Personal health information made accessible, complete, neutral and comprehensible

Case study

The 360°CHILDoc dashboard presents a complete picture of a child’s health situation at a glance. The tool can be accessed by healthcare professionals, parents and young people themselves. “It supports the active involvement of parents and young people in their health and facilitates shared decision-making”, explains Miriam Weijers, a public health physician/child & youth health care physician, assistant professor and researcher/PhD candidate. “The 360°CHILDoc provides a solid foundation for clinical reasoning and promotes preventive health interventions”, adds Carolien Bastiaenen, associate professor of Epidemiology.

The 360°CHILDoc (Child Health IntegraL Digital Overview) is a digital dashboard that provides insight into a child’s health and development within four domains: Body Structures and Functions (both physical and mental), Activities and Participation, Personal Factors and Environmental Factors. Miriam: “To provide quality health and preventive care, you must take a holistic view of the child. This requires you to integrate and assess information from different domains. You must also be able to share that information in an accessible way in order to actively involve parents in thinking processes and shared decision-making about health interventions. But the electronic medical dossiers we currently use are unstructured, difficult to navigate and often incomplete. Importantly, this makes it harder to see connections in the data. That’s what inspired me to think about possible improvements. Frans Feron, a child & youth health care (CYHC) physician and professor of Child and Adolescent Health, has been an important source of inspiration throughout the project. To ensure the integration of theory and practice, I involved him from the beginning. I developed a rough design and showed it to fellow CYHC physicians and nurses, parents and young people. They were extremely positive about the concept and its potential. From that moment on, I was given the opportunity to continue working on the project. I earned a master’s degree in Epidemiology to expand my knowledge on the subject. For my final project, I conducted a pilot study of the 360°CHILDoc with Carolien as my supervisor.”

Period: 2015-2022
This project was granted by: ZonMw
Project website:


Quick and reliable assessment

Carolien: “The master’s project involved a pilot study of the reliability and validity of the rough version of the 360°CHILDoc. We investigated whether different CYHC physicians arrived at similar assessments of overall functioning based on the same profile. This was repeated three months later. Both times, the assessments were sufficiently similar. We also investigated whether the assessment of a CYHC physician who spent five minutes studying a child’s profile sufficiently corresponded with the perspective of the child’s own doctor. These results were positive, too. We felt increasingly confident that the tool could support CYHC professionals in making adequate assessments quickly and efficiently.”


Data visualisation and design

To take the development of the 360°CHILDoc to the next level, a grant was secured from the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw). The project developed into a PhD project, with Frans Feron and Carolien Bastiaenen as supervisors. Miriam: “Data visualisation is an essential part of the tool. It is important to evoke the right mood and present information in such a way that connections are easy to see and understand. At Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, we found two lecturers and a media design & technology student who were happy to collaborate with us. They set up a one-year research project to develop the design, taking into account the purpose of the tool, the correct positioning of the different areas, the colour scheme, appealing icons, fonts, etc. They conducted experimental sessions, using methods such as eye tracking, to determine how people perceived and interpreted the design.”


Drs. Miriam Weijers

Carolien Bastiaenen, PhD

Weijers en Bastiaenen

Neutral perspective

Carolien: “It is important that the tool offers a neutral perspective on ‘hindering’ and ‘facilitating’ factors – on what isn’t going well and what is going well. The latter is often not recorded in electronic medical dossiers.” Miriam adds, “But in communicating with parents, it’s important to discuss all aspects of the child’s development, particularly the strengths present within the child and the family. Rather than stating ‘This is how it is, and this is how it should be’, healthcare professionals should make room for everyone’s perspective in decision-making processes.” “The more complete a medical dossier is with relevant information, the better it translates into a 360°CHILDoc”, says Carolien. “Once implemented, the tool may act as a catalyst for more complete and consistent registration of health data.”



Carolien: “The tool is fully in line with the concept of personalised child and youth health care. It focuses on prevention, personalisation of care, participation and prediction (taking health rather than disease as a starting point) – the four Ps. It is now up to the Dutch municipal health services to implement it.” “We’re hoping the PhD project will help generate publicity. We’ve been presenting the tool at conferences, have developed an online training course for healthcare professionals, and it has been included in the Dutch medical curriculum”, says Miriam. “Our aim is to gain public support for the 360°CHILDoc, creating a bottom-up need as well as top-down power.”

Text: Margo van Vlierden
Translation: Emdash
March 2023

The 360°CHILDoc helps us paint the whole picture with parents. It ensures that we don’t neglect or overlook anything. 

- A CYHC physician who participated in the study

It’s enlightening; it’s useful to be reminded of how we were doing at the last consultation, of what was going well and what wasn’t going well. It encourages me to think about how I can help my child get angry less often. 

- A mother

360⁰CHILDoc dashboard


Research team

  • Drs. Miriam Weijers, researcher Department of Social Medicine, Maastricht University and youth health care physician
  • Carolien Bastiaenen, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Epidemiology, Maastricht University
  • Prof. Emer. Frans Feron, Emeritus Professor of Social Healthcare, specialising in Youth Healthcare., Maastricht University 
  • Jonne van der Zwet, PhD, teacher Department of Social Medicine, Maastricht University and youth health care physician GGD South-Limburg
  • Nicolle Boumans, PhD, assistent professor Department of Social Medicine, Maastricht University.
  • Prof. Kay Schröder, Professor (Lector) of Datavisualisation Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Involved Research Lines 

  • Health Inequities and Societal Participation 
  • Functioning, Participation and Rehabilitation

Involved partners

  • Public Health Service of South Limburg (GGD Zuid-Limburg)
  • Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Our most important output for societal target groups

child care

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Short video about 360⁰CHILDoc (in Dutch)