How to get there
Creating Value-Based Healthcare
Visiting address
Duboisdomein 30
6229 GT Maastricht
The Netherlands
Parking address and Navigation
If you use your navigation system, please, use the address Leidenlaan (and not the Duboisdomein) as our parking lot is situated at the back of our building.
Route description
Coming from the South: on the motorway A2, take exit 56 towards Gronsveld/Maastricht Zuid/MECC, leave the exit taking a left onto the Köbbesweg. At the T-junction turn right onto the Hoge Weerd and straight onto the Limburglaan. At the traffic lights. turn right onto the Randwycksingel, take the first road to the left (Leidenlaan) for parking. See for this last section the routedescription.