Optimising Patient Care

In view of advances in knowledge and changes in population demographics and health care, the research line Optimising Patient Care (OPC) wants to provide better insight in effective prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of diseases in (primary) care and public health. We want to turn questions arising from clinical and public health practice into evidence that is applicable in practice itself.

Research and impact

We carry out studies among patients in general practice as well as secondary and tertiary care, and public health settings, evaluating new and existing care elements and strategies. In addition, we run and study population-based cohorts in order to discover new targets for prevention. We have a strong interest in strengthening prevention in the region. We make use of the latest methodological approaches, including prediction modelling, meta-research techniques and machine learning; in the process of designing and performing studies, we often develop innovative quantitative methodology that can also be used elsewhere in clinical and epidemiological research.


Esther Boudewijns nominated for Albert Schweitzer Prize 2022

Our PhD candidate Esther Boudewijns has been nominated for the Albert Schweitzer Prize 2022 with the project 'Cooking should not kill'! 

Esther Boudewijns

Better rehabilitation for people with long-term corona complaints

The PINCOR study will be studying the effect of a person-centered, integrated approach for recovery of COVID-19 with coordination and cooperation of all disciplines involved within a Regional COVID-19 rehabilitation network.


Fewer patients visited GP due to asthma or COPD during the covid-19 pandemic

Since the start of the corona pandemic in March 2020, the use of general practitioner care by patients due to asthma or COPD has been persistently lower than in 2019, the year before the corona pandemic. 

Asthma onderzoek

Catharina Pijls Dissertation Prize for Floor van den Brand

Floor van den Brand has won the Catharina Pijls Dissertation Prize for her ‘excellent research in the field of health sciences’.

Floor van den Brand

EUR 1.32 million for research into giving children a promising start using big data

The Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (national science agenda) has granted a consortium of 25 other organisations, 1.32 million euro to give children a promising start using big data.


Projects and partners

Living Labs

Research Line Optimising Patient Care participates in the following Living Lab:




Here you can find an overview of staff members connected to the research line:

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