Contact NUTRIM
Scientific director NUTRIM Prof. dr. D.M.A.E. Jonkers
Managing director NUTRIM
Rob Levels, Msc.
For general inquiries, please contact: NUTRIM office manager Ms. Ryan van Hooren-Seyben
+31 043-3881476
Communications officer & advisor
Danielle Vogt
Management information officer & PhD-Track coordinator
Patrick van Gorp
Visiting addresse - NUTRIM office secretariat
Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Sciences
Universiteitssingel 40. 2nd floor, room number C2.531
6229 ER Maastricht
Postal address
Postbus / P.O. Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
NUTRIM on social media
PhD inquiries
The NUTRIM PhD Council and the PhD candidate coordinator represent the PhD candidates from all three research areas. The institute PhD coordinator and PhD-Track coordinator are contact points for both PhD candidates and supervisors.
PhD candidates coordinator
Roger Godschalk
PhD-Track coordinator
Patrick van Gorp
PhD School Council
NUTRIM PhDs on social media
Research area leaders
For inquiries, please contact:
Leaders of research area 1: Metabolic Health
Jogchum Plat
Susan Steinbusch - Coort
Leaders of research area 2: Liver & Digestive Health
Ronit Shiri Sverdlov
John Penders
Leaders of research area 3: Health Ageing
Luc van Loon
Ramon Langen