Creating Value-Based Health Care

Our mission statement

The CAPHRI research line ‘Creating Value-Based Health Care’ aims to contribute to the improvement of population health and wellbeing through better health systems, services and products in all areas of the health care chain. We conduct research in order to innovate and create value at a macro, meso and micro level, balancing societal, organizational and personal values in a reality of scarcity.    

Value-Based Health Care balances societal, organizational and personal values:

  • Societal values reflected in the social perceptions of how to fairly allocate resources and outputs to different population sub-groups (distributive justice), what tradeoff between equity and (allocative) efficiency is socially and ethically acceptable, what the individual’s and state’s responsibilities are, how much to rely on market forces, what government involvement in regulating and monitoring service quality is expected, what level of transparency and accountability is desirable. 
  • Organizational values reflected in principles related to operational excellence, entrepreneurship, productivity, organizational development, innovation, technology, infrastructure and management (strategic management, change management, quality & safety management, logistical management, financial management, information management, human resources management, marketing management, benchmarking and performance assessment). 
  • Personal values expressed through the diverse needs, attitudes, thoughts and feelings, preferences, perceptions, norms, beliefs, and behavior of the individual stakeholders, whose interests can be at odds and who might have the intention to act in opposing directions due to different values the individuals place on benefits, opportunities and costs, but who can also effectively work together with others when provided with adequate incentives.  

Value-Based Health Care is created through research  addressing a macro, meso and/or micro level:  

  • Health systems and policies (macro), with a municipality, national, European and international focus on creating integrated, sustainable and efficient systems and policies for improving health. 
  • Health care organizations and networks (meso), with a focus on creating well-functioning organizations and integrated networks in the health and care sector, as well as other sectors, that deliver more (cost-)effective services and products.
  • Individuals (micro), focusing on (the interaction between) potential service users and patients with formal and informal caregivers.   

Value-Based Health Care research is organized in three research units:

Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment

Evaluating, assessing and improving the cost-effectiveness of existing as well as innovative interventions within healthcare and contributing to (health economic) insights to improve the sustainability, efficiency and equity of health care systems.

Redesigning Healthcare/Sustainable Healthcare

Innovating, assessing and optimizing organizational healthcare arrangements and operational excellence, supporting (digital) innovation, improving population health and optimizing the governance, policy and management of (regional and national) healthcare approaches.

Comparative Health

Taking interdisciplinary perspectives on health in the process of European Integration and Europeanisation and evaluating public health and healthcare policies from European and/or international perspectives.