CAPHRI has a long tradition of cohort studies and holds or participates in numerous cohorts, in the field of Cancer, Diabetes, Influenza, Asthma/COPD, Physiotherapy, Musculoskeletal diseases, lifestyle and genetic constitution, diabetes mellitus, Quality of Care. An overview (in alphabetical order):
CoDaP cohort
Similarities and differences in treatment and outcomes in COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU in the Euregio.
Cohort based elsewhere shared with CAPHRI investigators
Start cohort:
Internal Principal Investigator: Prof.dr. Iwan van der Horst (CARIM)
CAPHRI Research Line / Department: Creating Value-Based Healthcare / KEMTA
Partners: Jessa Ziekenhuis, Maastricht University Medical Centre + (MUMC+), Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Groupe santé CHC
CORFU cohort
Persistent complaints after COVID-19: infection, epidemiology, pathophysiology, prediction, and communication. The CORona Follow Up (CORFU) study
Start of cohort: 2021
End of cohort: 2023
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sander van Kuijk
CAPHRI Research Line / Department: Creating Value-Based Health Care / KEMTA
Partners: Maastricht University Medical Centre, EuroQol, Zuyderland Medical Centre, Leiden University Medical Center, UMC Utrecht, Radboud University Medical Center, Academic Medical Centre - Universiteit van Amsterdam (AMC-UvA) and Adelante (Centre of Expertise in Rehabilitation and Audiology).
Presentation and follow-up of patients with chronic pain presenting at the pain clinic of Maastricht University Medical Centre.
Cohort based elsewhere shared with CAPHRI investigators
Principal Investigator: Prof.dr. Jan van Zundert (MHeNS)
CAPHRI Research Line / Department: Creating Value-Based Health Care / KEMTA
Expect study
Study on first trimester obstetric prediction models, based upon maternal characteristics and standard measurements for the risk of various obstetric outcomes among Dutch pregnant women.
Cohort based within CAPHRI
Start cohort: 2013
Research Line / Department: Optimising Patient Care / Epidemiology
Principal Investigator: Prof.dr. Luc Smits
Partners: All hospitals in the Province of Limburg (Atrium MC, Orbis MC, Laurentius Ziekenhuis, St Jans Gasthuis, VieCuri, MUMC+), Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC+), Klinische Epidemiologie & Medical Technology Assessment (KEMTA / MUMC+), Midwifes in the Province of Limburg , University of Midwifery Education & Studies, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation (ITC) project
The International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (the ITC Project) is an international cohort study of tobacco use. Its overall objective is to measure the psychosocial and behavioural impact of key national level policies of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). The ITC Project is a collaborative effort with international health organizations and policymakers in 31 countries so far, inhabited by >50% of the world's population, >60% of the world's smokers, and >70% of the world's tobacco users.
Cohort based within CAPHRI
Start cohort: 2008 (cohort 1), 2020 (cohort 2)
Principal Investigator: Prof.dr. Marc Willemsen
Research Line / Department: Promoting Health and Personalised Care / Health Promotion
Partners: University of Waterloo, Canada and universities from other participating countries (mostly in touch with researchers in Germany, England, South-Africa and the USA).
KOALA birth cohort
One of the first large-scale studies exploring the role of the infant microbiome in the etiology of allergic manifestations and childhood weight development.
Start cohort: 2000
Cohort based within CAPHRI
Research Line / Department: Optimising Patient Care / Epidemiology
Principal Investigator: Dr. Carel Thijs
Partners: Depts of Epidemiology; Medical Microbiology; Human Biology; Paediatrics; Health Promotion; Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology (MaCSBio)
Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgkwaliteit (LPZ)
Extensive database that health care organisations can use and which will give the users insight in the quality of the care they are giving in the area of frequently occurring problems, such as pressure ulcers, malnutrition, falling, restraining, incontinence and pain.
Cohort / database based within CAPHRI / Living Lab Ageing and Long-Term Care
Research Line / Department: Ageing and Long-Term Care / Health Services Research
Principal Investigator: Prof.dr. Jan Hamers
LucKi Gut Study
An ongoing, dynamic, prospective birth cohort study, embedded in the Child and Youth Health Care (CYHC) practice in the southeast of the Netherlands. Within this cohort the establishment of the infant microbiome is closely monitored and linked to health and disease throughout childhood.
Cohort based within CAPHRI
Start cohort: 2006
Research Line / Department: Optimising Patient Care / Epidemiology
Research leader: Dr. Monique Mommers
Partners: Zuyderland Youth Health Care, South Limburg Regional Health Service (GGD Zuid-Limburg)
Supported by: Maastricht University Medical Centre, School for Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism (NUTRIM), Kring Verloskundigen Westelijke Mijnstreek , Geboortezorg Limburg B.V., Envida, MeanderGroep
MaastrICCht cohort
Intensive daily follow-up of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients in the ICU. Will be expanded to general IC patients in the future.
Cohort based elsewhere shared with CAPHRI investigators
Principal Investigator: Prof.dr. Iwan van der Horst. (CARIM)
CAPHRI Research Line / Department: Creating Valued-Based Health Care / KEMTA
The Maastricht Study
An extensive phenotyping study that focuses on the etiology of type 2 diabetes, its classic complications (cardiovascular disease, nephropathy, neuropathy and retinopathy), and its emerging comorbidities, including cognitive decline, depression, and gastrointestinal, respiratory and musculoskeletal diseases
Cohort based elsewhere shared with CAPHRI investigators
Start cohort: 2010
Principal Investigator: Prof.dr. Coen Stehouwer
CAPHRI Researchers: Dr. Annemarie Koster, Prof.dr. Hans Bosma, Dr. Simone Eussen, Prof.dr. Annelies Boonen
Research Lines: Health Inequities and Societal Participation, Optimising Patient Care, Functioning, Participation and Rehabilitation
Departments: Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Internal Medicine
Netherlands Cohort Study on Diet and Cancer
A large-scale prospective cohort study on diet and cancer in The Netherlands, started in 1986.
Cohort based elsewhere shared with CAPHRI investigators
Start cohort: 1986
Principal Investigator: Piet van den Brandt
Research Line / Department: Optimising Patient Care / Epidemiology
Southeast Netherlands Advanced Metastatic Breast Cancer Registry (SONABRE)
The SONABRE registry is an ongoing observational cohort study aiming at the inclusion of all patients aged ≥18 years and diagnosed with advanced breast cancer in 2007-2020 in 12 hospitals in the Southeast of the Netherlands.
Start of cohort: 2007
Partners: Maastricht UMC+, Zuyderland Medisch Centrum, Laurentius Ziekenhuis, St. Anna Ziekenhuis, St. Jans Gasthuis, Catharina Ziekenhuis, Maxima Medisch Centrum, Elkerliek Ziekenhuis, VieCuri Medisch Centrum, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, Amphia Ziekenhuis en Elisabeth-TweeSteden Ziekenhuis
Principel Investigator: Vivianne Tjan-Heijnen (GROW)