinformatician) and Christel Driessen and Mayk Lucchesi (supportive staff).   

Users and collaborations

Our research on early-life host-microbe-diet interactions is embedded in several ambitious international networks, incl.:

  • the Million Microbiomes of Humans Project 
  •  the InViVo Planetary Health Network 
  •  the JPI Knowledge Platform on Food, Diet, Intestinal Microbiomics and Human Health

We furthermore collaborate with various academic partners (a.o. Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, University of Liège, Wageningen University & Research, McMaster University, Washington University, McMaster University, Charité, DTU Copenhagen, OUCRU Hanoi), as well as industrial partners (a.o. InBiome, Symbiopharm, FrieslandCampina).

10. Enterohepatic cycle disturbances in surgical patients

Research Area 2: Liver & Digestive Health
Department of Surgery

Who is involved?
The research team is headed by P.I.s Frank Schaap and Steven Olde Damink and at present consists of five PhD students and a visiting scientist (Dr. Martin Lenicek). Staff support is provided by technicians Annemarie Bijnen and Bas Boonen (general lab support) and Dr. Hans van Eijk (analytical support).  We are also embedded within the prestigious Sonderforschungsbereich 1382 “ Die Darm-Leber-Achse-Funktionelle Zusamenhange und Therapeutische Strategie of the Deutsche Forschunsgemeinschaft as part of a collaboration with the RWTH Aachen. 

Users and collaborations

Local: Prof. Ron Heeren (M4i) and Dr. Rob Vreeken (M4i), Dr. John Penders (Dept. of Medical Microbiology)

National: Dr. Barbara de Koning, Erasmus UMC, Rotterdam; Dr. Geert Wanten, Radboud UMC, Nijmegen and Dr. Maarten Soeters, Amsterdam UMC 

International: Prof. Mathias Hornef, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany; Prof. Isabelle Leclercq, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels; Dr. Martin Lenicek, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, Dr. Espen Melum, Oslo University Hospital; Prof. Ronan Thibault, Rennes University Hospital, France

11. Monitoring of disturbed gut by smelling

Research Area 2: Liver & Digestive Health
Research Area 3: Healthy Ageing  
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
and Department of Internal Medicine

Who is involved?
The VOCs research group within NUTRIM is highly multidisciplinary consisting of clinicians, chemical, biomedical and data scientists. At present, the team includes two expert technicians, research nurses and seven PhD students. 

Users and collaborations

National and international collaborations include the International association on breath research, Owlstone Medical, Interscience VB, Fraunhofer-Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV (Germany), The Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, UMC Groningen, University of Antwerp (Belgium) and the University of Lille (France). 

The research group has been successful in the acquisition of many research funding from international and national institutions, NWO, ZON-MW, Dutch Cancer Society, EU, MLDS, TIFN and NVWA.

12. How to solve a traumatic bone defect

Research Area 3: Healthy Ageing  
Department of Surgery, section Trauma surgery

Who is involved?
The NUTRIM research team of the traumasurgery group consists of two P.I.s (Taco Blokhuis and Martijn Poeze), together with 2 postdoctoral researchers and 16 PhDs.

Users and collaborations

  • cBITE group (head Prof. dr. Martijn van Griensven) of the MERLN institute;
  • The group of Prof. dr. Joop van den Bergh (high-resolution quantitative CT scanning);
  • Within the Chemelot InScite consortium, the WISE project aims at developing an interponate for posttraumatic arthritis;
  • Together with the department of movement sciences (Dr. Kenneth Meijer) a number of studies are carried out on gait kinematic abnormalities.

13. The application of intrinsically labeled milk protein in human nutrition research

Research Area 3: Healthy Ageing  
Department of Human Biology

Who is involved?
The M3-research unit is part of the Department of Human Biology and includes 4 expert technicians, 3 post-doctoral fellows, and more than 12 PhD students, supervised by Dr. Tim Snijders (assistant professor), Dr. Lex Verdijk (associate professor) and Professor Luc van Loon. 

Users and collaborations

Academic and medical collaborators include: Universite ́Clermont Auvergne, Wageningen University, INRA, University of Exeter, Karolinska Institutet, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Australian Catholic University, University of Birmingham,
Virga Jessa Hospital and the University Medical School in Nottingham. Industrial partners include DSM, Friesland Campina, Danone/Nutricia, Kellogg, Syral, Cargill, Pepsico, and many more. Top Institute Food and Nutrition and the Dutch TKI have been instrumental in bringing all parties together.

14. Pulmonary epithelial cells as central players in chronic lung disorders

Research Area 3: Healthy Ageing  
Department of Respiratory Medicine
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Department of Medical Microbiology

Who is involved?
This research is conducted in a collaborative fashion between the departments of Respiratory Medicine (Niki Reynaert & Mieke Dentener), Pharmacology and
Toxicology (Alex Remels & Agnes Boots) and Medical Microbiology (Birke Benedikter & Frank Stassen), with a total of 8 PhD students and 4 support staff.

Users and collaborations

We work closely with a large number of local, (inter)national, governmental and academic partners. These include the MERLN institute, the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research (TNO), the Environmental Protection Agency (USA), University of Louisville, Purdue University and Brown University, and for regulatory implications with the RIVM, the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), the Study group Tobacco Regulation of the WHO and many more.