Administrative law
Can Asian carbon trading schemes learn from EU case law?
While the EU has set up in 2003 a legal framework for an EU wide emissions trading scheme with the aim of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, countries such as China and Korea have more recently started to apply this instrument. Meanwhile, many court procedures have emerged in the EU regarding the emissions trading system. Professor Marjan Peeters will has delivered a presentation to the conference “Lessons from the evaluation of existing Emission Trading Schemes in China, Korea and the European Union for future design” thereby discussing what lessons can be drawn from the case law experience with the EU ETS for the legal design of an carbon trading scheme. The conference (on 3 – 4 November 2016) was organised by the School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing. Professor Peeters delivered her presentation through skype, also in view of avoiding carbon emissions caused by travelling to China. In this sense, it is also an experiment with doing scholarly work thereby producing less carbon emissions.
Lunch lecture Marjan Peeters:
February the 16th 2016 Prof. dr. Marjan Peeters will deliver a lunch lecture about “Climate policy and law” at the ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. During the lecture Marjan will focus on developments in European climate law in light of the Paris Agreement from 12 December 2015 and the consequences thereof for EU and particularly national climate law. Marjan was recently heard concerning the Urgenda-case at the roundtable meeting in the Parliament. In 2010 Marjan was commissioned by the ministry to research the usefullness of a national climate act for the Netherlands.
Oswald in Stockholm:
The 8th of september 2015 prof. Oswald Jansen gave a lecture at a seminar on the Freedom of Information at the Södertorn University in Stockholm. The lecture was entitled: “Open government and access to documents: recent developments in the Netherlands.” Monday the 7th Oswald also lectured about the system of Dutch administrative law and silence of the administration from a comparative point of view.
On the 10th and 11th of September 2015 Oswald participated in the ‘7. Speyerer Tage zum Friedhofs- und Bestattungsrecht’. He gave a lecture which was entitled: “Bestattungsrecht in den Niederlanden: Andere Antworten auf dieselben Fragen?” (a lecture about the law of cemetaries and funerals).
The Mongolian Rule of Law:
Prof. Oswald Jansen participates as an international expert in a project of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) on assignment of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) which is aimed at the enforcement of the rule of law in Mongolia. Oswald will educate bailiffs about serving and executing administrative judgements. Doing so, Oswald will travel to Ulaanbaatar in March 2016.